Da da da

The crisp footsteps echoed in the cave.

Xia Yan's expression was a little dull, and he walked into the cave uncontrollably.

Sizzling beer!


Cha Ke Yi!


The elves all noticed Xia Yan's strangeness, and shouted out one after another.

A series of voices came to Xia Yan's ears, waking him up from his stupor.

What's wrong?

Xia Yan looked around, and found that he had already walked half of the way at some point, and the voice of Come on, come on kept echoing in his mind.

I was taken aback.

He looked warily at the red orb not far in front of him.

Just a moment ago, he saw that there were no wild elves blocking the cave, and the target was right in front of him. Thinking of the benefits and changes that might bring him, he relaxed, his tense spirit became relaxed, and he was directly attracted to him. .

If it hadn't been for the calls of the elves to wake him up, he might have held the orb in his hand unconsciously.

What will happen next, no one knows.

The only thing that is certain is that Yaknom, who represents will, tested Xia Yan's willpower. He was completely attracted and lost the ability to control himself.

He took a deep breath and calmed down.

After giving the elves a reassuring look, he adjusted his state, and after a while, he continued to walk towards the orb.

Every step is slow, but very firm.

And with every step he took, the feeling of loosening the shackles in his body when he faced the King of Silence came out.

As if unlocking his body, step by step, the loosening of the shackles became more and more obvious, and the strange feeling in his body became more and more intense.

The elves standing at the entrance of the cave stared at Xia Yan closely.

Especially Yongjila, with surprise in its eyes, the superpower in its body was unconsciously activated, centered on its body, slowly diffused, and vibrated at a special frequency.

After a long time, Yongjila showed a look of enlightenment, and it somewhat understood what Xia Yan was facing at the moment.


Although Xia Yan's footsteps became slower and slower, he finally stood in front of the stone platform.

Looking solemnly at the round dark red orb in front of him, he could even see the flowing halo and the rhythm of special energy in it.

If you look carefully, you can find that the frequency of the rhythm is almost exactly the same as the rhythm of the superpower released by Yongjila at this time.

Slowly stretch out your hand.

Now he can clearly feel that as long as he touches this orb and stabilizes his consciousness and thinking, the strange shackles in his body will be completely released.

this thing.

As Yaknom said, it is the key to open the treasure house in his body!

Xia Yan faintly felt that this dark red orb was quite similar to the orbs on Yaknom's two tails.

It may even have fallen off from Aknom's body.

And what is filled in it is very likely that Yaknom represents the power of will.

The outstretched hand trembled unconsciously, and was no longer under Xia Yan's control.

Xia Yan furrowed his brows tightly, gritted his teeth, and accelerated the speed of reaching out, grasping the precious orb.

In a flash!

Brilliant red light burst out from the orb, soaking the entire cave.

At the same time, Xia Yan faintly heard a crisp sound of click in his body, and the shackles that restrained him broke the moment he touched the orb.

Immediately afterwards.

A blue halo burst from his eyes.


There was also blue light in the eyes of Yongjila at the entrance of the cave.

That's right.


As the shackles in Xia Yan's body were broken, the treasure house in his body that Yaknom said was finally completely opened, and superpowers rushed out from unknown corners of his body like tides.

His willpower, thinking ability, and even the strength of his soul were released in an instant.

Even, Xia Yan faintly saw that there was a figure who looked exactly like him, but was slightly thinner and embarrassed, and slowly merged with him.

'That is... the predecessor of this body? ! '

Without giving him much time to think, the rays of light released by the red orb, after a brief gushing and release, quickly sank into his body like a baby swallow returning to its nest.

The original super power, which was like an intermittent stream, was expanded in an instant.

From the original intermittent stream, it became a continuous creek, then a turbulent river, and finally a surging river.

After doing this, the halo of the dark red orb completely subsided.

Compared with before, it is obviously much darker.

Xia Yan closed his eyes tightly, and wisps of light blue superpowers surrounded his body, like lingering clouds and mists, dense clouds.

next second.

Eyes suddenly opened.

The azure blue super power surged and spewed out, and then disappeared in an instant.

Xia Yan lowered his head slowly, looked at his palm, squeezed it lightly, and felt no discomfort.

Immediately afterwards, the thought moved.

The super power is as easy as commanding the arm, wrapping him, and the soles of the feet slowly leave the ground.

Make a fist.


Xia Yan's eyes flickered.

Awakened superpowers!

With the help of Yaknom, he opened the treasure house buried deep in his body and released his talent.

Maybe it's because he is a special soul of a traverser, maybe it's because there are traces of two souls in his body, or it's because his willpower is firm enough, or it's because he has such a talent himself.

But no matter what, Xia Yan at this time is no longer an ordinary trainer with no power to restrain a chicken.

Facing the wild elves, even without the protection of the big needle bees, they would no longer have the slightest resistance.

In the world of elves, there are capable people, there is no doubt about it.

For example, the Tokiwa power possessed by Watanabe and Sakagi, and the superpower possessed by the famous Super Girl Nazi, as well as the power of waveguide and superpower that he has never seen before, and even more so. Not sure if there is a Dragon Force etc.

Some will show up, some won't.

And now, Xia Yan has finally become one of this group of people with special abilities.

His current super power is not strong, and it is far from Yongjila.

But enough.

Now that the super power has been awakened, there is no way to improve it in the future.

As far as she knew, this group of superpowers existed in the elf world, and they definitely knew how to exercise and improve their superpowers.

Xia Yan did not suppress his excitement.

no need.



'congratulations. '

Suddenly, Yaknom's figure appeared in front of Xia Yan, congratulating him with a smile on his face.

Xia Yan also smiled.

Sincerely said: Thank you.

Yaknom waved his hand, looking quite old-fashioned.

‘It’s because you do have such a talent. I just gave it a push. In fact, after you have defeated the Dumb Queen, you don’t really need the stimulation of the ‘Orb of Will’ anymore. '

As he spoke, his tail flicked slightly.

The scene in front of Xia Yan and the elves shattered like a mirror, scattered into pieces, and finally disappeared into crystal dust.

But when the sight was restored, they were still sitting in front of the previous bonfire.

It seemed that nothing happened, just like a dream.

But Xia Yan squeezed his fist, felt the round thing in his hand, and knew that it was not a dream!

Fourth update! 16-1=15! Please ask for a monthly ticket~~ I feel that I will pay it off before the end of the month~~ I feel comfortable~~

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