The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 283 Overly Cautious and Single Sheath

Doctor Yamanashi wants to see me?

Xia Yan frowned and looked at the message sent by Sirona, and after a little thought, he probably understood.

At the beginning, Sirona gave her Dr. Yamanashi's business card. If she wanted to come to Dr. Yamanashi, she should also know that her dodo bird was Sirona's friend, so she wanted to meet her.

Dr. Yamanashi's egg group theory hasn't appeared yet, but he should already have certain ideas and concepts. If he can leave his name in the egg group, a research that has a higher verification value than 'intimacy', 'dodo bird 'It will definitely go down in history, bah, it must be able to earn a lot of experimental subsidies and revenue sharing.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan replied agreeing reply to Sirona.

But just as I told her, I hope to wait until Dr. Yamanashi's experiment is over before arranging the time.

Afterwards, Xia Yan received information about Xuefeng Temple.

There are many pictures, mostly taken from some old ancient books, with some text explanations attached.

The main content is similar to what Xia Yan knew. In the Xuefeng Temple, there is a sleeping Regi Chikas, and the three pillars guarding it, Regis, Regi Locke, and Regis Chilu.

Of course, this is the information obtained from historical documents. No one knows whether there is really a Regichkas, and they have never seen it.

In addition, there are some maps of Xuefeng Temple, as well as some customs and staffing of Xuefeng Temple, as well as the main person in charge and so on.

Sure enough, it's easy for someone above to do things. With this information, a lot of troublesome investigations can be saved. Xia Yan sighed.

Now that the information of Xuefeng Temple is in hand, Xia Yan can start his own arrangements.

To escort Meiyu and Kaiji to Xuefeng City and Xuefeng Temple, whether by plane or car, would definitely attract some attention.

Their current camouflage is very good, but it doesn't mean they can continue to camouflage.

Therefore, Xia Yan meant that he would go to the Xuefeng Temple alone first, and let Yongjila leave some anchor points for superpowers along the way.

In this way, without any tools, only Yongjila's teleportation move can be used to send them there.

Although Yongjila will be very tired in this way, it is undoubtedly the safest way at present.

However, it is not difficult to reach Xuefeng City, the difficulty is to get close to Xuefeng Temple.

Since the other party knew that Meiyu and Kaiji would definitely go to Xuefeng Temple, as long as they waited, they would definitely be able to wait for them.

So the journey from Xuefeng City to Xuefeng Temple is definitely the most difficult.

Xia Yan can act alone first, go to Xuefeng City, investigate the situation, and then make the next arrangement.

As for saying.

Tell the Union?

Let the alliance send them there directly?

As soon as this thought arose, Xia Yan immediately extinguished it.

To be honest, Xia Yan's trust in the alliance is really not very high.

Who knows if there are people placed by other forces inside?

It's okay to rely on their strength, but I'm afraid it won't work completely handing it over to them.

Otherwise, why did Kaiji insist on looking for Xia Yan, even at the expense of top-quality stones of light?

Didn't find an alliance?

Even if it's just a simple asylum.

There are still people who understand in this world.

Bring back wandering thoughts.

Then what to do next is simple.


Go to Lizhi Lake, a well-known inland freshwater lake in the Sinnoh area, located in the west of Binhai City!

Then pass through Lizhi Lake until you reach the foot of Tianguan Mountain, and then go north along the foot of Tianguan Mountain until you arrive at Xuefeng City in the Northland World in the Sinnoh area.

The advantage of going this way is that you can avoid the path drawn by the alliance, and you can avoid some sights when Yongjila uses teleportation.

Of course, the most important thing is that Xia Yan never forgot, the big piece of stone slab dropped by Arceus.

Tianguan Mountain in the Sinnoh area was one of the targets he guessed.

After planning the route, Xia Yan set off without hesitation.

He has already prepared everything that should be prepared at the elf center, and now both he and the elves are in good condition!

leave the city.

Entered the long-lost forest.

It is winter now, and the Sinnoh region is located in the north of the Kanto and Johto regions, so the temperature is still relatively low.

Xia Yan tightened his clothes.

When the flow of people decreased significantly, the vegetation in the forest gradually became dense, and the traces of wild elves' activities changed significantly, they threw the elf ball to summon Yongjila.

Make it a point to leave superpower anchor points every now and then for future teleportation.

Then he called out the scabbard from the shadows.


The lone scabbard groaned softly, his blue eyes scanned the surroundings vigilantly, and quickly made a judgment.

wild environment.




Single scabbard.


After getting along and contacting each other during this period of time, as well as deliberately cultivating a tacit understanding and increasing the degree of compatibility, Xia Yan and Du Jianshea have gotten to know each other quite well.

In Xia Yan's view, the single scabbard is very powerful, which is a bit too cautious, but it does not mean it is a bad thing.

At least, if you leave some things to the sole scabbard, it will think a lot and do things more reliably, but sometimes it will become timid because it is too cautious.

From Du Jiansheath's point of view, Xia Yan is a trainer who is more in line with its wishes, more thoughtful about things, and more cautious in doing things.

It can be regarded as a complementary pair.

Cut off the branches and bushes on the road. Xia Yan said.


The solo scabbard froze for a moment, and immediately acted.

'Understood! Cutting off the branches and bushes that block the line of sight can prevent sneak attacks on the loopholes in the line of sight! '

Looking at the single scabbard who obviously understood a little too much, he opened up a path in the forest into a Zhuangkang Avenue, Xia Yan rubbed the corners of his brows, and then finished speaking.

. Make way for easier walking.


Yongjila couldn't help laughing out loud, and turned his head to prevent Xia Yan from seeing the smile on its face.

Xia Yan opened his mouth, and finally choked out a sentence, It's okay.

In this way, the single scabbard opened the way ahead, Xia Yan and Yong Jila followed silently, and gradually entered the depths of the forest.

As it goes deeper, the number of wild elves naturally increases, and the deeper they go, the stronger the wild elves become.


Most of these wild elves could not pose any threat to Xia Yan, and they all fell under the sword with the single scabbard.

Sure enough, fighting is the best way to develop a tacit understanding. Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh.

Until, they accidentally entered the territory of a group of elves.

A gray elf appeared in their line of sight, and after withstanding a sneak attack from the shadow of the single scabbard without any damage, it attracted Xia Yan's attention.

She frowned, Charming meow?

And, with the appearance of this charming cat, more and more charming cats gathered here as if they were summoned.

Boom, boom, boom—

After gathering so many charming cats, the sound of heavy footsteps, as well as the signature fat body, lazy eyes of contempt, coupled with its self-proclaimed elegant footsteps.

Dong Shi meow!

Du Jiancao hurried back to Xia Yan's side, his vigilant eyes swept over the dozen or so charming cats and Dong Shi cats.


'There are so many people on the other side, why don't you run away? '

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth twitched, and he reached out and grabbed the hilt of the single scabbard.


Chop first, if you can't cut it, slip away.

With that said, he threw the scabbard on it.

The strongest is only the senior level, what are you afraid of?


Yongjila's spiritual field was instantly opened, and the sword scabbard was swept away.


But, when Yongjila's spiritual field opened up, it looked at a certain place in the forest with a slightly suspicious look.

What's wrong, Yongjira?

Yongjira shook his head hesitantly.

Didn't see anything, but it did feel like there was something just now, and it disappeared in a flash.

But looking in the direction, he didn't see anything.

He touched the prayer beads in his hand, and tightly held the spoon in his hand.

The battle begins.

Fifth update! 21-1=20!

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