The low-level trainer of the elf world

Chapter 268: The Protagonist Panel's Single Sheath

The auction is still going on.

But Xia Yan's mind is no longer on the auction.

Holding the elf ball of the solitary scabbard, rubbing the smooth glass on it lightly, I saw the solitary scabbard staying obediently inside.

After thinking about it, I opened the poke ball.

Release the solo scabbard.

Although the solo scabbard after it came out did not put on a weak and cowardly expression like before, it was still submissive and cautious.

Single scabbard. Xia Yan called out.

The single scabbard looked at him with a little awe in his eyes.

Xia Yan rubbed his temples with a headache.

How did this character develop?

Single scabbard, Pokkigu was just joking just now, don't take it to heart.

The blade of the single scabbard nodded to express understanding.

‘If you subdue it, you don’t need to be eaten, understand. '

But seeing it like this, how could Xia Yan not know that it didn't really let go of its vigilance at all.

Tell me about your past. I have already told you about ours just now. As a sincerity, you should also tell about yours, right?

There is no way, Xia Yan can only choose to try to start from its unknown past.

Maybe we can find the reason why the only scabbard becomes like this.

The solo scabbard fell silent.

It was quite rare to restrain its disguised expression.

It has been subdued, and it seems that it does not have many opportunities and abilities to struggle.

Maybe Xia Yan will feel the danger of this world after hearing its past, and he will be more cautious in doing things in the future, so that it can be safer.

Then the scabbard began to tell about its past, and Yongjila helped translate.

Slowly, Xia Yan finally understood why Du Jianshea had such a personality.

I also gradually understood the reason why its temper became like this.

Speaking of it, it is also strange that the scabbard has a protagonist panel.

As we all know, there is only one characteristic of an elf with a single scabbard, and that is defenselessness.

In the battle, the role of no defense is to enable both sides to hit the opponent accurately, greatly improving the accuracy of both sides' moves, which is a characteristic of fighting bayonets, not playing those fancy and imaginary ones.

But outside the battle, the elves with no defensive characteristics are like a guiding light, attracting wild elves to approach.

This is nothing at all, that is, there will be more wild elves encountered, just like the protagonists in some novels, even if they don't ask for trouble, they will take the initiative to find trouble.

But once.

He had just left his original life for a long time, and he wanted to venture into the world of elves proudly. Like many predecessors of the same race, he left behind countless legendary lone scabbards and came to Send God Mountain.

Proper protagonist panel start.


As luck would have it, the no-defense feature comes into play again.

He was actually in Sending God Mountain, just in time to meet the Pluto dragon Qi Latina who was about to break through the space barrier and break free from the shackles of Arceus!

Because Sending God Mountain is the same as the misty island that Xia Yan visited before, it is the weak point of the world destroyed by Giratina and the world of elves.

Although the single scabbard didn't know Giratina, but through its description, Xia Yan confirmed its identity.


The solo sword scabbard who was just about to venture out was full of ambition, had he ever seen such a powerful and terrifying elf?

In particular, its defenseless nature successfully attracted Giratina's attention, and it had a close contact with it.

How could the solo scabbard, who has not been deeply involved in the world, have seen such a big battle?

What I felt from Giratina was endless fear.

It had an indelible impact on its young mind at the time.

Ever since, the single scabbard has decided that the degree of danger in this world is very terrifying.

Decided to face everything with a cautious character, and strive to live to the end of old age.

Moreover, in order to increase one's survival rate, one concentrates on exercising, keeping one's ears to the outside world, and rarely shows oneself in the eyes of others.

The reason is to fight until death.

Also from then on, the single scabbard no longer needs to absorb the life energy of others to replenish itself.

I don't know why, but after being in contact with Giratina, the single scabbard seems to feel a steady flow of power from within his body, and life energy is no longer a necessity for it.

It's a pity that it was discovered by Fu Rong's grandfather with strong eyesight, and he was brought to the interior of Songshen Mountain to be cultivated.

But vowed not to attract the attention of others, how can he show himself as the sole scabbard of an ordinary steel sword?

As a last resort, I can only pretend to be myself.

Unexpectedly, Furong's grandfather had already seen through its disguise, and took advantage of this trip down the mountain to take it to better understand the world.

It is also the only elf who is unwilling among so many ghost elves who follow Furong.

But after all calculations, Xia Yan still discovered the clues of it, which had been disguised for so long.

After listening to Du Jiansheath's narration, coupled with his own imagination, Xia Yan roughly understood the whole process.

His eyes became a little strange.

Isn't this the proper protagonist panel and experience?

The normal ending should be that the lone scabbard who has practiced for thousands of years has evolved into a sword monster with a strong shield, but still thinks that his strength is weak, so he becomes an elf that everyone fears in Sending God Mountain.

And the chickens, fish, etc. in its yard have become the top elves in the eyes of others.

Unfortunately, it didn't survive.

It was discovered by Furong's grandfather and Xia Yan that it was different.

Letting out a long breath, the single scabbard stood there slumped.

No wonder.

It was still innocent at the beginning, and it directly encountered Giratina, one of the strongest bosses in this world, so it was strange that there was no shadow in its heart.

Xia Yan, who understood the whole process, still had a headache.

How should this adjust the character of the single scabbard?

Not to mention, in the games I played before, the character of the elf really has the item of cautious.

It's just that the single scabbard has gone a little far on the road of cautiousness.

With a thought.

It's not to completely correct the character of the single scabbard. It's actually quite good. Xia Yan thinks that he is also a cautious person, which can avoid many unnecessary troubles.

As long as you're not so cautious and overly timid.

So the first step he has to do is to let the single scabbard build up basic confidence, and have a new and more accurate understanding of his own strength and the general strength of the elf world.

Xia Yan suddenly said to the single scabbard in a deep voice: The elf you met, we have also met.

Hearing this, Du Jianshen suddenly raised his head, his face full of surprise.

Its expression seemed to say, Are you still alive?

The corner of Xia Yan's mouth twitched, but he continued, It's not as scary as you said.

Chakey? Pokkigu stared at Xia Yan.

Before it finished speaking, Yongjila covered its mouth and backed away, and gave the solo scabbard a smile.

Whispered to Bo Keji: Yong Ji.

‘It’s time to perform gong, don’t you understand? '

The single scabbard was not affected, but looked at Xia Yan in shock.

Not scary?

Obviously such a terrifying existence!

Immediately reacted.

This time, I seemed to be following a very remarkable existence. Facing such a terrifying existence, I actually stood still and said that it was not scary at all!

In the eyes, there is worship.

There was a slight curvature on Xia Yan's face calmly.

You see, isn't the most basic confidence established?

Although a bit exaggerated.

Fifth update! 26-1=25! Half of it is over!

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