This Sect Armament is also a large destiny condensed, roughly the same as the Nation Armament, but the biggest difference is that the Nation Armament needs the king destiny to control, while the Sect Armament needs sect destiny, and also needs sect recognition, usually Sect Master can use.

And the strength attribute is a bit different. The strength of the Nation Armament is a country’s strength, and the Sect Armament is a sect of strength.

The two can’t say who is weak, such as the sect in this world, but also has the same strength as the country, but the system adopted is sect only.

Zhao Wei cares about whether he can refine it as Great Qin’s Nation Armament, because now Daqin can have no sect, even if it is refine, it can be used without sect, it still can not be used.

This matter is still put down first. First of all, how to destroy the four forces, now the four forces have been wary, not good to attack.

Anyway, Ye Dynasty plus Great Qin’s help in the dark, but also enough to form a crush, Zhao Wei chose a blatant attack, here Zhao Wei only used the previous 20 million troops, and then added 10 millionsoldiers, ready to stand in reality.

Great Qin’s people don’t have to do it for the time being. The news of this offensive, Zhao Wei did not make any concealment. It is best for everyone to know.

Three hundred City Lords have 20 millionsoldiers, divided into four teams, with a strong momentum, while attacking four forces.

This news quickly spread to South Demon Continent. The parties were optimistic about the show. Ye Dynasty finally started to work on the four forces, because Ye Dynasty and the four forces have always had personal grievances, and the parties can not participate. Willingness.

Because Ye Dynasty got the help of the mysterious force, some of the strength expansion was terrifying, and no one wanted to provoke it.

The four most panicked forces, because their original strength is only 11,000,000, the City Lord is only two hundred and forty. When they learned that Ye Dynasty came, they also withstood huge resource consumption and temporarily expanded the force to 20 million. I hope some resistance.

Because the four forces are the defensive side, and they have always been wary of Ye Dynasty, they naturally occupy the land and build a solid defense with favorable terrain.

And Ye Dynasty’s four teams, Zhao Wei alone brought a team, chose to attack Demon God Sect, because I want to see for myself what it means to be a Great Qin’s Sect Armament.

The other three teams, Ye Cang, lead a team, and the other two teams are led by Ye Dynasty ancestors, who have already hidden Great Qin’s people and are ready to shoot.

Five million troops came to a big mountain, and a great wall has been built on the mountain, up to 20 meters, with a strong and heavy momentum, standing on the ridge.

On the Great Wall, people who were also full of Demon God Sect looked at the Ye Dynasty army underneath with a look of vigilance.

Zhao Wei is still wearing black, covering the appearance and body shape, with a strong momentum, standing on the void, the air around it seems to be solidified, with a strong depression, so that countless people can not breathe.

As Zhao Wei came with a strong momentum, the wall immediately caused a panic, because the momentum of the City Lord can not bear, a long-bearded old man rushed out of the crowd, loudly shouted, “My Demon God Sect swears absolutely not with Ye Dynasty is an enemy, can you let me go to Demon God Sect once!”

Zhao Wei stood above the void, coldly snorted. “It is already late. Ye Dynasty has given you the opportunity. You chose to betray. Now you only have to choose to surrender, or choose to die!”

The long-bearded old man’s face is ugly, and there is a strong momentum, like a gust of wind, and some angry screams. “My Demon God Sect wants to be the first sect of South Demon Continent, but it’s not so bully, although the strength is Not as good as before, but you Ye Dynasty want to swallow us, it’s not that easy, you have to pay a big price.”


A magic light rushed to the sky, and the wind suddenly changed suddenly. A huge incomparable pressure, such as an invisible pressure, shrouded the entire battlefield. A spider statue with strong magic light emerged from the old man’s body, but the old man’s Strength climbs to the extreme.

The black spider, palm sized, dark, with four blood-colored eyes, with a fierce and evil strength.

This should be Demon God Sect’s Sect Armament, the strength is strong enough, not weaker than the strength of Nation Armament. In fact, in the previous battle, Zhao Wei also witnessed the magical seven using Sect Armament, showing the terrible strength.

I want to use the powerful strength to let Ye Dynasty scruple and not dare to do it. There is no party who does not worry about the loss. I want to force Zhao to succumb to it.

Zhao Wei did not talk nonsense with him, and the Great Qin Royal Seal, an equally large terrifying momentum, shrouded the battlefield. As the city became more numerous, the Great Qin City upgraded, and the strength of the Great Qin Seal was stronger than before. a lot of.

“Get together and destroy Demon God Sect.”

Zhao Wei voice with pressure and ice-cold, and some disdain, hidden in the army of two hundred Great Qin City Lords immediately obeyed the explosion, from the upper wall to the upper.

But it is not over yet, Zhao Wei has thrown out fifty spiritual pets, fifty ice and fire with huge flames and cold currents, because the dragon is huge, and as a dragon, it destroys more than the general City Lord. Effective, absolute terrifying war device.

There are two hundred City Lords, plus thirty dragons, and Demon God Sect is a total of forty City Lords. His face is very pale, and with the long-bearded old man, his face has changed greatly, cursed, “Ye Ye Dynasty is shameless, and even borrows the mysterious force, and your Ye Dynasty is their running dog.”

Zhao Wei was sneered, did not answer his words, directly attacked, more than 200 City Lord directly attacked the City Lord, fifty dragons spewed a lot of flames and cold currents, attacking the sandiers on the wall, a screaming sound, countless People are directly burned to death or frozen into ice sculptures.

All the archers on the wall, pulling the bow to the full circle, angry arrows to the dragon, countless arrows with a broken sound, shot to the dragon.

Dīng dīng dīng ……

Constantly clear sounds, countless arrows were shot on the dragon’s dragon scales, and all of them were blocked from flying out, without hurting the dragon.

However, a large expanse of arrows and rain, or people flying dragons pain, flying high, but this did not let the sandiers on the wall loose a breath, because the lower Ye Dynasty soldiers have rushed up.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

A root arrow whistling, with a strong force, flying to the wall, and then falling like a heavy rain, blood splashed, a large screams sounded.

Áooooo ……

A sound of dragons rang, and a dragon that flew high above the sky, with a hint of anger, flew down again, raised his stomach, and then spouted a flame and cold current.

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