The women of the Five Great Dynasty, Bai Qi also caught Zhao Wei early, including their mothers, sisters, aunts, aunts, cousins ​​and other women.

Of course, there are also women who belong to legatee, among them there are many women of Ancient Beauty Rankings, such as women who are based on Di Wutian, among them, Su Dafei, who ranked third, ranked eighth with h, and tenth. Xia Ji of the seventh, Dong Xiaowan ranked twentieth, Li Hongzhu ranked thirty-nine.

The other dynasty’s legatee, there are basically women on the list, because they are not only beautiful, but also a large number of Phoenix Qi, all dynasties need.

Su Dafei was a bit strange. Bai said that these people had a chance to escape, but she took the Qingqiu family and countless treasures, waiting for the arrival of this Great Qin’s.

When it comes to Di Wutian’s woman, the number is really quite a lot. The name of his affluence is heard by everyone. The number of people is more than 300, and they are beautiful and charming. I heard that Di Wutian is another big hobby. This is the collection of beautiful women.

These women more or leSS also have some Phoenix Qi, so they are also brought back from the white, for Zhao Wei refine Nation Armament, or directly enjoy.

Zhao Wei actually had a virgin complex before, but now this view, as the age changes, slowly weakens and is not very concerned.

In contrast, Zhao Wei is more inclined to his wife and mother, and they will have a little more love for them. Perhaps someone has already discovered that Zhao Wei is special, because most women are related to this attribute, and of course there are some big ones. People are not aware of it.

This reason may be related to Zhao Wei’s childhood, but it is not very important, so there is no need to say more.

Treating these women, Zhao Wei also changed his previous thoughts. As an emperor, the most powerful person in the world can of course do whatever he wants without any restraint.

Of course, Zhao Wei’s feelings are rarely rare. Most women Zhao Wei didn’t even care about it. Zhao Wei didn’t respect women, but Zhao’s character was like this, and he would give them what they wanted.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Zhao Wei has enrolled those women in a total of more than 500, of which Shang Dynasty accounted for three-fifths.

The most conspicuous woman in a woman is naturally Su Dafei, a pair of winking eyes, and their Qingqiu Clan is also a kind of Nine-tailed Fox with an innate charm.

In fact, Zhao Wei listened to Little Nine during the healing session and said to this sister Sue. Because she belongs to Nine-tailed Fox, Little Nine likes Su Daji. She is the only woman in Five Great Dynasty who has preferential treatment, and it is not because of Little Nine. Relationship, but she is good at talking, successfully convinced Li Si and many ministers.

Secondly, she was willing to dedicate Qingqiu Clan to Daqin. Zhao Wei also personally summoned her. During the period, she had not described things, and she was a little surprised. She was still a virgin, and she did not touch her with Di Wutian’s romantic personality.

Su Daji’s explanation is that Qingqiu Clan always likes to attach strong, although Great Shang is very good, but it is not the best, and the country has not built, she agreed with Di Wutian, after the founding of the country will give himself and Qingqiu Clan to him Unfortunately, it was eventually destroyed by Daqin.

Zhao Wei now understands why the outside world said that the relationship between Su Daji and Di Wutian is very vague. It turns out that Su Daji has always had a back road and has no single-minded loyalty to Shang Dynasty.

However, several other women, that is, Zhao Hanh, are not the only ones.

A few of them looked very complicated and looked at Zhao Wei. Originally, they were sent to the Great Shang by the family. As a woman of Di Wutian, but now they are caught by Daqin, their destiny can not be mastered. This is the woman in Chaotic World. Sorrow.

However, the only thing that is fortunate is that the Emperor of the Great Qin is still very good for women. There is no such rumor and cruel metamorphosis. With the strong strength of Daqin, they can settle down in Daqin.

After enshrining them as shackles, they also provided Daqin with a large number of Phoenix Qi. Not a loss of five dynasty women, the crystal beads in Zhao Wei’s body were also affected by Phoenix Qi.

Then, Zhao Wei took the five Nation Armaments that were not resisting and came to the Heaven and Earth Refining Formation, preparing for the Heaven and Earth Great Refining, and refining the five pieces of Nation Armament together.

This requires more people to greet Heaven and Earth destiny. Now Daqin is not lacking, because the five dynasties have been destroyed, and the Great General corpses have been refined, giving them a meritorious person.

Zhao Wei directly brought twenty-five people, standing next to Heaven and Earth Refining Formation, and placed five pieces of Nation Armament in the center of great formation. Zhao Wei inevitably had a hint of excitement. As long as they were refined, Daqin could have five more Nation. Armament.

If the last war, relying on the strength of the Six Paths Demon Statue, it is unlikely to resist the combination of the two Guardians and the Eleven dynasty, at this time Nation Armament plays a major role.

Twenty-five people listened to Zhao Fu’s command, ignited their personal destiny, and injected it into the formation. All the crystal stones in the jade trough were just turned into powder.


A loud-shaking loud noise, which resounded throughout China, countless people could not help but look at Daqin once. Since the war, Daqin has been calming down and devour all the power to occupy the occupied area. No major events have occurred. Now it is declared Daqin. What are you going to do?

However, there is no strength that can withstand the footsteps of Great Qin’s. Just like the Qin State in history, the six countries are unable to resist the unification of the Qin State.

Heaven and Earth are changing, the wind is surging, the wind is blowing, the sand is flying, the trees are swaying, and the whole China feels a huge destiny gathering to Daqin.

This time, to refine five pieces of Nation Armament, the stimulating destiny is naturally huge, because China has only 12 pieces of Nation Armament. This number is almost halfway.

The huge colored tripod in the sky, emitting a vast expanse of strength, standing between Heaven and Earth, seems to suppress the world.

And five pieces of Nation Armament in Ding, was baked by an invisible fire, originally five Great Dynasty, all traces of breath were burned, Daqin destiny crazy into it.

Five pieces of Nation Armament, which absorb countless Daqin destiny, are slowly changing, because these five Nation Armament belong to China, and Daqin belongs to China, so you don’t need to use destiny as a guide, you can directly refine.

After a while, all the traces of the original Five Great Dynasty were burned, and numerous Daqin breaths and imprints emerged from the five Nation Armaments.


Another loud-shaking loud noise, that huge incomparable ding, turned into countless destiny dissipated, five large changes in the Nation Armament, exudes a terrifying pressure, slowly descending from the sky.

Zhao Wei smiled, reaching out to catch five pieces of Nation Armament and view its attributes.

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