“Now that you are in a coma, temporarily out of danger, we have to deal with the rest of the matter as soon as possible to prevent any changes!” Li Si glanced over the surrounding ministers and suddenly started talking.

This time, the three system forces around Daqin can also participate in it, and they are still dispatched by the whole army, but as a result they are defeated, and the most serious loss is still them.

What Daqin is doing now is to clean up these systemic forces. According to the previous plan, it is to destroy the Vietnam and destroy the three huge system forces.

The Vietnam State has completely captured, and its 230 area, because of the war, has not been processed for the time being, but Great Qin’s North is settled.

The other three directions add up to a total of 2200 cities, but most of the City Lord and Soldiers have died. Even if they are not dead, they will take the city to move away and dare not stay in place.

After the end of the war, Baiqi led troops to attack five dynasties, and the five dynasties were in chaos because of the death of legatee, and they lost a lot of people in this war, but the people have fierce resistance, but they are still forced. After attacking, I also paid a little bit of casualties and killed a lot of people.

Bai Qi was responsible for attacking five dynasties, while Wang Wei, Wei Wei and Bai Xihan, three of whom were responsible for attacking the system forces in the three directions of Daqin, were relatively easier, because the City Lord died and the troops almost died. Daqin won’t have any accidents.

Of course, because the area is nanorous, there are 300 areas in the West, 230 areas in the East, and 190 areas in the South.

In addition to these system forces, of course, there are some players, it is more time-consuming to clean up, after the five dynasties, because of fear of the safety of the Majesty, the people will return quickly, and the three Wang Su continue to attack the city.

Li Si means that now that you are in a coma, you can’t make any decisions. They have made the remaining things as the courtiers. Daqin’s total strength should be able to capture these cities and regions at the fastest speed.

White heard the words, nodded, and left with some Martial General. Li Si also took the numerous Civil Minister, and was also prepared to receive a large number of Population, build houses in time, plan the living area, and have various things.

In fact, Daqin still has a Resurrection Pill. No matter what kind of injury, even death can be saved soon. This medicinal pill is not Li Si, but this medicinal pill, in the Zhao Fu’s Disaster King Ring, This is basically no one can get it, or it will be used long ago.

Daqin generals and generals, there are countlesssoldiers, with a huge momentum, such as the tide of fierce flooding to the three sides, almost unstoppable, one by one, the city has been destroyed, almost swept the 720 area.

This 720 area, plus 230 areas of Vietnam, is a total of 950 areas, and the territory of the original Qin State has reached 520 areas. Now with this 950 area, it is a total of 1470 areas, enough to put Great Qin Empire is promoted to 1st Grade Marquisdom.

However, the first is to clean up the 950 area, and to build the third Great Wall and protect the Great Qin’s 1470 area in the Great Wall so that it can serve as the Great Qin’s territory.

At the same time, there are conditions for upgrading 1st Grade Marquisdom, which requires three Noble City and six capitals.

Pay attention to Noble City here, not Royal City, so you only need to upgrade the three capitals to 3rd Grade, then use Region’s Power, you can upgrade to Noble City, you can save a lot of experience, but you need six capitals, which can Some difficult.

Because it is necessary to upgrade the six cities into a heavy city, it still requires a lot of experience. In fact, the war is the fastest way to develop. This time, the five dynasties that have been attacked by white, the Great Shang has been upgraded to the 1st Grade capital.

After attacking it, Daqin satisfies a condition for upgrading Marquisdom, and it is only five cities.

In the past, Daqin also striking down 7000City Lord, which was a useful city for 3000, but the 4000City Lord Seal became a useless City Lord Seal.

Because these cities are relatively wide, Daqin can’t find it quickly, and others naturally understand that leaving this city pool will strengthen Great Qin’s strength, so it is destroy, so Daqin has more 4000 useless City Lord Seal, which is Can continue to be integrated into the body of the Dragon and Corpse Soul Commander.

There is also a useful city of 3000, which also provides nearly 800 million Population for Daqin. Such a huge injection into Daqin can provide a lot of benefits for Daqin. The first is to add a lot of destiny.

In the battle before that, Zhao Wei was able to fight against two Guardians, and the Nation Armament of the Eleventh Dynasty, which was almost exhausted by Great Qin’s destiny. It can be said that Daqin is now lacking destiny.

After attacking these areas, Daqin also temporarily stabilized and entered the full construction. Although there was no Zhao Fu’s instructions, there were numerous ministers and generals. Everything was going very smoothly. Daqin was also in a peaceful peace.

Time came to October 1st, a kind of change made Daqin shake, because Great Qin’s king, but also their majesty, the injury suddenly increased, the situation was in an emergency.

In the face of that terrible injury, even the Middle Level Life Spring Water effect is weak, because this is not the injury caused by the general strength, which makes the entire Daqin into a panic.

Li Si couldn’t help but think of the Resurrection Pill at a time. At this time, the situation was so urgent. Li Si planned to take off the Zhao Fu’s Disaster King Ring, forcibly erase the mark left by his majesty, open the Disaster King Ring and take out the Resurrection Pill.

What is surprising is that the Disaster King Ring bleSS ing their High Emper SS’s Emperor imprint, even the white can not be forcibly erased, this is anxious, intends to call all the Qin Qin City Lord, together to force the imprint go with.

But at this time, things changed a little at a time, and Flower Fairy suddenly came out and said crisply, “Can I give it a try? Maybe it will save your majesty!”

This makes everyone happy. For the mysterious and unknown Flower Fairy, everyone still believes, because they have no way at the moment, only forcibly breaking the Disaster King Ring, but that is very big for the Disaster King Ring. The impact is even damaged.

Flower Fairy, led by everyone, looked at the young man lying on the hospital bed. His face was pale and weak, his breath was very weak, and his chest was wrapped with white bandages, but there was still constant blood infiltration.

Seeing this situation, Flower Fairy was not hesitating, sitting on the edge of the bed, reaching out a hand, a colorful light, from her palm, she put her hand on Zhao’s chest, that colorful The light penetrated Zhao’s body.

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