Because this matter can be related to the entire flower month, its importance needless to say, think of those sisters, Baile can only refuse Jiangsu and Zhejiang.

Su Zhe arrived and was not angry. He continued to explain gently. “Le Le! is just a piece of information that is not important to Daqin. Daqin will not know that you did it, and I told you who came.”

At this time, Su Zhe said a few words next to Bai Le’s ear, Bai Le was shocked. “They really come back? Together to destroy Daqin? Are you crazy?”

Suzhe chuckled, said, “Now you know how much they have the strength, it will definitely destroy the Qin State, I promise you 100%, and certainly no one will know that you leaked information, and the Great Dynasty has done Commitment, as long as you provide Daqin intelligence, you will not be able to do it in the future.”

Bai Le pondered for a while, and thought of the numerous sisters of Huayue, then gently nodded and promised.


This time, Daqin was in danger. The Chinese forces got news and couldn’t help but look serious, because the strength of the condensed strength is really terrifying, and it is difficult to resist with Great Qin’s strength. As for their eligibility to resist.

I regret now, I know that I don’t want to rely on Daqin first, mainly because those people are really too shameless, gathering so many people to attack Daqin, how Daqin can resist.

Many of them joined the Great Qin’s forces and regretted it. They did not expect that many dynasties gathered so many people to attack Daqin, 30,000 City Lord, and more than 700 million troops. This strength can take a continent. It’s really a bit mad, how are so many forces Hatred of Daqin.

In order to make Daqin isolated, China Great Dynasty joined forces to release the killing order, as long as any forces related to Daqin are killed, there will be no one left!

This scared countless forces to announce that they had broken off all relations with Daqin. They did not have any contact with Daqin because the strength of the Great Dynasty was really too terrifying, let alone destroying a Qin State and destroying a continent.

In those previous voices that were suppressed, they once again appeared. Originally they hated Daqin, but as the threat of Great Qin’s grew, they naturally did not dare to say anything because they feared Great Qin’s revenge.

Now Daqin is going to be destroyed. They are naturally one of the most happy people. They are not worried about the threat of Great Qin’s. The sounds are naturally unpleasant, such as the following sounds.

“Garbage Daqin Fuck continues to look at it, now I am your mother, how can you help me? It is a garbage pen.”

“I have to turn over Daqin, I have been watching this animal for a long time. I have been unhappy, and I have been holding back, that Emperor of the Great Qin is a dog.”

“Heaven Path is a good reincarnation. Now everyone has revenge, resentment, complaints, follow the forces of all parties, kill all the people in Daqin, and grab their women to be slaves.”

“Right! Killing Daqin this thing, isn’t Fuck cruel? Isn’t it human? If you kill so many people, you should get retribution, go to Daqin together, eat Daqin meat, and rape the Qin woman.”

“At last, someone came to preside over justice. It is necessary to kill all the people in Daqin. These are not people, they are things that are not as good as animals.”


Originally, after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, Daqin, who has received countless welcoming respects, has lost his identity. If the rats in the street are screaming, they will avoid it and fear that they will have some relationship with Daqin.

Even the most supportive of Great Qin Emperor’s Ying Family, a few people have been shaken, but forced by several Patriarch.

Huayue learned about this news, and there were some vacillations. Some people said that they had a sever relationship with Daqin, because the player’s power is the closest to Daqin. If Daqin is destroyed, the flower month will be destroyed.

That strength Daqin can not resist, how can Huayu resist, only to break the relationship with Daqin can survive, or the end of the same destruction as Daqin, they will also die.

There are not many people who have these ideas in the flower month. Bai Le sees this heart and feels relieved. Although there are many people who have such thoughts, Xiao Yueyin, the leader of Huayue, has not made a certain decision, Su Yuyan also pondered.


An old man in the clan patted the table angrily. “Is this group of people crazy? This kind of thing dares to do it. In order to destroy Daqin, it is really unscrupulous. They don’t want to destroy the consequences of Great Qin’s?”

“This time, Great Qin’s is hard to survive. With their present strength, we are also very difficult to intervene. There are too many enemies. The Emperor of the Great Qin is powerless and may be killed on the spot.” An old man sighed.

In fact, the relationship between Daqin and the clan is still greatly eased. Since Nulu was married to Daqin, Great Qin’s attitude has also slowed down. The clan has also changed some thoughts on Great Qin’s. At this time, it is really concerned about Great Qin’s safety.


“Wang! This is the news about Daqin. I heard that people on our side are also involved.” A silver knight on one knee squatted in front of Arthur Tina and handed a message.

Arthur Tina gently touched it, took the information, opened it, and frowned slightly.


In a white sacred church, a beautiful woman in a white robe tells Gorfi about the information she gets.

Gorfi looked up at Jesus and sighed. “I don’t know how many people will die this time. In fact, I appreciate the Emperor of the Great Qin, but this time he may really die!”

The beautiful white robe woman heard the words, thought a little, and scorned. “The Holy Son, do we need to intervene? I heard that there are also a few of us who are continent!”

Gorfi shook his head. “This is not something we can intervene!”

The country of pharaohs also received the news that Akhenaten could not be sneered, “The world destiny leaned to China, the birth of the Emperor of the Great Qin is such a monster, dead, he can’t die, how can we have a chance.”

However, it is not a common temper to fight in Chinese. This scale is enough to change the pattern of a continent. It will continue to help Si Ji to destroy Great Qin Empire from the side. Remember to be careful and never be found.

Hanano Mai got the news, showing a look of concern, just want to see it in person, perhaps also help the Emperor of the Great Qin.

But a monster, but it is holding her, this monster is Shuten-dōji, the original real clothing using All Biology Lair and monster stone fusion into the City of Youkai.

This City of Youkai is not only the Shuten-dōji, but also the Great Tengu, Tamamo-no-Mae, and all kinds of monsters. They all revived at Heaven Awaken World with the City of Youkai. Of course they also Serious clothes are the mainstay, and the real clothes have such a strong strength. The big reason is this group of monsters.

Although the real clothes wanted to see, but they were persuaded by the numerous monsters, they could only wait in the attic of the monster city with a look of concern, looking to the direction of Daqin.

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