Because not only do they have more than five people, but the equipment is stronger than him. If they stay here, they will definitely die. According to them, the country is over, and no one will save him, so he can only escape.

He wants to escape, but how can five people have the opportunity to give him, and the five people are also scattered, rushing toward the obese middle-aged man, one person holding a long gun and slamming into middle age, while the middle-aged man uses a sword, Another person can attack from the side, obese middle-aged man can only hide from the side.

However, his body is not flexible. Although he has escaped the attack of the second person, he did not hide the attack from the back of the third person. The big knife with a sharp blade qi opened the back of the obese middle-aged man and splashed blood. come out.

Five people quickly solved this obese man, then moved the system Main City, and turned into a stream of light to leave, leaving only an angry person and sodiers.

At the heart of another system gathering place, it can be at the center of the gathering place, which undoubtedly shows that the city is strong and its City Lord’s strength will be stronger than the average person.


A cold man, woke up from his sleep, felt something, his face changed, and then rushed out of the room, only to see a young man in a dark robe wearing a white sword and walking with him. Come.

This young man exudes a sword intent, which looks like a sharp man. It seems to hurt people. He is definitely an extremely dangerous person. He is Gai Nie.

“I don’t want to kill too much, you surrender to Daqin!” Gai Ni a pair of eyes calm, looking at the cold man without any fluctuations.

The cold man was so despised, his heart was angered, and he took out a skeleton, and a cold air burst, and the ground stepped, the ground was instantly cracked, and his body flew out like a sword, just came in a flash. In front of Gai Nie.

The cold man holds the skeleton with both hands, slamming forward with a spur, his pointed head braving the yin, and the faint ghost is drilled out of it, with a terrible destructive force to stab the gay chest, which is to be hit, then The whole body will be permeated and die.


In the face of such a terrible attack, a word cry sounded crisply, and a silver-white sword arc flashed away. Gai Nie still stood with a sword in his hand, and a few drops of blood dripped from the sword.

The cold man looked horrified and grabbed his throat. A pair of eyes glared at Gai Nie and eventually fell to the ground.

A gray City Lord Seal emerged from it, and Genna’s face remained unchanged. He waved the body and the City Lord Seal, then went to the City Lord Hall to transfer the system Main City. Gagne’s strength is absolutely rare. In the Daqin, the top few can be ranked.

Because most of the system Main City is a heavy city, most of Daqin also used the heavy city City Lord to deal with, other Small City’s City Lord, it is used to clean up the players.

One City Lord suddenly fell on the player’s gathering place, and then directly killed the City Lord. In the face of the player’s power, Daqin didn’t have any idea of ​​wanting to conquer, so he directly striked down, with one gingering place being destroyed, the whole The country is also confused, and it is filled with a sense of panic.

The news that Daqin attacked the country was not only spread throughout the country, but also spread closely to the great Qin’s numerous forces.

There is only one idea for everyone, that is, the Vietnam is going to be finished. There is no country in the world. Daqin is really a terrible means. The first thing to establish a country is to destroy a country. This makes everyone feel amazed.

Zhao Wei also took more than 500 City Lords and attacked Hồng Bàng. The strength of Hồng Bàng is already clear. There are more than 8 million Populations, a million players, and more than 50 City Lords.

At this time, the news that Daqin attacked the country has not yet spread, because all the people shot at the same time, Zhao Fu’s goal is Hồng Bàng, so directly brought people here.

Although there is no awareness of Daqin attacking the country, the alert is already very strict, and there are Soldiers guarding everywhere, alerting to all the circumstances.

Five hundred City Lords of Daqin came to Hồng Bàng, and did not think of the legacy city of Hồng Bàng, which is Hong Pang City, with a powerful Sky Prohibition Formation, which also made it impossible to fly around.

But the strength of the Sky Prohibition Formation can withstand up to one hundred City Lord’s strength, so the City Lord brought by Zhao Wei directly broke out and bombarded the Sky Prohibition Formation, causing the entire formation to break apart, and the numerous City Lord also directly entered the city. .

Savage, violent attack on everything, a powerful attack makes Hong Pang City appear in pieces of ruins, shock waves such as the wind spread, many people die directly under the attack, screams and fears continue, Hong Pangcheng is also confused.

Zhao Wei also took out Sword of Death and injected Emperor’s Power into it. The blade made a strong gray light. Zhao Yiyi sword slash out, a figure like a ghost, with a tidal atmosphere, attacking the City Lord Hall. go with.

The huge Death Qi poured into the area, covering the area of ​​the six or seven miles, and the people in that area were eroded by countless aura of death, and the life was instantly lost. The area became dead, with at least 40,000 deaths, mostly It’s just the people.

A red-red protective cover emerged and the City Lord hall entered a state of self-protection.


Zhao Wei also felt a bit tingling in his heart, frowned, and found that the heart, that is, the black eyes of Zhanlu Sword, was stabbing Zhao Fu’s heart. This kind of pain is not physical pain, but spiritual. pain.

At this time, Zhao Wei also said with some anger. “That Zhanlu Sword is not a good thing, it is really accidentally counted.”

Usually, this eye that is implanted in Zhao’s body is no different. When Zhao Wei just killed four or five thousand people, the eyes have a tingling sensation on Zhao Wei. The reason is also very clear, because Zhanlu Sword It is the sword of the Way of Benevolence.

Zhao Wei just killed so many people, naturally it is not the Way of Benevolence, but also contrary to the Way of Benevolence, the black eyes have a stinging on Zhao Wei, this sting is just a little bit, now it is getting stronger It is already a little bit painful.


A huge momentum broke out, a young and thin young man with a terrible strength, rushed to Zhao, this young man is Hồng Bàng’s first legagee Xiongjiang.

Zhao Wei used Emperor’s Power to force the tingling sensation brought by this eye. At this time, Xiongjiang held a three-pointed and two-edged knife in both hands, and unceremoniously brought Zhao to come and bring a huge Knife wind.

In the face of this general attack, Zhao Yi and his sword took a huge sword force and immediately flew out the Xiongjiang River, causing his body to fall heavily on the ground and throwing out a large pit of more than ten meters.

Zhao Wei now has the strength of Royal City, and it is still a country’s Royal Seal strength, and all the heavy city strengths that broke out in Xiongjiang are still very weak in front of Zhao Wei.

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