Yueshou is a chess piece buried by Daqin. All that was done before was to help Daqin to eliminate the country. In the past three years, the righteousness and integrity that has been manifested in the past three years have been dedicated to the country and to help everyone in Vietnam.

No one can think of it. It turned out to be a Great Qin’s piece. It really doesn’t look a bit, and some people don’t even believe it.

Other forces that have been paying attention to Daqin’s news have also obtained the information of Yueshou. They have really not seen it. This patriotic power is actually a cancer. Daqin hides three years of conspiracy. This is not a general deep.

At the same time, all countries have no doubts about whether there are any chess pieces inserted by Daqin in their own territory. Because the more they keep the chess pieces, Daqin has been in the next three years. Daqin obviously has a layout. They worry that they are also in the huge conspiracy of Daqin.

Now the 120 area of ​​the country is directly destroyed by the Daqin, the five legacy of a country is dying, two huge system forces are dying, and more than 40 million players are also killed, causing the entire country to be badly wounded.

Because the country’s total population is more than 80 million, it is now half dead. This half-level cultivation base is cleared, and Heaven Awaken World will be re-entered after ten days.

It can be said that the entire country has been greatly damaged. Daqin swallowed up one-third of the territory of the country. It also made the whole country extremely angry. He hated to die, and wanted to kill all the Great Qin’s people, and then whip them. corpse.

This is also the first time that a force has touched the whole country and sensationalized the whole world. Because this is a force, it dares to attack a real country. Who can do it now, absolutely no one.

The strength that Daqin showed was really a little scary. I didn’t think it had already been able to counter the existence of a country. At this time, it cannot be described by power, because it is now a real country, that is, Qin Guo.

Although Qin has not yet truly established the country, everyone has already regarded him as a country. It is also the first country in the world to be restored. No one has any opinions.

The forces of all parties were shocked by Great Qin’s strength. China’s dynasty legatee’s face was also very ugly. They all gave up all the power to develop, but they still did not catch up with Daqin’s footsteps.

China officially can’t help but suffer very much. Daqin now has no need to worry about the whole of China, or even go out independently and become a superpower. There is no problem in the same country as China.

In the whole world for the strength of Daqin, and feel the moment of fear, countless people in Vietnam are angry and mad at the second Great Wall, both eyes are on fire, with a killing intent and hate watching Great Qin on the wall Army team.

Daqin actually attacked them directly, and destroyed countless forces and occupied one-third of their land. What is even more frustrating is that Daqin used various things to do, and made them feel deeply deceived.

For example, the Great Wall was originally built by them to defend against systemic attacks. Now it is used by Daqin to defend them.

However, they are gathered here, and they can only watch it, because there are also 100 millionsoldiers on the wall, and even if all the players from Vietnam are gathered here, they only have 40 million.

More importantly, Daqin has mastered a lot of striking down realistic player’s means, this death can really be death, so that they can not help but stop, so they are angry, but still afraid of death.

Here, the forces of the various countries in the country gathered together, not only a martial art family, but also the power of the rest of the country, as well as the dynasty legatee who has the only Nation Armament in Vietnam.

Zhao Wei sat in a chair, facing the glare of countless Vietnam, no fear, just sitting there like it, like a little contempt, looking down from the heights of the people of the country, as if not looking at the whole country Look like that.

A young and thin young man, he should be the master of the Nation Armament dynasty legatee, others are also based on him, then he is cold-faced started talking, “the Emperor of the Great Qin! Why attack me over the country, please give One saying, we are not bullied by all of us in the country.”

Zhao Wei couldn’t help but smile. In fact, if he didn’t care about other countries, Zhao Wei would like to destroy the whole country. In the face of their words, Zhao Wei replied with a chuckle, “Do you think there is any good explanation?”

This made all of Vietnam’s hearts sigh, and there was a sigh of anger on the face of the young and thin. He never had such contempt and said with anger. “I hope that Qin Qin will return to your China’s region. We can not. As an enemy of Daqin, we are not pursuing what you have done before.”

When I heard this, Zhao Wei couldn’t help but laugh. Strength decides the world of everything. Standing on the weak side and dare to speak like this is a bit too arrogant.

Not talking back, the fate of all the ruts and attacks, directed to countless Vietnam, but all posted True Damaging Talisman, if they do not know how to lift, Zhao Wei does not mind to start the massacre, kill these Vietnams.

In the face of countless arrows, all of the Vietnams are in a cold heart, and they can’t help but back a few steps, and there are a few more fears on their faces.

The head of the youth, as well as the leaders of various forces, are very angry in their hearts. Daqin clearly does not want to say anything more, and the Vietnamese side is not too daring to launch an offensive directly.

The faces of Vietnam are very ugly, and the numerous players are also extremely grievous, mainly because they are weak, and the weak people in the world do not resist power. If they have the ability, they will suffer from Great Qin’s.

The scene was quiet and the atmosphere was somewhat depressed.

At this time, some people stared at the city wall, and they looked awkward. They couldn’t stand the oppression of Daqin. They shouted loudly. “What are you afraid of? I don’t want to die like this. I have to be dignified when I die. Look at the bones of the country.”

The man shouted and picked up the weapon and rushed to the wall. It was like an explosive charge. All the people shouted and rushed to the wall, and an amazing momentum broke out.


Zhao Wei eyes on ice-cold, watching countless rushing Vietnam, without a trace of feelings, issued an attack command.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

Numerous arrows flew out and cut through the sky, making a sound of sound, like a piece of arrow rain, with a sharp and huge arrow, covering all the Vietnam.

Pū pū pū ……

Numerous arrows penetrate the body of a player, blood splashes, and each player dies on the ground, while the real body follows death.

The leaders of various forces quickly stopped loudly because they knew the result and understood that they would lose. The end was to be destroyed by Daqin.

At the same time, a wave of attacks exhibited by Daqin, numerous arrows were shot, and the 5 or 6 million people in front were directly killed.

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