After the city was smashed, the two sides officially smothered together. For example, the tidal system Soldiers fiercely attacked the army, and the army that lost the command became more chaotic. Once retired, it could not form effective resistance.

The sound of the weapons of the two sides collided with each other. The battlefield was very fierce. The screams continued, the blood was splashing everywhere, the body was lying on the ground, and the death spread quickly.

The people who are defensive are constantly being killed. Of course, they also counterattack, but the effect is very weak. The system soleliers cultivation base is much stronger than them, and they are suppressed in all aspects.

The system City Lord, also directly implements a powerful attack, blasting to the defenders, powerful destructive power, killing countless people, and making them more confusing, but also for the powerful city Lord of numerous A sense of despair.

In the end, the majority of people who died on this side, the original 25,000,000 people, finally only fled from less than a million people, all others were killed by the system forces, the system army side, there are also four million losses.

However, from the point of view of the war, it is only a loss of four million. This is a big victory. It is just to pay such a casualty to eliminate their biggest threat. Every City Lord feels worthy, but there are some places that make them strange. .

That is, the people who are obeying are feeling too good to kill, especially if there is no City Lord. Is it that they accidentally meet a perfect time, and the more the City Lord is not there, so they are cheaper?

Although it is not clear what this is the matter, the fact is that they have eliminated the biggest threat to them.


In reality, the people who guarded the good camps have made their reputations decline rapidly. Many people have asked for more and more to give an explanation. There are also many people who resist the defense. Most of them are people who have been cleaned up.

The ambition of Yueshou’s ambitions has also led to the discussion of various forces, how to resist the overstepping, and all parties have even decided to unite together to eliminate the stagnation, because it is undoubtedly the greatest threat.

But at this time, they did not think that the more defensive was actually destroyed by the system Main City, the original 2,500 people, almost all died, this sudden change, making countless people in Vietnam more strange, it feels like The same as fake.

Because the Guardian has just cleaned the various regions and the strength has been greatly improved in a short period of time, the forces of the parties have been somewhat scared. Now they suddenly hear it being destroyed. The average person really does not believe it.

But as the dead people return to the real world and spread the news of the Yueshou, everyone now understands that the more the defenders are killed, this thing absolutely shocks all the people in the country.

I just wanted to unite against the forces of the defense, and I couldn’t help but smile. Now I don’t need them to do it at all, and I will solve it myself.

Ordinary people have different attitudes toward this matter, there are regrets and sorrows, because they still believe that the more they are good, and the other are ridicule and insult. Now, when the ambition is exposed, it will be destroyed. It is purely deserved.

As the biggest force in Vietnam, and it lasted for three years, it also made many people deplore. No matter it is good or evil, it is at least a powerful force, so it is so easy to be destroyed, it is quite regrettable. of.

Everyone has a heated discussion about this war, because there are still some doubts, such as the disappearance of City Lord’s, why the system army will suddenly call.

Looking back to Heaven Awaken World, the system army just won, and the people began to pack up the spoils, and then they were about to prepare to go back and celebrate the victory.


A loud voice sounded, which surprised the Numerous City Lord. I saw a terrible army, like a flash flood, and the horrible and turbulent atmosphere made countless people feel erect. The number of people is unclear. Look, but at least 100 million.

This also makes the countless system Main City, the face changes greatly, it feels like falling into a trap, this trap is the whole bait as a bait, attracting them to swallow the bait without jealousy.

At the same time, a strong breath, also appeared in the sky, each body exudes a strong atmosphere, the number actually reached 1,500 City Lord, its huge pressure, as if the air solidified.

This makes the numerous system Main City want to run the first time, because they now have more than 300 City Lords to deal with 1,500, but they must play five, so how can they win?

Theirsoldiers have just fought a battle, strength has been used a lot, but it has not recovered. The body is even more with a few injuries, the number is only more than 30 million, but it has to face 100 million troops, and their enthusiasm is also insufficient. .

But they want to run, the Great Qin’s army is already ready, surrounded by them, not just the lower Soldiers, even the upper system City Lord, is also surrounded by the Great Qin City Lords.

The system numerous City Lord, his face became very ugly, started talking, “Who are you?”

Zhao Wei chuckled, emerged from the void, and at the same time with a very terrifying pressure, like a mountain, covering all the systems Main City, the voice is full of domineering, “you have only two choices, or choose to surrender Daqin, Either choose death.”

“Da Qin!”

These two words immediately caused exclamation, the system City Lord’s face was ugly face-to-face, Great Qin’s terrible strength, they have heard of it, although they have not officially handed over, but understand that Great Qin’s is strong, now it looks like this, it really is People are scared.

However, as a person of Vietnam, of course, they are not very willing to choose to surrender to Daqin, because Daqin can belong to foreign forces.

“Spread out to the East!”

There is not much hesitation, a City Lord quietly observes the encirclement, and finds that the East is weaker, so loudly shouted, in this one of the City Lord and Soldiers, also rushed to the East, wanting to break through the Daqin.

Bang bang bang ……

Suddenly a loud bang came out, and in the original Small City, a huge explosion occurred one by one, the white light was glaring, the ground violently vibrated, the shock wave of the explosion turned into a substantial shock wave, and everything was destroyed, endless yellow sand Being brought to the sky, a huge mushroom cloud rises.

The system solitiers in it, has not reacted, was swallowed up by white light, the body was blown into countless pieces, and the body of the outside was blown apart.

The originally ordered 30 million system Soldiers, under this explosion, became chaotic, with at least 5 or 6 million Soldiers dying on the spot.

In this Small City, Daqin has already buried 30 Crystal of Destruction. Since the entire Yueshou is used as a bait, of course, it is necessary to make good use of it.

The various systems did not expect such a thing to happen, and looked at everything that was raised, but Zhao Wei launched a storm with Great Qin City Lords.

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