When the people who are obeying the enemy hear the words of the enemy, they can’t help but doubt the original purpose of the defense. Is it the same as the enemy said, it is the evil tiger in the sheepskin.

At this moment, the older members of the old guards could not help but fall into meditation. They joined the defending team for three years. The feelings of the defenders are not generally deep. They are also for justice, and in order to cross the country, they must join the defense, and the more they stay true. It is evil, is it worth their allegiance?

The people who joined later mainly benefited. Whether it is good or bad, it is not very concerned. In fact, it is waiting for and attacking orders and robbing the enemy.

The army of Yueshou was somewhat shaken. At this time, a loud voice sounded. “Do you want to believe the words of the enemy, not believe in it? Think about what you have done for three years, and think about helping you.” Also use what to prove, rush! Kill these people, treasures just take it!”

This in turn makes the swaying military heart condense again. Although there are doubts in the heart, under this hostile party, we should not think more.

The more the squadron initiated the assault, the tidal people, with fierce momentum, rushed up the wall, using various methods to start climbing the wall, and each archer also covered the rear.

The enemy also strove to counterattack, throwing giant stone giants, smashing the people climbing the wall, and also pouring down the hot oil, causing burns to them, and the archers also struggling to attack.

However, although the enemy’s people are very fiercely resisting, the number of people who can defend this side is numerous. After a wave of arrows and rains continue to fall, various spell attacks are also going up, and the city walls have no idea how many deaths and injuries.

The people who crossed the gates still boarded the wall and began to kill them with the enemy. More people also boarded the walls and killed the enemy.

The battle in the sky has already started, Li Qinqian also hands-on, a sword with a sharp sword light, attacked a Small City master, and the Small City master full defense, or was flew out, spit a large mouth of blood.

A rumbling sound continually sounded, the enemy became more and more unfavorable, and an old man cursed loudly. “The people you keep guard must not die, you are a group of hypocritical demon!”


A sharp knife, the old man was split in half, the blood splashed, the corpse fell back to the ground, and a City Lord Seal stayed in place, emitting a slight radiance.

“Ah! ”

Another screaming sound, an obese young man’s hand was broken by a sword slash, facing a few defending City Lord’s attack, has been unable to resist, and looked at the battle, understand the hope of no victory, can only shout, Willing to surrender.

The war situation also quickly stabilized. Two million people died on the side of this side, and the enemy died four million people, and many more were captured.

The other two teams also eliminated the remaining forces, gathered together here, originally 30 million troops, and now 25,000,000, a total of 260 seat, which is the total harvest of the 35-zone area.

Because most of them are players, so most of these cities are Small City class, can have 260 seat harvest, Zhao Wei is also very satisfied.

However, the doubts that have been buried in the hearts of the numerous members are also reflected in the end of the battle, and many people are thinking.

Is the swearing tiger in the sheepskin, is it all pretending to be all right, saying that those who are evil are actually filthy, and the real purpose of the defensive is not to occupy the area, the more loyal is ambitious ? The more you keep, the more you want to be the country, whether they are still justice.

Many people directly find the high-level officials and ask for countless doubts. Some people even shouted, “If you stay true, you will voluntarily withdraw from the defense, and you will never fight for the career. On the side of justice, only standing on the side of the country.”

With this, shouting out, more people are gathering, and they are equally emotional, because they are just for the sake of justice, good patriotism, and even a few military people, because the military does not act, Patriotic only joined the defensive.

If all this is false, everything is more disguised, then what they insist on is fake, and Faith’s is also fake, which makes them unacceptable, so emotional and painful.

More than 20 of the City Lords, who were also guarded by countless members, wanted to let the leader explain this and prove the innocence.

Now that it is dark, Li Qinqian smiles and appears in front of everyone, and said with affection, “Now, at the end of the war, we should celebrate once. As for your questions, I will give an answer. Please believe me, believe in the more.” .

Now Li Qinqian personally stood up and explained that this made the hearts of the people slightly loose, and not so excited, waiting for Li Qinqian to reply tomorrow.

At the same time, a jar of wine, a plate of dishes also came up, everyone began to celebrate the victory, for the time being also forgot the doubts and unhappiness, for Li Qinqian they still believe her.

At this time, the place where the station was stationed was the city that was previously captured. Li Qinqian also gathered all the high-level guards and concentrated in one room.

The seven adults here are Great Qin’s people at the beginning, only 30% are the players of the City Lord. Now the three-way player City Lord, also guessing that Li Qinqian is looking for their purpose, should be for this time to clean up the bright camp.

The eyes of the people are also concentrated on the Li Qinqian above. They are still very admired for Li Qinqian. A woman can develop a force to such a large position and become the first force in the country. This ordinary person can’t do it.

“The leader! Is there anything?”, a young man couldn’t help but ask.

Li Qinqian chuckled and ordered a cup of tea. “In fact, there is nothing. This time, the more you can win, you have worked hard. This is a good herbal tea prepared by my life. You should taste it first, then Let’s talk about things again.”

The player City Lord looked at the numerous City Lord and drank it directly. He also took a sip, but his face changed dramatically, showing a look of horror and disbelief. He looked at the Li Qinqian above and shouted, “The leader Why?”

Now that they are all in Heaven Awaken World, the tea has just been mixed into the Fruit of Truth, and they are all deprived of City Lord’s identity.

This is why they are frightened and look at Li Qinqian with disbelief. They never imagined that Li Qinqian, who respects them so much, would do this to them. They could not help but think of the reasons for cleaning up all the forces before.

Looking at the people below, Li Qinqian reached out a trick, one by one City Lord Seal floating from the body, automatically flew into the hands of Li Qinqian, Li Qinqian’s smile also faded, a slight sigh, “I will tell you things now. Reason for this”

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