Zhao Wei is hidden in the surrounding void, and does not mean to shoot, because it will cause unnecessary suspicion, Zhao Wei came here mainly to prevent accidents, not murder.

The original wall of the city was only a hundred thousand, a large wave of arrows went down, screaming and screaming, blood spattering, not knowing how much died, the defending people quickly attacked the wall, wielding weapons, and began to kill with several forces. The more the defenders are not only dominant, but even the will is higher than the other.

The ordinary people want to go crazy, vent their anger, and attack the people of several forces, as if they are not desperate.

“Take a small head! I am killing you today, I can remember what you forced me to kneel down.” A short-skinned young man, looking at an old enemy, his weapon was knocked down and flung directly to bite.

“Niu Mo Laozi killed you today!” Another middle-aged pick up, cut into a person’s stomach, laughed.

“Liu Dong did not think that you also have today!” Another young man, looking at a man’s head, said with a contempt.

Under the swift attack of Yueshou, several forces were even more devastated. The ordinary people also vented their anger on this side. Everyone had revenge for revenge and complained. Soon several people were killed and there was no living.

Several City Lords in the sky were also besieged by a dozen City Lords. After consuming each strength, the strength of each side was weakened. The more the City Lord was on the side, after all, there were many people, and the equipment was good. When the middle-aged attacked the attack, a shot broke through his chest and began the City Lord’s first kill.

Later, other city Lords also struck down several City Lords. Several people were injured and the battlefield ended.

Li Qinqian exudes a powerful momentum and stands on the void. She has been trained by Zhao Fu’s. Although it is not very strong, it is at least not weak.

The scene was bloody, but no one cares. Everyone could not help but look with respect and respect. Li Qinqian in the sky, she ended this all. She led the defender and defeated these evil forces.

Someone couldn’t help but shouted, “GoddeSS adults! I want to join the Vietnamese, and work hard for the future of the country.”

Li Qinqian with a smile, started talking, “I am more welcoming everyone who is interested, I hope that you can follow me, clean up the evils of the country, maintain the order of the country, and at the same time get everything, I am more and more Do not take one point, all for everyone!”

“Thank you GoddeSS!”

“GoddeSS, you are really great!”

“GoddeSS I love you!”


I heard Li Qinqian say this now, everyone is excited, cheering and shouting, but they know that there are many good things in several forces. This is a lot of money. Although Li Qinqian makes them respect, it is better to give them A little money is the most real.

Li Qinqian also moved early in several cities, and his experience was given to Daqin. The Population of these forces also swallowed all in the name of protecting their safety.

As for other things, they are distributed to countless people. Daqin does not see this thing, so it is distributed and attracts more people to join the army.

Simple to clean up for a while, everyone has some gains, most of the value of this gathering place was searched, Li Qinqian took the troops to the next gathering place.

There was not much loss in this battle. Instead, some people were added. At the same time, Li Qinqian publicized the various evils of this gathering place in the name of justice to attract more people’s support. Without their evil, how can Shows the goodness of the guard.

The more you guard against the brighter and brighter areas, there are not many people who oppose it, and they support it. They have the ability to run for themselves. If they dare not come, they will cheer for it.

Now, when you stand on the righteousness, the various forces simply dare not say anything, because what they dare to say now will be denounced by the whole country, and it can only be a kind of support, and some decent people can’t help it. Join in.

In the name of justice, the Guardian constantly cleans the area, the strength is getting stronger and stronger, and the power is getting bigger and bigger. There are not only players, but also a few original residents soldiers. The total number of the three teams has reached more than 30 million. .

Of course, in addition to the support of all parties, attracting so many people to join, there is still a huge interest, because as long as a gloveing ​​place is taken, all the items can be given to you, and it is nice to say that it is a bright sweep of evil, saying that it is hard to hear that The bandits who fought homes.

The more you keep the slogan, the stronger the forces, the greater the advantage, the more benefits they can get from them, and they will naturally join them.

At this time, Li Qinqian took the team and killed a region. First, he shouted a few words. “It is to sweep away evil, guard the order, and help them.”

These words must be shouted, to improve morale, on the one hand shake the other’s military heart, the general gathering place is mainly divided into two kinds of people, generally the power players, one is a scattered player, and the powerful players are often bullied Players of the forces, they can directly have great contradictions.


As Li Qinqian called me, the big forces began to rush, the fierce siege, the more defensive City Lord also rushed up, the sound of the screaming resounding, the smell of blood everywhere.

To solve this one of the gathering places, the three teams have harvested a total of 89 City Lord Seals, a large part of which is Small City, and the area to be cleaned up to fifteen.

Originally thirty-five, now it is reduced by fifteen, and there are still twenty left. These twenty look at the more unstoppable look, and that if Daqin was so unscrupulous, it would certainly be accused by countless people, and Joint suppression.

Daqin is the evil side. This is naturally the case. It has been hated and suppressed by countless people, and the more it is the right side, the treatment is of course different.

The first thing to do is to take up the ceremony. It is to stand on the side of the righteousness to clean you, who will help you, then he is also evil, and then others can attack him.

These 20 areas, between the First Great Wall and the Second Great Wall, are completely separated from each other. They can’t escape, just like a beast. The most shameful thing is that the more you say that you are evil, you are evil. If you are bright, you are bright.

The two sides cannot unite. Once they are united, the more they blame you for being murky with evil, and they are also evil. No one wants to cause trouble.

The more the shoud is, the better, some well-grooming places, the more defensive does not work, which gives the good forces some emboldened, also proves that the more defensive only kills people, does not kill good people, it is easier to get countless people convince.

This also makes some evil forces unable to gather together in a group. They are separated and become separate forces. They can easily eat them without any hindrance. This is the reason for the success. one.

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