Fifteen regions are pushed back. There are several countries in the region. These legacy of a country are of course not concentrated and scattered. There are five legacy of a country, and five legacy of a country. Together, they together account for twenty areas.

This does not mean that five legacy of a country controls twenty areas. They only control two or three. Some areas are not controlled. There are still some areas between them, but five legacy of a country are assigned. The regiment has twenty areas.

The most powerful of them here is also that they not only have strong original residents, but also a lot of players. The strength in Vietnam is not bad, of course, only in small countries.

Because this is the legacy of a country, there is no need to attack, because if you don’t give a reason and arbitrarily destroy a legacy of a country, others will definitely feel threatened, because the defending is already the biggest force in Vietnam.

You have to destroy the power of a country at will, and all people feel threatened, and they will unite to attack you. There will be a situation in Daqin in China.

They happened to be destroyed by Daqin himself. Here is the information about the five legacy of a country.

Chen Chao, 1225 year Lý Chiêu Hoàng Zen position gave Chen the establishment of Chen Chao, the national name “Da Yue”, the capital is located in Shenglong. Because the name of the monarch was “Chen”, it was called “Chen Chao”.

There are more than one hundred and seventy years of history. In the 1400 year, Li Jizheng Xian Yu Yue (10) Wang, established Hu Chao, Chen Chao died.

Tây Sơn Dynasty, 1771 Nguyen Nhac, Nguyễn Lữ, Nguyễn Huệ The three brothers launched the Xishan Uprising, attacking the city, and ruining the rule of the Guangnan Kingdom. Because it was sent to the West Mountain, it was called Tây Sơn Dynasty. It was established by the Xishan Peasant Uprising Army. .

Soon after, the new dynasty was strangled by the southern landlord class and the French colonists. 1802 5 month, Yu Fuying established the last feudal dynasty in the history of Vietnam – Sui Dynasty

Ding Chao was also the first feudal dynasty since China officially became independent. Its founder, the Ding leader, swept the separatist forces in Vietnam and unified the country. It was built in the 968 year and was called the emperor.

Only 12 years of history, in 980 years, was won by the ten General General Li Wei, Ding Chao perished.

Mo Zhao is a dynasty in the northern part of the Northern and Southern Dynasties period. After 1527, Li Chaoquan, the president of Li Chaoyong, took over the emperor and established Mo Chao.

1592 was overthrown by the post-Lei Dynasty restored by Zheng. After Mo Zhao’s demise, Moh’s forces were not completely eliminated. Mo’s ancestral chambers were clustered in Gaoping, northern Vietnam, and sheltered in the shelters of the Ming and Qing dynasties until the 1677 year was assisted by the late Li Dynasty to assist Qing Dynasty. In the name of the chaos

Zheng is the Northern and Southern Dynasties of Vietnam and one of the four regimes during Zheng Zheng’s dispute. He was ruled by the Zheng family and was the leader of the thirteenth generation. The Zheng family had contributed to the post-Lei Dynasty because of their participation in the post-Lei Chao war, and they had the status of the emperor.

Zheng Jiwei was the last Zheng Emperor, but with Li Zhaotong, the emperor, fled in just over a year, and the Zheng regime ended.

Some of the accurate information of the forces of the five countries, Daqin is also completely clear, Chen Chao Population 4 million, City Lord nine, player two hundred thousand, Tây Sơn Dynasty Population three million, City Lord eight, players 250,000. Ding Chao Population 5 million, City Lord ten, player three hundred thousand.

The forces of the last two countries, Mo Zhao Population 4 million, City Lord seven, players 150,000, Zheng main Population 5 million, City Lord nine, player 400,000.

This is the strength of the five legacy of a country, the City Lord has a total of forty-three, the player 1,300,000, the total strength of up to four million.

Want to have such strength, Daqin will still be in the eye? They don’t care at all, they have been treated as great things in Great Qin’s bag.

The forces of the five countries were destroyed by Daqin. The more they did not need to be in charge, they continued to move backwards. Among them, there were 50 areas that belonged to the systemic control areas.

Here the player’s days are very bad, or to surrender to the system Main City, or if it will be slaughtered, there are only two results, no neutral choice.

The first 15 areas are deducted, and then the twenty legacy of a country area is deducted. After deducting 50 areas, the 120 areas of the original Daqin plan are now 35 areas.

Because the system forces are fierce to the player’s, it also attracts countless players, but because the system forces are gathered together, they don’t dare to fight, they can only lie in their hearts, and the more they guard the threat of the system Main City.

It is said that it is so ferocious, violent, there is no humanity at all, just like the existence of demon, please let the players in it leave quickly, and start to announce that the Great Wall will be built to prevent the system Main City from suddenly attacking the ordinary players.

This has also been endorsed by many people in Vietnam, because the current Main City system has slaughtered players, its fierce behavior, and the numerous players are very clear. His threat is so big. There is nothing wrong with choosing to build the Great Wall defense.

Then, the Vietnamese government began to organize the construction of the Great Wall. It is definitely the wall that built the Daqin defense over the country without any concealment.

Yes, this is used to defend the country, or why does Daqin have nothing to do to build the Great Wall? Daqin swallowed so many areas, it will certainly be counterattacked by the entire country, so Zhao Wei is building the Great Wall defense in advance.

In fact, there is no problem in the current destruction of the entire Qin Dynasty. But this is a major event of extermination. Once the country is completely destroyed, it will cause a lot of things. Can the surrounding countries be safe? It will definitely launch an offensive against Daqin.

Zhao Wei didn’t want to be dragged down by them, so he chose to step by step aggression, so things were not so serious, and the crisis caused was not that big.

In the construction of the first Great Wall, the Vietnamese and the defense system were used as an excuse to build a second Great Wall outside the 35th district, thus completely controlling the planned 120 areas.

Because the construction of the Great Wall is not enough, the maintenance of the Yueshou gives a good salary, hires each of the ordinary players, and invites other forces to participate in it.

They have the money to earn, and they can protect their own safety. Moreover, this is to help the country and help the country to re-establish order and restore bright patriotism. Many people respond positively and they can never imagine them. The two Great Walls are Defend their own.

It is too late to know that those areas are already in Daqin, and the area swallowed by Daqin, with their strength, can never be recovered, and can only be regretted.

The overstepping of the big move, the first is to resist the threat of the Daqin, and then build a defense against the Great Wall to resist the threat of the system forces, these two are one of the biggest threats to the country, and now the more defended, the reputation reached its peak, Countless Vietnamese cheers.

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