Although Daqin has strong forces in several directions, the most powerful is Daqin, because now the Great Qin’s City Lord is as many as two thousand, its power can cover more than 1,000 areas, while China North is only two thousand. Only the region.

Daqin first expressed his intentions. No one would dare to accept it. Even those who are extremely disgusted with the power of the players, under the great Qin’s deterrence, can’t give in and choose to communicate with Daqin.

With diplomacy maintaining a harmonious and harmonious look, Zhao Wei also began to build the Great Wall and clean the area. Daqin continued to lurk, quietly expand the forces, waiting for the moment to truly reveal the fangs.


A few days later, Daqin also prepared 25 million Yinmu rafts, placed in an orderly and neatly placed in the Yin Qi Great Formation. There were a pair of Soldiers lying in the Yinmu, with a slight pressure, they They are all 1st Order soldiers, which together form a spectacular and stunning scene.

When so many corpses were placed in the Yin Qi Great Formation, a very terrifying wave of volatility spread as if it were horrifying, and the entire region was shrouded in this terrible momentum.

There is also a sigh of yin on the ground. Normal people just want to step into this area, only feel the body is cold, can not help but tremble, wearing more clothes can not resist the chill, long look forward here, the body will be yin Erosion, then death.

This area has been turned into a yin area, and it is impossible to live in any living thing. Zhao Wei moved all the people who were originally there to other areas, and some beasts also felt the danger and fled to other areas.

Zhao Wei is also a bit strange. I don’t know if the problem is there, because I feel that the things that Yin Qi Great Formation gave birth are not countless sinisters. The terrifying fluctuations are not caused by the body.

Looking at the Yinmu 棺 棺 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中 集中

Yin Qi Great Formation The yin that is gathered together is also absorbed by ghost prints. Various tombstones and battleflags, the murderous aura gathered together, are also concentrated in the ghost print.

The most central part of that terrible fluctuation is the ghost print, and the thing that is nurtured seems to be in the ghost print. This thing is actually merging with millions ofsoldiers, endless yin, murderous aura, king’s aura, maybe Something terrible.

Zhao Wei looked at the Ghost Commander Seal floating in midair, Ghost Houyin, and the most central ghost Royal Seal, as if there was no problem.

But at this time the center of the ghost Royal Seal, suddenly a strong gray light, originally the jade material has to melt, which makes Zhao Wei shocked, the ghost Royal Seal to melt it to use? Zhao Wei didn’t know what’s the matter, just wanted to stop it.

“Wait.” Jin Long suddenly interrupted Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei sees Jin Long interrupting himself, thinking that it may know something, and can’t help but ask, “This is what’s the matter, why is this happening?”

Jin Long replied very simply, “I don’t know!”

This made Zhao Yan could not help but turn a blind eye, said “You don’t know what’s the matter, why stop me?”

Jin Long seriously replied, “I don’t know what it is, but my intuition tells me that this thing should not be stopped as well, and now this yin valley, yin formation, yin 棺, tombstone, battleflag, has been integrated into one, Form something that absorbs the power from Nine Nethers.”

“You have to stop, this thing does not know what will happen, these bodies, tombstones, great formation, all of which may be destroyed.”

When I heard Gold Dragon’s words, Zhao Wei could only stop and couldn’t help but sigh. “What should I do? I can’t always look at it like this? What will happen?”

Jinlong thought about it, started talking, “Zhao Wei will release some of your blood and integrate it into the Royal Seal. As long as it is integrated into your blood, you have the means to control it no matter what happens.”

Hearing words, Zhao Wei nodded and cut his wrist. The bright red blood flowed out of the wound. Under the control of Zhao Wei, it became a blood group and merged into the gradually becoming the Royal Seal.

There is nothing unexpected and there is no obstacle. The ghost Royal Seal is integrated into Zhao Wei’s blood, which means expressing a hungry joy.

“Continue to bleed!” Jin Long said to remind Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei also responded with a sigh of relief, continuing to control the blood into the ghost Royal Seal. With a lot of blood into the ghost Royal Seal, Zhao Hao’s face was also pale, and the ghost Royal Seal performed even more joy.

After a while, Zhao Wei stopped bleeding, because the ghost Royal Seal finally reached saturation, Zhao Yan’s face became very pale, and the appearance was also somewhat slim down, take out some treatment medicinal pill, fast swallows.

Now that Zhao Wei has some bad feelings, he really can’t understand it. He still doesn’t know what’s the matter. He put so much blood.

The ghost Royal Seal is still changing, and the bigger yin gathers here. Zhao Wei is not sure what horrible things will be born, but hopes not to affect the transformation of the Yin soldiers.

Back in Great Qin City, Zhao Wei concentrated on healing, recovered, and had some blood on his face, and then began to deal with other things.


A month later, next to the clear Xiaoxi, under a tall willow tree, Zhao Wei, who was fishing, got a message, “Congratulations! Great Qin City upgraded to 6th Grade capital city”.

Upon hearing this prompt, Zhao couldn’t help but smack the fish and come to the Great Qin’s city hall to check the attribute.

Village Name :Great Qin City (Epic )

Rating: 6th Grade Metropolis (682000/1200000000)

Village Area :429400sq. km

Village Territory :32421800sq. km

Residents :3492950/80240000 soldiers 892640/32482000

Popular Support :86

Special attribute: Territory Crop Output +250%, Territory Crop Growing Time -250%,Military Force Limit +160%,residents stats can randomly +19,soldiers attribute +20%,Population Attraction +190%,chances of attracting higher grade population +190%.

Subsidiary Village Limit :446930

With Village:Logue Village, Jean Village, Dorun Village, Li Family Village, Wild Wolf Village, Fierce Tiger Village…

Finally, I was promoted to the 6th Grade capital city. Zhao Wei felt very gratified. Daqin stepped from a small village and now the 6th Grade capital city, but there were too many experiences. Now it is finally time to establish the country.

Now that the 6th Grade capital city has been upgraded to Royal City, it still needs 12 billion experience. This is the last experience required. As long as this is satisfied, Great Qin City can become Royal City.

This 12 billion experience is huge, but this is the last step. The final step of the founding of the country, now all the conditions of Daqin have been met, but this experience is not good, Zhao Wei is not very worried, because the previous 800 million experience Daqin is not easily satisfied. This 12 billion will also be very fast.

After a month of things, Daqin cleaned up one-third of the area, and many areas did not clean up, which can provide a lot of experience for Daqin.

Also after this month, countless systems Main City can not use absolute neutral mode, some players have been able to attack the system Main City after paying huge casualties, Zhao Wei is also ready to officially start the country, this will also be Daqin Provide a lot of experience.

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