In fact, Zhao Wei’s eyes have already seen Land of Legacy. There are real strong people of all races in his mind. Human World’s legatee, they are really not in the eye, it is only a matter of time to kill them.

Zhao Yuhua became a stream of light and disappeared into the sky. The numerous people couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. Several people from the original martial art wanted to come over and talk to the Emperor of the Great Qin to improve their relationship. Some even want to be loyal.

The terrible smell of the Emperor of the Great Qin makes them stiff and makes them afraid to step closer.


Back to Great Qin City, this time is ten minutes, it is 12 point, tomorrow is the new New Year Festival, and it is a group holiday. Now the Disaster point must be used, otherwise it is too much loss.

Because personal activities can only rely on one person, the points earned are relatively small, and certainly no group gets more, and the next festival is a group holiday. Everything needs a lot of points, and personal activities get less rewards, if it is in 10. : 1 is reduced, and you can’t exchange anything at all.

These merits, Zhao Wei, also thought about how to use it. In front of Exchange Stone Stele, the Disaster Festival is based on medicinal pill, and there are many things about medicinal pill.

Zhao Wei is to convert these merit points to 4th Order spirit graSS seeds. Now Daqin is still using 3rd Order medicinal pill made by Wind Chimes Fruit. It is a good upgrade for medicinal pill.

In fact, Daqin had 4th Order 5th Order pill recipe, but lacked a lot of spirit graSS, naturally can not refine, Zhao Wei now looked at Exchange Stone Stele, there are a lot of 4th Order spirit graSS seeds, it is intended to be a large number of exchanges.

Because the number of Daqinsoldiers is huge, it is necessary to exchange a large amount, otherwise it will take a long time to develop.

Consumes all merit points, Zhao Wei exchanges more than 20,000 seeds, other Great Qin City Lords also striking down some Disaster beasts, but also get merit points, Zhao Wei also let them all exchange, 4th Order spirit graSS seeds, so that a lot of training.

However, they do not have a lot of gains, because the mind is all on the ten-level disaster beast, so other disaster beasts are less striking down.

After redeeming a large number of seeds, Zhao Wei handed it over to the drug delivery department, allowing them to breed in large quantities. There is one more thing to know, that is, the medicine is little fatty, and it does have weak ability. It has been successfully improved for Daqin. Medicinal pill, its effect is very strong.

At the same time, he also provided some rare pill recipes for Daqin, and he also helped a lot in Daqin.

Time came to the 12 point, the big round moon, the moonlight in the sky, the dark blue night sky, and a few flashing stars, set off.


The temperature gradually became cold, a snowflake, falling slowly from the sky, falling in front of Zhao Wei, Zhao Yiran looked up, the sky has already snowed, the sky is snow.

The new New Year Festival still has a heavy snowfall. Although it is speechless, there is also an atmosphere that brings people back to the previous New Year, and Zhao Wei is also preparing to start the new New Year Festival.


Two days later, the six-day festival is finally over, and the last festival of human is gone. There will be no systematic activities in the future. Zhao Wei is also somewhat lost.

In the last two festivals, Daqin had a good harvest, won a Great General’s Destiny, and also got a lot of General of Logistics. Zhao Wei gave the Martial General to use, so that they all have the historical general destiny.

Also, Li Si Zhao Yi also exchanged his history Aptitude Pill, a medicinal pill that promotes the qualifications of the historical generals. At the same time, he can promote destiny, Zhao Wei promotes Li Si to Grade SSS, and solves the problem that has always remained in mind. .

As for the final Trial Festival, Zhao Fu’s body now has a little girl of three or four years old. The skin is very white, very cute, with a hint of charm. This kind of charm is like a natural one, it is heart-rending.

She is now wearing a little red dress, and there are nine small white-tailed tails behind her. Now she has two small hands holding Zhao’s neck. The whole body is first a rag doll hanging on Zhao Fu’s body.

In addition, there is a puppy. The puppy has three heads, the skin is black, with small canine teeth, black and big eyes, with a faint smell of sulfur, which does not look a bit ferocious. On the contrary, it is also somewhat cute.

Now it is standing in front of Zhao Wei’s feet, and the little head is glaring at Zhao Fu’s legs, and then pleading with a bark, with a burst of milk.

Their identity is naturally the Nine-tailed Monster Fox and Cerberus on the leaderboard. When Zhao Wei exchanged them, it was still an egg. It is estimated that it will take time to incubate.

However, Zhao Wei and the Exchange Stone Stele found that they can catalyze their spirits, so redeem them and catalyze them.

Cerberus is okay, Zhao Wei is not surprised, because knowing what Cerberus looks like, but Nine-tailed Monster Fox makes Zhao Wei very surprised, because she appears in a human form, Zhao Wei did not think.

In fact, some monster beast-level creatures can transform the beast’s body into human body, but that requires a very high cultivation base to do it, but this Nine-tailed Monster Fox can be turned into a human form. I was very surprised. Zhao Wei also asked Jin Long for this.

Jinlong, but there is no accident, just replied, the ability of some races to bring their own can be transformed into human form in advance, such as snakes, dragons, phoenixes, cats, foxes, raccoons, all of which can be turned into human figures in advance, the most prominent of which It’s Cat Monster and Fox Monster.

It is just the end of the six-day festival, Zhao Wei catalyzed them both soon, because they also use blood as the core catalysis, and their two little guys are naturally close to Zhao Wei.

Especially in front of Little Nine, Little Nine is the name given to Nine-tailed Monster Fox by Zhao Wei. It is particularly sticky to Zhao Wei, and it is also very smart as Nine-tailed Monster Fox. Zhao Wei used the language stone for it, she will soon be able to master the human language, and it is also very smooth.

Cerberus at the foot, Zhao Wei named it Hell Dog, also has a high degree of intelligence, and the innate attribute is also very strong.

Now that the 6th day has just ended, Zhao Wei is going to face a lot of things. These things are all things that have accumulated during the festival. The number is very important.

“Little Nine! You still have something to do with me,” Zhao said with a smile on his face, looking down at Little Nine hanging on his body.

Wen Yan, Little Nine pouted, some unhappy look, tears in both eyes, extremely pitiful, so Zhao Xin heart trembled, but also a little comfort to her.

At the same time, Zhao Wei soon felt the change, and couldn’t help but think of Gold Dragon’s words. Nine-tailed Monster Fox itself has a kind of charm, which is very good at confusing. This kind of charm is invisible and unprepared. Deep means, Nine-tailed Monster Fox in Heaven Awaken World is generally dangerous, you have to pay a little attention.

Now it seems that Zhao Wei feels really want to pay a little attention.

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