After returning to Daqin, Great Qin’s intelligence department did not disappoint Zhao Wei and collected hundreds of 9th Grade beasts. Because the world’s regional channels have been opened, the information is easy to collect and covers a wide range.

The information in the hands of Zhao Wei is already a disaster beast that contains all of China, and there are also a few disaster beasts in other countries.

With this information, Zhao Wei basically does not have to look for it. He can go directly to it. Zhao Wei’s first place to go is closest to Daqin.

When Zhao Wei arrived there, there was heavy snow there. The whole area was covered with thick snow and the temperature became very cold.

Soon Zhao Wei found the disaster beast in this area. It was an 9th Grade beast. It looked like a puffer fish, but it was white and white, with a strong cold and more than 400 meters.

Áo! Áo! Áo!

Zhao Wei waved his sword, and the three Water Dragon snarled, with a huge strength, slamming into the snow disaster beast floating in midair.


A dull sound came out, and the snow-scarred beast was hit by three Water Dragons on the ground, and a large pit was directly pulled out. The snow-stricken beast screamed in pain, and then inhales a lot. The body drums into a ball and spits out to Zhao Wei. Cold current.

This cold current can easily make flowers and trees all ice, Zhao Yu out of the Emperor’s Domain, quickly dodge, and then appear behind the snow disaster beast, a few fierce attacks completely solve the snow disaster beast.

The snow-scarred beast died, and the time was turned into countless snowflakes, and a white crystal stone stayed in place.

Zhao Wei was disappointed when he saw this, because there was only one reward for the disaster, and there was nothing else.

After striking down a few disaster beasts, still only get some disaster crystals, except that there is no item.

Zhao Wei can only find the next target. This target is a ten-level Sand Disaster Beast. When Zhao Wei went to the area, a large amount of land in the area has been deserted, and all the trees and flowers have disappeared. It is a ridiculous scene.

At this time, several City Lords are not knowing what to look for in the desert. Zhao Yu guessed that he should be looking for a disaster beast. Sand Disaster Beast is actually very disgusting. He can always hide in the ground and can make a lot of land desertification.

Zhao Fu’s appeared and also caused several City Lord’s attention. A refined young man flew over and said politely, “Have you come for Sand Disaster Beast? It’s good that we have several hands together, and this is the Sand Disaster Beast.” Striking down ”.

Wen Yan, Zhao Wei chuckled, replied, “No, I can solve it alone!”

When Zhao Wei finished, he flew over the desert, perceived the position of the Sand Disaster Beast, and then extended a hand, only to hear the sound of a chain, and saw that Zhao’s hand stretched out and held it again.

The ground began to sway, and a yellow bug with a length of more than 500 meters was pulled out by numerous chains.

Sand Disaster Beast itself has a weak attack method and a strong means of escape. It can not only hide in the ground, but also escapes when it is in danger. Because of its ability to sand, its speed is very fast, and Zhao Fu’s chain can be extended from the ground. Out, the ability to completely refrain from Sand Disaster Beast.

Several City Lords were a little surprised. They didn’t think of the cloak who had just appeared. So easily solved the trouble of Sand Disaster Beast. A middle-aged man couldn’t help but ask, “Hello?”

“I am the Emperor of the Great Qin!”, Zhao Weiping replied.

Several people heard Zhao Fu’s words, and when they got on the face, they were a little shocked. They didn’t think that the person in front of them was the greatly famous the Emperor of the Great Qin. The face was not too polite, but also a respectful, like this. Big people, but they can’t get it.

At this time, Zhao Wei took out the Disaster Dragon Sword, Emperor strength was injected into it, making it a terrible sword light. The sharp sword qi made the surrounding City Lord feel cold and could not help but back a few steps.


Zhao Yiyi went to Sand Disaster Beast, and the terrible sword light with a striking strength smashed the space and split the body of Sand Disaster Beast in half.

Sand Disaster Beast died on the road and turned into countless gravel. Two things floated in the air, one was a sand crystal stone, and the other was a ball-sized ball. It was very round, like sand. A unique atmosphere of sand.

When Zhao Wei raised his interest, he finally lost the second thing and couldn’t help but view his attribute.

[Sand fossils]: Shahuazhu belongs to the natural disasters and has a very strong desertification strength, which can make the ground a lot of sand.

“Just let the ground sand?”

Zhao Wei feels that there is no use at all, because Zhao Wei will not have nothing to do, sanding the good land, and sanding the land is not good at all. There are only various disadvantages. Who will be bored to sand the land?

Perceived Zhao Fu’s idea, Jinlong reminded, “This is a natural disaster creation, contains a hint of natural disasters, can be made as a taboo item, the effect may be much stronger than your Crystal of Destruction, especially its natural disaster force is to kill high-order cultivator Scary strength”.

After listening to Gold Dragon’s explanation, Zhao Wei realized that this thing was quite useful, with a smile on his face and the two things were collected.

A few City Lords next to me, watching Zhao Wei so striking down Sand Disaster Beast, is also shocked, because the Sand Disaster Beast they are going to desperately, it is possible to resist the other side, but Zhao Wei is a breeze, a Spoken seconds.

If Zhao Wei wants to kill them, it is only a matter of a few tricks. Several people can’t help but have some fear in their hearts. However, they feel that Zhao Wei did not kill them. Only then can they feel relieved and can’t help but think of the rumors of Daqin.

“Imperial Prince! I want to join Daqin.”

A City Lord didn’t want to continue to worry about being afraid of this. Now, watching the Emperor of the Great Qin so terrifying, and the look of Daqin’s paradise, couldn’t help but say.

Zhao Wei couldn’t help but smile and nodded. “Da Qin welcomes you to join!”

Seeing that Zhao Wei was so gentle and polite, the rest of the people could not help but hesitate, and some wanted to join Great Qin’s.

Someone joined Daqin, and Zhao Hao was of course happy. He made a kind of kindness, kindness and friendliness, and talked with them kindly and was willing to help.

Then, they decided to join Daqin. Now the area is desertified, and I don’t know when it will be restored. But this area can’t survive. Now I’m talking to Daqin personally, and their hearts are also put down because Daqin is definitely their best. s Choice.

It is rumored that the Emperor of the Great Qin is cruel and murderous, but now it seems that this is not the case. This is definitely the biggest filth.

Because now they all see the Emperor of the Great Qin, how kind, how gentle, how strong, and how powerful, is the best monarch.

Under the eyes of their admiration, Zhao Wei flew to other areas, but they perceive their gaze. Zhao Wei feels that he has pretended to be a little over, but now Daqin is a cloak with a bright and kind, this coat still has to continue Because there are obvious benefits.

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