at once!

Six Paths Demon Statue The body was under tremendous pressure and bowed at once, but they kept groaning and struggling to resist. Six vortex ghosts poured into their bodies, causing endless ghosts to flow from their bodies.


Nine stars appear in the sky, emitting different stars, and they are particularly conspicuous in this gloomy world. Many people have noticed this phenomenon, and they are also a bit surprised. Nine General Stars come together, the scene is very spectacular, and the momentum is also Very shocking.

What happened to Daqin? Countless people are a bit curious, because it is obvious that the nine stars are gathering together, and if there are no major events, they will definitely not appear.

They won’t know that Daqin is arguing with Human World’s Six Paths Demon Statue before, and knowing this, I don’t know if it will be scared to death. When Six Paths Demon Statue comes, open Six Paths of Samsara. Look, like the ghosts of the endless sea, they can remember deeply.

At that time, almost everyone was in despair. In the face of the upcoming Six Paths of Samsara, there was no resistance at all. Six Paths Demon Statue left a big shadow on them.


a rumbling sound The sky is gradually darkening, and a star of blood is emitting endless monsters to kill the disaster, and the sky gradually becomes like blood.

Everyone was even more surprised. Chaotic Emperor Star turned out to be manifested once. This Daqin definitely had important events, even crises. Otherwise, Chaotic Emperor Star could not come out. The previous Chaotic Emperor Star appeared and it was fully confirmed. Their thoughts.

Looking at Daqin!

Zhao Wei shouted loudly and looked awkward, urging the terrifying strength of Chaotic Emperor Star, pressing down on the Six Paths Demon Statue, and the body of the Six Paths Demon Statue bowed at one time.

“All people do their best!”

Zhao Wei shouted loudly, and all thesoldiers were screaming, exhausting all the strength into the ghost door formation, making the stone gates in the sky emit more powerful pressure.

One by one City Lord screamed, all the strength injected into the City Lord Seal, the more than 1,400 stars, also burst into an astonishing momentum, with the incomparably huge strength, pressed down to Six Paths Demon Statue.

Bai Qi, Wang Wei, Wei Wei, nine Great Generals, also screamed, stimulating all the strength of the body, igniting General Star, nine General Star also issued a stronger starlight, the formation of the Xinghai is more powerful, pressure On the Six Paths Demon Statue.

Zhao Yi, also exhausted all the strength, controlled the strength of Chaotic Emperor Star, turned into six blood-colored stars, like the pillar of the prison, with the vast terrifying strength, fell on the Six Paths Demon Statue.

“bang bang bang ……”

With the unanimous efforts of all the people in Daqin, the six magical figures sank and squatted on the ground, making a loud noise, and the ground was constantly shaking, like an earthquake.

“rooaaar ……”

Six Paths Demon Statue Crazy squatting, a ghost turned into violent, trying to stand up and want to kill everyone here.

At this time, Zhao Wei floated in front of the Six Paths Demon Statue, with a gray crystal bead floating on his chest. This is the Yin World Pearl. There are five stone tablets floating on the back of Zhao Wei. They are the transfer stone. Represents five professions.

There are Niumeus Ghosts Magician and Ghost Summoner that Zhao Wei got at the beginning. Zhao Wei ordered a general and returned to Daqin to obtain these two stone tablets.

There are also three, Man-Ghost transfer stone, Supernatural Soldier transfer stone, Eye of Ghosts transfer stone, they are three stone monuments, because time is urgent, Zhao Wei did not deal with, but has been with him.

The reason for taking out the Yin World Pearl and five shifting stone tablets is to implement the Gold Dragon’s method, which is to seal the Six Paths Demon Statue, or more accurately, to seal the Six Paths Demon Statue into Zhao.

First of all, Yin World Pearl contains a trace of Origin strength, which automatically creates a space. It is a good container to prevent Zhao Wei from sealing the Six Paths Demon Statue directly in the body, unable to withstand its huge strength, causing the body to collapse.

Five occupations play a supporting role. Numerous Ghosts Magician uses ghost power to create a fantasy. It is a ghost-like profession that is resistant to ghosts’ spiritual invasion. Ghost Summoner is a Ghost Summoning object that comes with ghosts. The power of suppression.

Man-Ghost is a fusion of ghosts, enhances the fit of ghosts and themselves, and has strong immunity to ghosts. Supernatural Soldier is to enhance the ability to control ghosts. Eye of Ghosts is to enhance their ability to feel ghosts.

Sealing the Six Paths Demon Statue into the body is a very dangerous thing. Without all kinds of defensive measures, Zhao Wei may die, so use these five professions.

At the same time, some people are fortunate that Daqin can have these five different attribute occupations, and they are all related to ghosts. They can restrain immune ghosts, which provides Zhao Wei with some security guarantees and enhances the feasibility of the plan.

Although it is very dangerous to seal the Six Paths Demon Statue into the body, because it may be backlash at any time, it will become the killer of the Six Paths Demon Statue, but the benefits are absolutely amazing, not only the strength of the Six Paths Demon Statue, but also the strength of the Six Paths Demon Statue. You can also master the power of Six Paths.

Floating in front of the Six Paths Demon Statue, Zhao Wei grabbed his own clothes and smashed the upper body to reveal a uniform slender upper body.

Zhao Xin began to play a technique with his hands, and infused into the front of the Yin World Pearl, Yin World Pearl blended into these techniques, emitting a faint gray light, gently trembled, and some connections with Zhao Wei, along with more techniques Integration, the relationship between the two sides is closer.

At this time, Zhao Yu opened his eyebrows and forced a drop of the most precious Origin blood into the Yin World Pearl. Zhao Yan’s face was a bit pale, because the blood of Origin is the root of a person. hurt.

Yin World Pearl inhaled the blood of Zhao Fu’s Origin, suddenly stopped shaking, quietly floating in the air, a blood light gradually emerged.

at once!

Zhao Yu and Yin World Pearl have reached the highest level of contact. The current Yin World Pearl is like a part of Zhao’s body, and Zhao Wei can control it at will.

Jinlong also used its means. Zhao Wei put Yin World Pearl into his chest in front. It controlled five stone posts in the back, and saw a golden light enveloped five stone tablets. Five gray runes were taken out from the stone tablets. .

A more intense golden light, from the back of Zhao Wei, a golden formation emerged in the back of Zhao Yu, with a mysterious complex look.

Five gray runes were shot into the golden formation, occupying these five directions, like a five-pointed star, five gray runes, beginning to emit a cold strength, originally golden formation, which was gradually dyed grayish black, then The gray-black form is gradually hidden from the back of Zhao Wei.

Yin World Pearl is also perfectly integrated into the center of Zhao’s chest, and the back of the Ghost Force Rune is completed, followed by the seal.

Zhao Wei looked at the ice-cold look, the Six Paths demon in front of the angry and roaring roar, and immediately began to act.

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