At this time, Zhao Wei smiled and stood in front of Exchange Stone Stele. Because of the ghost points, it was enough to redeem the last occupation. Looking at Supernatural Soldier has not been exchanged, Zhao Wei is naturally very happy.

Choosing to redeem Supernatural Soldier, a gray transfer of stone tablets appeared in front of Zhao Wei, now the three occupations of the Ghost Festival fell into the hands of Daqin, Zhao Fu’s heart also settled down.

However, tomorrow is the Fish Spirit World in the 2nd Order section of the Godfish Festival. This festival can be redeemed for the special city, namely City of Immortal, Sword Mountain, Saint God City, and three other Legendary Level cities.

These three cities, Zhao Wei also want to get, so the Ghost Festival can not have any slack, but also have to continue to work hard to prepare the god fish points for tomorrow’s ghost festival.

The only thing that is a little worry is that Ghost Festival is a whole activity, people with the same power can trade, and Godfish Festival is a personal activity. There is no way to trade the sacred fish points. I don’t know how to exchange ghost points and sacred fish points.

Now Zhao Fu’s body can concentrate the entire Great Qin’s ghost points. If converted into sacred fish points, even if 10: 1 ratio, Zhao can easily win three cities.

Zhao Wei is somewhat worried that nowadays so many ghost points can not be converted into sacred fish points. It should be like this. Now, how many ghost points will be obtained by Zhao Wei, how many squid points will be converted, and the ghost points that others will give to the transaction will be invalid. .

This is most likely because the number of points spent on redeeming three cities is too small, and Fish Spirit World, the second activity of the Godfish Festival, may still be a one-person event.

Zhao Wei feels that he still has to kill a little more ghosts and get more ghost points. This is safer and there is not much rest. After Zhao Hao exchanged his career, he returned to the Great Wall and started to hit the Ghost of Slaughtering.


Time flies in the blink of an eye, and at seven o’clock in the evening, the sky is still dark and there is no change. After some fighting, Zhao Fu’s body has brought some minor injuries because of the full force of the Ghost of Slaughtering.

For more than ten hours, Zhao Wei hits Ghost of Slaughtering to name 136, ghost 18 name, ghost 5 name, and other ghosts. The number is not clear. The number of ghost points obtained is of course amazing. In fact, striking down A ghost, you will get 10 million ghost points.

However, the number of ghosts is still relatively small, strong, and not very easy to kill.

At this time, what Zhao Wei noticed, looked up to the horizon, a gray cloud, with a huge cold atmosphere, moved to Daqin.


A huge sound came out, and the ground began to vibrate. I saw one of them wearing a ghost armor. The sinister soldier holding the ghost soldier rushed to Daqin, and of course there were other kinds of ghosts, forming a heaven-shaking tide. Tao shot the shore, shocking.

What makes Zhao Wei more concerned is that there is a royal car behind the ghost tide. The king car is pulled by nine Yin Soul Horses, flying fast on the ground, and there is a person sitting above the Royal City.

This man is wearing a dusky gold black robes, wearing a Royal Crown, a ghost sword at the waist, with a king’s momentum, a large and noble terrifying that makes countless people feel scared, and other ghosts instinctively respect him.

“Absolutely a ghost king ghost!”

In addition to this ghost king, there are four ghosts, many ghosts and ghosts, Zhao Wei chooses to deal with the ghost king, Bai Qi Gai Nie they deal with the ghost Hou, because it is likely to be tied, Zhao Wei sent some City Lord Auxiliary. Others deal with ghosts and ghosts.

Now there are more than 1,400 City Lords in Daqin. The top strength is still a lot more than the other side. Don’t worry too much.

The ghost door is opened once, the huge huge mouth, the embarrassing suction, and all the ghosts.

Zhao Wei took out Angel Sword, a sword brought out the hot sword glow, went to the ghost king, and the ghost king also pulled out the ghost soldiers tied to the waist and greeted Zhao Wei.


The hot white light and the gloomy ghost collided, and a huge-shaking loud noise broke out directly. A terrible shock wave spread out in a flash, and the ghosts of the miles were like being forcibly erased, and there was a ghost-free zone. Those diffuse clouds have disappeared.

Because of the huge shock wave, the two each retreat a hundred meters, Zhao Yan’s face became extremely dignified, because the strength of this ghost king, definitely exceeds Sea Beast King.


A crisp word cry sounded, the ghost king eyes ice-cold, with a gloomy murderous aura, a sword and a wave, a huge ghost poured out, turned into a fierce ghost dragon, shot to Zhao.

Zhao Wei constantly injects strength into Angel Sword, and Angel Sword trembles with a clear and clear word cry. A glare of white light shines out, shining on the square, and an amazing holy light strength is also produced.


The ghost dragon opened the evil mouth, with terrifying momentum, roaring and rushing to Zhao, Zhao Yiyi’s sword slash out, the dazzling lightsaber, it seems to burst the space, a hot white sword light 斩Out, one by one, the ghost dragon is split in half from beginning to end.

The ghost dragon that can be split into two halves did not dissipate. Instead, it turned into two ghosts and ran into Zhao, but Zhao Wei did not think that the reaction was slow and he was directly knocked out.

Zhao Wei stabilized his body in midair, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of his mouth. The ghost king came in one attack, and a sword brought out a terrible sword light and flew away to Zhao.

And Zhao Wei hid to the side, escaped the attack, the golden eyes of the left eye, staring at the ghost king, began to turn.

at once!

In the void around the ghost king, countless chains were shot and shot at the ghost king. The number reached tens of thousands. This also surprised the ghost king. The big shouts, a powerful force burst out, the ghost king rotated a sword, a sharp gray sword. The circle rushed out in an instant.

Clang clang clang ……

The sound of steel rang for a while, and the countless chains that were shot at the Ghost King were smashed into a few segments by a sharp sword circle in an instant, falling from the air.

But at this time, a figure suddenly appeared behind the ghost king, raising a sword, the hot white light blasted, the ghost king was returned to the ground by a sword slash, like a meteorite hitting the ground, the ground instantly collapsed a hundred-meter pit .

The ground was trembled, and the shock wave was like a mad fly. For a time, the sand fluttered and the trees swayed hard.


When Zhao Wei and Ghost King fought, six kilometers up to a kilometer, emitting a dreadful ghost, the huge pressure, so that all sentient beings feel fear, making the space seem to be torn, time is more like to collapse, Originally, something that does not belong to this world is actually in the human world.

Six behemoths, like what they felt, walked in a certain direction, a huge object passing through a system Main City, reaching out to pinch a City Lord, this City Lord is like a cockroach ants are generally small and weak.


The rifle in the hands of the behemoth was swept again, and the air exploded violently. A huge wind swelled into a ruin of a system Main City in an instant. Whether it was a tall wall or a house, it was turned into countless pieces, all of which People, as if no one can survive.

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