But Zhao has a better way, mainly relying on Black and White Impermanence, because Black and White Impermanence can come from Netherworld, although it belongs to Dead Race, but it is suitable to restrain ghosts and let them deal with ghosts.

Black and White Impermanence itself comes from the family of Netherworld, mastering a number of means, such as the previous terrifying ban, that is, summoning the Six Paths Demon Statue, the strength of the destroy the heaven and exterminate the earth, everyone is obvious to all.

It is a pity that it was killed by Heavenly Desolate Azure Dragon. Zhao Wei’s breath has been remembered by Six Paths Demon Statue and cannot be summoned. Otherwise, Daqin can have more powerful means.

“Your HighneSS !”

Zhao Yugang was carried into the City God Temple, and everyone bowed.

Zhao Wei nodded gently, then glanced at the crowd and asked, “Are you ready? What can be overlooked?”

“Your HighneSS! You can rest assured that we are ready. If something goes wrong, you will punish us two Oh!” Hei Xiaojie said with a smile, the penalty is aggravated, obviously it is different. , Bai Xiaoya cheeks red standing there.

Zhao Yubai gave her a look, did not speak, and took them to the Great Wall. Now the Great Wall has done a good job of ghosts, because the Ghost Festival itself is a very dangerous festival, avoiding unnecessary casualties. The people did not participate this time. It is honest to stay in the house.

Many of the generals here have already arrived. Zhao Wei looked at everything and was ready to act. One of the Soldiers began to pour a bucket of blood under the wall. These blood are mainly various beasts, and many humans are filled withhundred. Thousand wooden barrels.

With countless blood dumping, the current bloody smell became very rich, and then a formation started, and countless blood rolled up, as if it had been boiled, and a bloody gas came out of it.

This is called blood food formation, although these ghosts are active products, but also retain the habits of ordinary ghosts, very eager for blood, and the role of blood food formation is to enhance the attractiveness of blood, attracting countless ghosts.

Áooooo ……

As soon as the blood food formation started, countless ghosts smelled the blood, screamed and excited, as if there was the most delicious food here.

Thousands of ghosts, gathered together in a moment to become a huge ghost, covering a thousand miles, with fierce momentum like a river, to the Great Wall.

The ghostless ghost in the sky was also attracted by blood, gathered together, and formed a ghosting out of the sky and sun. It also rushed to the Great Wall with a huge sultry momentum.

In the heavens and the earth, two terrifying ghosts are formed as one, and they are rushing together to the Great Wall. The terrifying is like a mountain, the heaven-shocking, the earth-shattering, the ghosts and the fears, the terrible fluctuations are spreading. Tens of thousands of miles.

At this time, Daqin also had an action. In a huge square, City God Beiming Danqiu stood at the center, Black and White Impermanence stood on both sides, standing at the periphery of the 10,000 Ox Head and Horse Face, and the most peripheral station Countless Daqin Soldiers, the number reached 100 million.

“My! Great Qin City 隍Beiming Danqiu, by the life of Daqin Your HighneSS, open the ghost door, the power of endless dedication to help me quickly, and the world is too peaceful!”

Beiming Danqiu shouted, bursting out of golden light, reaching a height of 100 meters, full of grandiose momentum, like a real god, countless ghosts hit, but automatically dissipated, there is no resistance.

Black and White Impermanence on both sides cut the palm of the hand at this moment, pressed hard on the ground, and the huge formation on the ground began to turn, and a huge coldness spread.

The 10,000 Ox Head and Horse Face standing outside, broke out with a strong momentum, and screamed in countless ghosts, yelled in unison. “I waited for the Underworld ghost, and was ordered by the Daqin Your HighneSS. Self-introduction, please come to the ghost door!”


The 10,000-year-old Ox Head and Horse Face shouted, and the ghosts on his body were absorbed by the ground anyway. The sound of a rumbling sound, a ghost from Nine Nethers, like a volcanic eruption, rushed out of the ground. The huge strength shoots into the sky, forming a huge ghost column.

The surrounding Daqinsoldiers, already ready, squatted down, put their hands on the ground, and injected all the strength into the formation.

Bang bang bang ……

A rumbling sound is emitted, the ghost column is constantly expanding, and the width is a few hundred kilometers. The rich and gloomy ghost is chilling.

In the huge gas column, a huge stone door gradually emerges. This huge stone door is engraved with countless ghosts. It seems very old, with a solemn and strong atmosphere, and a huge mountain.

Countless ghosts coming to Daqinyong, watching the huge stone gates appearing in the sky, instinctive feelings of a fear, and even some ghosts can not help but want to escape.

“Ghost door…open!”

Beiming Danqiu raised his hand and screamed, and the stone door with terrifying power in the sky gradually opened, and a huge suction like a black hole broke out, as if the whole world had to be sucked in.

Countless ghosts changed from excitement to panic, and quickly fled back, but they were still sucked into the stone door. At the same time, huge stones such as gravel were brought to the sky, and the big trees were immediately uprooted. Sucked into the stone door, the scene is abnormally terrifying.

Whether it’s the Evil Ghost of the ordinary or the horrible Heavenly Ghost, there is no resistance, all sucked into the stone door, and the stone door is like a bloody mouth devour everything.

At the same time, Shimen also had a barrier. The ghosts were sucked in. One ghost bag was cut down, and then they fell down. The sky seemed to be in the next bag of rain. In Zhao Fu’s eyes, it was the sky in the next game. Qian Yu.

These ghostly protective bags, like a mountain, are useless to Zhao Wei, but if you want to sell, there are countless coins.

Zhao Fu’s body’s ghost points are also increasing in madness, and you can redeem the rest of the career while waiting.

The terrifying fluctuations here also attract countless powerful ghosts, and at least hundreds of ghosts will come here. These ghosts will be equivalent to the strength of the previous killing ghost, which is the strength of Ghost Killing Sword in Zhao Wei’s hands.

These monsters are of a high level, and their wisdom is not low. Naturally, they are not too close. If the ghost gate is too far away, of course, it cannot be effective against ghosts. So they need Great Qin City Lords for striking down.

However, these ghosts will only have a small City Lord’s strength, and even weaker. There is no problem with the City Lord striking down.

What makes Zhao Wei more pleasant is that he found that a few ghosts are coming here. The ghosts are more than the ghosts of the ghosts. The strength is comparable to the MaSS ive City Lord. It is even more surprising to drop the items. Thought is all exciting. Zhao Wei took the white to cover Nie, and the three directly rushed forward.

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