According to the large, large and large description of Meimei, this is definitely a flower demon that exceeds the level of the night flower demon, with higher levels of tears and flowers.

The tears of the night flower demon are already equal to 10million ordinary tears. If the higher level of tears, is equal to how many ordinary tears?

Zhao Wei did not waste time and quickly flew in the direction pointed by Mei Mei. After a few minutes, a behemoth appeared in front of Zhao Wei.

This flower demon is 500 meters tall and has a terrifying scent. It is comparable to a Region Lord’s strength. There is a giant flower with a radiating tricolor in the huge flower on the head. It is definitely more precious than the night tears.

Zhao Yi’s face was happy, and immediately rushed up with the Disaster Dragon Sword.

Radiant tricolor is not polite, but also understands that Zhao Fu’s is powerful, so use the full force at the beginning, wave a hand, grow a variety of flowers on the arm, these flowers bloom, the petals fall off, like a blade, with Sharp and cold, like a storm, usually shot to Zhao.

With such a wide range of attacks, Zhao Wei can only stop and release Emperor’s Domain. The black dragon pattern cover protects Zhao Wei’s body. Countless petals flew in and hit the dragon pattern cover, making a dīng dīng sound, not in the dragon. Leave a mark on the mask.

Zhao Yuyu, Emperor’s Domain, continues to rush to the radiant tricolor flower demon, radiant tricolor flower demon, such as the roots of the hand, automatically entangled together to form a pointed shape, countless flowers grow, such as the same handle flower gun, Beautiful and dangerous.

Radiant tricolor flower demon raised the flower gun, with a strong strength, and a scent of flowers, stabbed Zhao.

Zhao Wei only felt a violent flower wind. The length of the flower reached 50 meters before, with a strong sense of oppression. Seeing that the flower gun was about to rush to Zhao Wei.

At this moment, Zhao Wei held the sword in both hands, and Emperor’s Power was injected into the sword. The Disaster Dragon Sword made a terrible sword glow, and Zhao Wei took out a huge strength with a sword.


The beautiful flower gun and the terrible sword glow collided together, making a huge explosion, the petals and the sword qi, like a gust of wind.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Zhao Wei did not move in the void, and the huge flower demon continued to retreat three steps. Every step fell on the ground, and all of them made a loud noise. The ground trembled and the leaves fell.


Radiant tricolor The scream of angry screaming, the huge flower on the head, emitting a strong radiant tricolor light, the flowers of a few miles, like what is summoned, turned into a piece of radiant tricolor flower demon flying.

The huge petals flutter around the radiant tricolor flower demon, all kinds of petals are white, red, yellow, blue, all the petals are centered on the flower demon, and the radiant tricolor shines under the beautiful beauty Oh, the fragrance of flowers spreads like tides.

At the same time, a strong momentum, if the wind is generally scattered, dozens of miles of flower demon, feel a little scared, could not help but instinct to stay away from this area.

This flower demon looks rather scary, but it is really beautiful when it is attacked. Zhao Wei can’t help but sigh when he sees the scene in front of him.


The radiant tricolor screams, and countless petals around it, such as the same tidal wave formed by petals, to Zhao Zhaoyong.

Feeling this terrible strength, Zhao Wei couldn’t help but earnestly. The Great Qin Seal in the body produced countless black flavors, providing Zhao Wei with a stronger strength.

Zhao Wei raised the Disaster Dragon Sword with one hand, a terrible sword skyrocketed, and the sword qi raged. If the wind rushed, the Disaster Dragon Sword spurred a terrible sword light of tens of meters, when the flower tide hit. Zhao Wei is fully sword slash under.


a loud sound, the huge flower tide, was opened by a huge sword light, the flower tide collapsed, and countless petals fluttered.

The huge sword qi brought by the sword light repels the radiant tricolor flower demon four or five steps, and it brings a long wound in front of it.

At this time, Zhao Wei did not waste the opportunity, took the opportunity to become a stream of light, rushed to the front of the radiant tricolor flower demon, a sword with amazing power, stabbed to the heart of the flower demon, the flower demon was shocked, but already late.

The huge sword light penetrates its heart and twists its heart, and the heart is more than a dozen holes.


A huge sound came out, the huge flower demon body fell to the ground, the body turned into countless spots to dissipate, leaving three things on the ground, one is the tears that radiate the radiate tricolor, one is the golden flower demon seed, in addition to this There is also an item, a two-meter-wide, peony-like flower.

[Illusory Flower Tears]; one can exchange 100 million tears and collect ten Illusory Flower Tears to open the 7th Grade Flower Fairy.

[Flower demon seed]: A rare flower demon seed, which can breed a group of flower demon, and possibly cultivate a rare grade flower demon.

[Domain of Flowers]: The item comes with a field of flowers. The flowers in this field will never fade. The field is 10,000 miles, which is conducive to the growth of the flower demon.

An Illusory Flower Tears is equal to 1 billion ordinary flowers, and Zhao can’t help but smile. The rare flower demon seeds are also very good. The rare graded demon is already very precious. Zhao Wei is very satisfied.

The last Domain of Flowers, if the field is bigger and has the effect that the flowers will never fade, Daqin can not use the wishes of Flower Fairy.

However, it can be used as a breeding ground for the flower demon. With the support of the Domain of Flowers, the demon should be able to grow quickly.

After collecting these three things, Zhao Wei turned and asked Mei Mei, who was sitting on the shoulder. “Can you still feel there is a flower demon there?”

Mei Mei closed her eyes, then carefully sensed the surrounding, extended her small hand, pointed out a direction, said, “There is a little flower demon there!”

Upon hearing this description, Zhao Wei was somewhat disappointed. In the past, it was just a purple flower demon. Striking down it, getting tears, and then continuing to look for the flower demon.

Time passed a little, the dawn dawned, the night slowly faded, the new day came, this night Zhao Wei killed a total of purple flower demon 19 only, Dawn Xemon 90 only, night flower demon 8 only, Illusory Flower Monster 2 only.

It’s time to go back and count, Daqin’s harvest this night, the flower world is also ending at 12 tonight.

After Zhao returned to Daqin, Baiqi and Gai Nie also returned to the Daqin statistical harvest. The two of them killed the purple flower demon 129 only, the morning flower demon 40 only, the night flower demon 5 only, Illusory Flower Monster 1 only.

All the residents of Daqin cooperated with Soldiers, and they also harvested 32 billion tears this night. The number is amazing, mainly relying on many people, and there are three times the blessing of tears.

In addition to this, Daqin also bought 50 million tears, the number is a little less, but because of tears can also be exchanged for other things, the average person does not want to sell, which makes Zhao Wei give a sigh of relief, because Daqin is difficult to buy, That other person is even harder.

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