Now Daqin now controls 160, including 1472, Small City 30, Small Town 240, and 22489.

The total population has reached 6 billion 9, and its strength has reached 1 billion, of which 1st Order soldiers have reached more than 80 million, 2nd Order soldiers have hunted thousand, 3rd Order soldiers have also three hundred thousand, and 4th Order is also ten thousand. Four thousand people.

Daqin is all ready for the event. The 6th day event is still open tonight at 12. Although it is only in the morning and 12 from the night, there is still a certain amount of time, but the time is not enough, because this time we have to do six festivals. How can I prepare?

There is only one day for each festival. After the end, it is the next festival. There will be no more free time, so Daqin has become very hasty. For this reason, Zhao Wei also personally left the Land of Legacy and went out to buy various things.

Time soon passed, as if it hadn’t been there for a while, the sky was dark, and the stars of the stars appeared in the dark blue night sky, paved into a galaxy, spectacular and beautiful.


The sky is full of various kinds of rays, white, pink, and cyan, and the various colors are arranged in an orderly manner. It does not look confusing, like a picture.

A piece of petals began to fall from the sky, like a flower rain, all kinds of petals, the scene of the petals flying in the sky is very spectacular, as if it will only appear in the dream, the sky is still spreading a fragrance.

Under the control of the festival, the blossoming flowers on the ground began to bloom beautiful flowers, which are symmetrical with the flying petals, making the whole world a world of flowers.

“Zhao! We like this festival very much.” Three Flower Fairy smiled and flew in the high spirits next to Zhao Wei.

The elves themselves born out of the flowers are naturally the most excited and happy at the Ten Thousand Flowers Festival. The three of them are trained by Zhao Fu’s and reach the 5th Order. Although they are still palm sized, they use strong plant spells.

Zhao Wei also smiled and looked at the world full of flowers. This time it was the 2nd Order flower world of the Ten Thousand Flowers Festival. It was different from the previous Ten Thousand Flowers Festival.

Waiting for the petals of the sky to stop, on the blossoming flowers, there are also crystal beads, which is the tears.

“Hint! You have been blessed by 3rd Grade Flower Fairy before, and you get three times tears blessing bleSS ing”.

This reminder Zhao Yiyi, did not think of the previous Fairy Fairy’s blessings and this effect, the previous Flower Fairy blessing, so that Daqin is full of flowers everywhere, the air has a trace of flowers, but the aging time is three years, now just It is the third year of Heaven Awaken World.

Zhao Wei still remembers the hug of flowers, which can enhance the charm of women and goblin creatures. It is this blessing that hooks three Flower Fairy to Daqin.

Now tears appear, time is also urgent, this time Daqin wants a lot of things, Zhao Wei did not waste time, life is preparing to collect tears.

But this time accident happened, I saw the ground constantly swaying, a flower monster climbed out from the ground, this flower demon is humanoid, but the body is a plant, hands and legs are root-shaped, with a flower on the head There is a blue flower tear on it.

The strength of this demon is 7-stage. It is not something that ordinary residents can solve. This time, the 2nd Order section of the Ten Thousand Flowers Festival, although more beautiful than before, is more dangerous than before.

After the flower demon appeared, they rushed to the crowd. A 1st Order soldier held a long gun and slammed it through it. The flower demon fell to the ground and disappeared into countless spots. They are not real. Creature, but activity product.

Zhao Wei did not think that there would be such a change. Fortunately, the Soldiers are sufficient, and each one has the strength of 1st Order. There is no problem in dealing with some flower demon. You can let the people and Soldiers team up, so don’t worry about security.

2nd or 3rd Order soldiers, is responsible for dealing with some high-end flower demon, because there are blue flowers and tears on the demon head, it is already a grade, because there is a higher level of tears, there is a higher level Flower demon.

Now Daqin controls the area to reach 160, there is enough area to find tears, nearly 700 million total population, and three times the tears of blessings, the collected tears can be said to be even more unclear. Can have this strength, Zhao Wei can not be peace of mind.

Because now is no more than before, at this time all the regional channels in the world have been opened, people can freely come and go, let alone collect a tear of continent, even if someone collects tears of a thousand areas, Zhao Wei is not competitive with others.

Now Zhao Wei has no sigh of relief. He also ordered people to use their coins to buy tears. They can also use the medicinal pill to change them. At all costs, they will get tears. The six things Zhao Wei wants.

“Zhao, I feel that there is a big and big flower demon in the distance.” The most lively rose in the three Flower Fairy, the hands are a big and big look.

“We also felt it!”, the other two Flower Fairy are also started talking.

Zhao Wei was surprised. He didn’t think that Flower Fairy had the ability to sense the demon, and according to them, the flower demon was very big. That means that the tears are very high. Zhao Yan’s face has a smile on his face. Now there are three Flowers Fairy. You can bring one, and the other two can be handed over to others.

High-level tears can open blessings, you can also redeem holiday points, a purple flower tear equals 10,000 ordinary tears, an orange flower tear equalshund thousand ordinary tears, a white gold flower tears can be exchanged for millions of ordinary tears.

Zhao Wei quickly called Baiqi and Gai Nie, striking down. The flower demon needs to be strong enough. After the combination of various Seven Murders, Bai Ni is also the strongest swordsman. Both will definitely be very quick to striking down the flower demon.

But the two of them, one sprinkling the murderous aura, a sword intent that exudes sharp and hurts the skin, makes the two Flower Fairy scared and straight, and the tears are coming out.

Zhao Wei can only call Asani and Daisy, they will take Flowers Fairy to find the flower demon, and Bai Qi and Gai Ni are responsible for striking down.

Two Flower Fairy looked at the familiar Asani and Daisy, and quickly regained their happiness, and took them to the search for the demon.

“Mei Mei, let’s go! You can see them when you come back.”

Mei Mei seems to be the most lively, but also the most vulnerable. The two Flower Fairy have to be a little uncomfortable and unhappy because they have to leave a small meeting. Zhao Wei could not help but comfort.

“it is good!”

Mei Mei also recovered quickly, with a sweet smile on her face, one replied.

Zhao Wei also began to act, followed by Mei Mei’s guidance, and soon found a flower demon, this flower demon is indeed very large, about 15 meters high, with a tear on the head with a hint of orange light.

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