Originally, after leaving Daqin, the evil nine has been practicing in the north and then met the northern Guardian Beast Heavenly Desolate Azure Dragon.

Heavenly Desolate Azure Dragon likes evil nine and accepts her as a granddaughter. At that time, just as Human World’s situation changed greatly, the Warring States curtain opened, all parties had strong power, and began to conquest each other, wars, and loSS of life.

At this time, the regional lord creature can have two choices.

The first is to stay at Human World and continue as a regional lord.

The second is the Quartet Guardian Beast, which opens the door to the world where the region’s creatures can travel to other worlds.

The lords of the various parties but understand the terrible powers of those who stay in Human World will definitely die, so almost all choose to enter the door of the world to go to other worlds, so that the Human World’s lord creatures disappeared a lot.

As the granddaughter of Heavenly Desolate Azure Dragon, Evil Nine is directly teleported to the Monster Territory.

Heavenly Desolate Azure Dragon is a very powerful family among the dragons. The dragon power is also the top dragon force. Heavenly Desolate Azure Dragon is also the top blood among the dragons and has a high status among the dragons.

As the Human World Guardian Beast, the old dragon, named Dragon, is a virtual powerhouse. It is an elder in the family and has a lot of power.

He accepts the task given by Heaven Awaken World and projects an avatar to Human World as Human World’s Guardian Beast.

That is, at Human World’s Heavenly Desolate Azure Dragon, it is just an avatar of the Dragon. It is not a real entity. The dragon’s body has always been among the dragons.

Long Fang himself likes children very much, adopts a lot of young dragons, and still trains them hard. Before that, the white dragon and the several dragon teenagers were dragons adopted by the dragon.

Because the cuteness is very popular with the dragon, Long Fang pays special attention to the evil nine and spends more to train her, so the evil nine is so quick to break through One Heaven Realm, which is also a few other young girls. Like evil nine.

As for Long Qingqing, it is really the granddaughter of Longfang, with the heart of Heavenly Desolate Azure Dragon. I often help Long Fang to take care of these young girls, and the numerous young girls like her very much.

After Human World’s protection enchantment disappeared, the dragon’s avatar also returned to the body, receiving the rewards given by Heaven Awaken World, often in a state of retreat.

I remember that when Long Fang and the other three Guardian Beast left Human World’s, they also called Zhao Fu to go to Monster Territory.

Zhao Fu didn’t go to Monster Territory because there was nothing. Today, I didn’t expect to meet evil nine here.

The evil nine and the dragon side can not think of it, Zhao Fu will have such terrible potential, grow into a terrible figure that they all need to look up.

“Zhao Fu, you are going to talk about what you have experienced in the past years, why is it so powerful, why is there a Dragon Supreme bloodline? Are you not a Human Race?” The evil nine sits on the side of the table, a pair of eyes look forward to Looking at Zhao Fu.

When everyone heard the words of evil nine, the face was wrong. “Isn’t the people in front of the dragons? It’s a Human Race? Isn’t the dragons having such a powerful dragon’s blood? The key dragons are more pure than their dragons.”

“This will not be true, it must be fake. It will not happen. It is absolutely impossible for a Human Race to have such a level of dragon blood.”

But they only listen to Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, “Um! I have experienced a lot of things in these years. The dragon blood is the blood that I accidentally got when I got the legacy. This bloodline continues to advance with me, so I have such terrible strength. ”

“Really! This turned out to be true.”

Everyone looked at Zhao Fu with a look of shock, and his mind was blank. He never thought that the person with such a terrible dragon’s supreme blood is a Human Race.

No wonder he didn’t release the strength, they all thought that Zhao Fu was just a Human Race. After the strength is released, the strength of the Dragon Supreme is sensed.

Evil nine curious said, “What terrible legacy did you get? How do you have the Dragon’s Supreme Blood?”

Zhao Fu replied with a smile. “It’s a legacy called Wanlong Legacy. This legacy is controlled by a Myriad Dragons Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber of Commerce built a dragon station in a city. Whoever wants to go up, As long as you board, you can get such a legacy, and there are many rewards.”

Everyone showed a strange expression at once, so terrible and even sensational to the legacy of Monster Territory, is it so simple to get it?

And the location is still in the city, just as you go.

Long Qingqing interrupted the conversation and asked with excitement and excitement. “Is the Dragon Zun still there?”

No matter who is willing to force the powerful Supreme Dragon, no one can reject its temptation. Some people will even get mad at all costs.

Now I know that there is such a place, you can not afford to pay any price, just need to board the Longtai to get the blood of the unimaginable Dragon. Long Qingqing also wants to try it in the past.

And mastering this dragon platform is equivalent to mastering a dragon to treasure, a treasure that will make the whole dragon excited and ecstatic.

Even Supreme Being will desperately snatch this treasure, which shows how precious this treasure is.

Feng Baixue also listened carefully, did not dare to miss a word, she understood the terrible treasure, and the importance of the dragon, she also wants to get that treasure, see if you can also get the dragon’s supreme blood, if you can’t get it, then it must Destroyed.

Both of them thought that the Chamber of Commerce was simply too defeated. Such a terrible legacy did not have good protection. Instead, it was easy to get.

Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, “The legacy can only be given to one person. After I boarded the Myriad Dragons Platform, the legacy disappeared. The Myriad Dragons Merchant Group also called me to Monster Territory, but I never had time.”

It was said that everyone was greatly disappointed.

However, they think about it too, such a legacy that can give the Dragon’s Supreme Blood, how can it be casually obtained.

When I heard Zhao Fu’s words, Long Qingqing asked with a deep face. “Is that a merchant group really called Myriad Dragons Merchant Group? I have never heard of such a merchant group. Since they called you to Monster Territory, it should also be Monster Territory. Dragon people.”

Now things have become a bit more complicated. It should be that the Dragons have taken this legacy intentionally to other places and made it available to others.

There may be some conspiracy in this, and this legacy is still the legacy of the Supreme Dragon, which shows that this conspiracy may be a conspiracy of the dragons, so Long Qingqing will be so dignified.

Feng Baixue also thinks this way, thinking in his mind that this conspiracy may be terrible, and may even cause the dragon to change. The man in front of him is the one who started this conspiracy. He said that ugly must be the most important piece in the conspiracy.

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