Hilary said happily, “Um! Now that I know, Daqin is very powerful, and has great potential, and there are lots of fun things and fun places.”

Zhao Fu said with a smile, “Don’t play for too long, I will leave Daqin soon, go to Heaven Awaken World’s Spirit Territory, and the card world needs you to go back and do something.”

Hilary sat in the arms of Zhao Fu and asked Zhao Fu, “What? How long will it take?”

Zhao Fu replied, “It is very important. I don’t know how long it will take. It may be a long time.”

“Oh!” Hilary responded with a sigh of relief.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, “On the other side of the card world, you only have to look at it, and set up a cavalry regiment. You can always go to Daqin to play. I will send a Great General to sit on the side. You don’t have to manage too many things. “”

Hilary stared at Zhao Fu and looked at Zhao Fu. “You want to send that Great General? I think a person is very suitable. I get along very well with her. I don’t know if she can defend the card world.” People,”

Zhao Fu was a little surprised. She didn’t think that Hilary became a good friend in Daqin for a few days. She smiled and asked, “What is her name?”

Hilary replied happily. “She is called Arthur Tina. The first side I met with her was very familiar and kind. Then we both became friends. Although she is not walking, it is not the road of the knight, but she is The things that believe in the things that are adhered to are much the same as those of the knights.”

Zhao Fu thought about it. Arthur Tina walked the road of the king, and believed in justice, light, vows, courage, love, etc. She also followed ten knights.

The card world itself is like the ancient Western world, which is also very suitable for Arthur Tina, and the strength of Arthur Tina is similar to that of the other side.

If you go there, maybe the strength of Arthur Tina will go a step further.

Zhao Fu laughed and called Arthur Tina.

A long blond hair, a bold blue eyes, and Arthur Tina in a silver-white knight dress, came to the hall and saw Hillary in the arms of Zhao Fu. There was nothing unexpected in her heart.

She became a Zhao Fu woman for so long, and she already knows Zhao Fu very well. She smiles and says, “Song Gong! Is there anything to find me?”

Hilary smiled and didn’t expect Arthur Tina to be a Zhao Fu’s woman, because Arthur Tina didn’t say it before.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, “You come up, I have something to tell you.”

Arthur Tina’s face was reddish, sitting in the arms of Zhao Fu, asked in a soft voice, “Song Gong! What’s the matter?”

Zhao Fu said with a smile, Arthur Tina said, “I feel that the world of cards is very suitable for you to develop on the other side, so let you stay on the side first, and your ability should be no problem.”

Arthur Tina has a smile on his face. “I want to tell you about this thing. The card world is very similar to my strength, and I like the knight there, so I want to go to the card world.”

Zhao Fu said with a smile. “Since you think so, I have no opinion.”

Hilary looked at the intimacy of Zhao Fu and Arthur Tina, and there was some jealousy in her heart, screaming at Zhao Fu, “People!”

Zhao Fu looks at her look chuckled.

Arthur Tina also showed a smile.

Later, Zhao Fu let them leave, telling them about the numerous ministers and the departure of Daqin to Spirit Territory.

Numerous ministers seriously nodded, and there was some heavy heart in their hearts. Then Daqin needed them to be cautious at all times.

They have a strong confidence in Zhao Fu. When Zhao Fu was in Great Qin’s, no matter what the difficult, they believed that Zhao Fu could lead them to resist. If Zhao Fu left the confidence is not so strong, the whole Daqin is centered on Zhao Fu.

After the numerous ministers left, Zhao Fu was about to go to the field.

“Áo! ”

A huge dragon screamed through the square, and the dragon blood in Zhao Fu became hot. Zhao Fu smiled and thought about it, showing a smile and flying to one side.

Zhao Fu came to a platform and saw a huge gold-silver beam in front of him. It seemed to lead to the sky, and it radiated a huge wave of waves. It spread continuously around, like a mountain, and could not resist.

The whole Daqin felt this terrifying dragon power, and countless people trembled slightly, and their faces showed a fearful expression, all of which looked in this direction.

All the dragons in Daqin felt a huge pressure. They did not dare to fly in the sky. They were honestly lying on the ground. Looking at this direction, it seems that there are some terrifying things of the dragons.

The alliance near Daqin, as well as the Wind God Empire, and even further countries have felt this huge dragon power.

“What is Daqin trying to conspire?”

Since the last time Qin Qin destroyed Monster Horn Empire, there has been no movement for a long time, and all parties are very wary of what conspiracy Daqin is doing.

Now I feel that Daqin exudes such terrible fluctuations. The hearts of everyone are shocked and very worried. At this time, Daqin is really terrible.

When Zhao Fu came back from the endless void, he brought back a lot of things, including a dragon soul crystal. This dragon soul crystal is the Supreme Being level dragon soul crystal, with a huge dragon power.

Now Daqin has two dragon’s lairs, the first is the Two-Legged Wyverns’ lair and the second is the nest of Shining Night Silver Dragon.

Two-Legged Wyverns’ Nest Daqin has been developing and training, so Daqin has a lot of Two-legged Wyvern, but Shining Night Silver Dragon Daqin got it late, and it is the 8th Order top dragon, which takes a long time to refresh. The number is not much.

The Supreme Being level dragon soul, Zhao Fu chose to fit into the Shining Night Silver Dragon’s lair, and the Two-Legged Wyverns’ nest level is too low.

After Zhao Fu’s soul was integrated into the nest of Shining Night Silver Dragon, the nest began to change and it has only been successful until now.

Because this is a wave that blends into the Supreme Being level, it exudes such terrible fluctuations. Supreme Being can be said to be the top presence in Heaven Awaken World.

Power of Heaven and Earth is coming in quickly, like the same huge suction force. Countless strength is injected into the top of the beam. The strength of the top of the beam is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that the Heaven and Earth can be destroyed. distortion.


A huge dragonfly rang through all directions, shattering the world, and a terrifying incomparable Longwei spread across Power of Heaven and Earth, shrouded the Quartet.

Countless people only feel the body sinking, the body seems to fall into the abyss, the heart is filled with strong fear, the body is shaking violently.

The people around the Daqin territory saw that the entire Daqin was shrouded in a golden and silver ray, emitting a terrible wave of volatility, and was shocked by the heart, not knowing what had happened.

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