This cardified place is half as big as the world, and Zhao Fu will definitely get it. As for the Kingdom, it will also be defeated.

However, now Zhao Fu has just entered the card world, the Great Qin Army team has not entered, there will not be such a large-scale war, a Kingdom is not so good, Daqin will wait for them to destroy them.

Next is the information around the Locke State.

Locke’s location is on the corner of the Middle Territory. There are quite a few countries nearby, with a total of more than 30, but the largest country is just a Dukedom class, which is a country that occupies a world.

The smallest country is a Marquisdom, where Nobledom is almost impossible to exist.

Because this place is already the card world Middle Territory, the basic force is 2nd Order, Nobledom is so weak, there is no self-protection strength here.

Zhao Fu looks at the information of these countries. There are five countries around Locke. The biggest one is Leiming Country. It is located on the east side of Locke State. The north is the second place in Kaku State, the third in the south is the third, the northwest and the southwest. The strength of the country and the country is the weakest.

Daqinsoldiers must enter the card world to participate in the war. They can’t wait in the Daqin world. Now Zhao Fu has read the information and thinks about attacking the one now.

At this time, these countries have no preparations. Daqin suddenly launches an offensive and will achieve very good results. If you can, you can destroy the other side and end the war as quickly as possible.

When I think about it, Zhao Fu feels that Lei Ming is the right target. First, he has just been defeated by Locke, not only losing a lot of troops, but also having low morale.

Second, he is the most powerful country in the ROK and the most threatening country. Solving it solves a threat and can also attack the morale of the four Zhou State.

Zhao Fu looked at her in the arms and said with a smile. “Now I have to go back to Heaven Awaken World and maybe I will be back in a few days.”

Hilary said with some disappointment, “Are you going back to Heaven Awaken World?”

Zhao Fu replied with a smile. “Um! I have been here for a week. Daqin is waiting for me to go back. This time I will also lead my army to formally enter the card world.”

Hilary understands that Zhao Fu’s entry into the card world is very important, a bit lost, “Um! We are waiting for you at the Royal Palace.”

Zhao Fu looked at her lost look, reaching out and hooking Hilary’s chin and said with a smile. “When I come back, I will accompany you.”

Hilary smiled on her face, “Um!”

At this time, a guard was nervous and said with a sigh. “The king is not good. Heaven Awaken World’s people are in the territory of the country. The strength is very strong. Now the country is sending people to ask for help.”

Zhao Fu’s expression is a bit strange. I didn’t think that this would happen. How suddenly did a Heaven Awaken World force appear here?

Hilary and the numerous knight looked at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu thought for a moment and said, “Let’s see what happened.”

Hilary smiled and said “Um”.

Later, Zhao Fu took the crowd to the west and then came to a sky with a huge army in front.

They are three meters tall, human shape, burly, big feet, and a tail. The whole body is made of mud and emits a strong earth attribute. They should be Heaven Awaken World’s Spirit Race.

In addition to Zhao Fu’s arrival with Hilary, there are many strong people in other countries in the distance. After all, Heaven Awaken World’s forces are coming, and now the two worlds are beginning to engage in interface wars.

And the people who look at Heaven Awaken World are very powerful, they can’t dare to understand, they will soon attack the power of the card world.

Hilary looked at the Spirit Race in the distance, and some accidents said, “How do they grow up differently from you? It feels so ugly, are you Heaven Awaken World like this?”

Zhao Fu can’t help but smiled. “Our Heaven Awaken World is different from your card world. Our world is made up of various races. It may be tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands. The number is not clear.”

Hilary was surprised. “You have so many races in the world? Although we have other races in the world of cards, we are the masters of the card world.”

Zhao Fu said with a smile, “Every world is different from every world rule, such as Chaos World on the other side of Heaven Awaken World, where the beasts are dominant, and Alchemy World is dominated by Alchemy Clan.”

Hilary smiled and said, “I also want to go to Daqin to see Heaven Awaken World.”

Zhao Fu said with a smile, “Um! Then wait for you to go back with me.”

Melissa and other female knights have always been based on Hilary, but Zhao Fu is also regarded as their man in the heart. A pair of beautiful women look forward to looking forward to Zhao Fu. “We also want to see what kind of country Daqin is.”

Zhao Fu smiled “Um” and a pair of eyes continued to look forward to Spirit Race soldiers.

These Spirit Race soldiers have a large army guarding the outside, some are building the city wall, and they have not ventured into the card world. They plan to build a station and start other actions.

This place is the card world Middle Territory. Most of the forces are already Kingdom. Without detailed information, almost no force dares to attack directly.

Unless an Empire enters here, it is eligible to be here, and the Empire level is directly teleporting to the card world center, which is unlikely to appear here.

The army has about three billion troops, all of which are 2nd Order soldiers. Zhao Fu feels that this is likely to be a Kingdom-level force.

Zhao Fu frowned. “This place already has Daqin. Now there is another Kingdom. It is not a good thing for Daqin because there is one more competitor.”

“And this power, Heaven Awaken World, is strictly stipulated that it can’t attack, or even do anything that harms them. Heaven Awaken World bans infighting, and people who face the outside world consistently, this Empire does not dare to violate, to Heaven Awaken World consciousness The horrible thing can be easily erased by an Empire’s person, without the slightest hindrance.”

“It seems that the plan is to change!”

In the depths of the Tuwei people’s army, some of the strong men of the Tuowei also looked at the Ka’s strongmen in the distance. They began to look relaxed and did not see the terrible strong.

A tall man at the end of the earth said with a confident smile. “I see the power in this area is weak. This card family is not as strong as Alchemy Clan. We can sweep them and let them see our Heaven Awaken World’s.”

Next to an old man, the look is serious. “Don’t care. The card-stronger who stood in your direction, although not giving off a strong breath, gave me the feeling of extreme danger and could easily beat me.”

Everyone was shocked.

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