Zhao Fu said with a smile, “Do you want to be my knight? Now I can give you the strength you can’t think of.”

Many Knights nodded with a smile, their eyes full of expectations, and some excitement.

Although they don’t know the Zhao Fu’s blood and strength level, they are destined to be very powerful with the strength of the king’s knight.

Then, the numerous knight on one knee squatted in front of Zhao Fu, took out a sword and put it in front of him, with the sword edge facing up, looking serious, and starting talking in unison. “I am willing to loyal to my master, obey all orders of my lord, forever. Will not betray.”

Zhao Fu had a smile on his face, reaching out a hand, and a huge stretch of gold poured into their bodies.

Bang bang bang bang…

The numerous knights only felt a huge strength infused into the body, as if a sea of ​​water had poured into their bodies, and their minds were shocked and blank.

Although they have some preparations in their hearts, they have not thought that this strength will be so terrible, let alone that even if an ordinary person absorbs this strength, it will become a terrible powerhouse.

The huge strength is injected into their bodies. Their strength, blood, and Constitution are all rising rapidly. It is the feeling of rushing to the sky. This strength is too powerful!

The strength constantly poured into their bodies, causing them to emit a lot of black light, and the momentum that came out was terrible.

Their eyebrows slowly ejected a mark, which is like a Royal Crown, and the color is black, just like the mark on Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu took back his hand and stopped injecting strength.

The numerous knights have also come back from that state, showing a pleasant expression.

The first is that their Constitution has been greatly improved, and their qualifications have been greatly improved. Their blood strength, although not a king’s blood, is not weaker than the king’s blood, and can emit a very terrible strength.

And now their cultivation base, originally is World Realm, now breaks directly into One Heaven Realm.

They also need a cultivation base that can be broken for more than a decade, and now they have broken through in just a few minutes, helping them save more than a decade.

It’s hard to have something to do.

Finally, the power of the knights they now have is the power of the knights that Zhao Fu’s body condenses. The level is very advanced, even stronger than the knights they have seen in the Knights Union.

It feels so shocking. He is a man of other worlds, not a knight. The power of the knights is stronger than the top knights of the Knights Union.

How did he do it?

Knight print is a strength that condenses its own blood and strength legacy. Now the power of the knight can be said to destroy the strength of World ClaSS. What blood and strength does he have?

The hearts of the people violently beat, watching the men in front of them, they couldn’t tell the shock, they far underestimated the person in front of them.

Zhao Fu looked at their shocked look and chuckled. “How powerful? I didn’t deceive you?”

Everyone returned, and nodded affirmatively.

Elena looked at Zhao Fu seriously. “I have never seen such a powerful knight. Now I doubt if you are a famous Awaken World’s person. Identity is not something we can touch.”

The Bright Knight also nodded solemnly. “I also think so. Your identity in Heaven Awaken World must be terrible. It is the kind of people all over the world.”

The other knight nodded.

Because the power of the knight, which is condensed, is too terrible, it is stronger than the top knights of the Knights Union, and the Knights Union is one of the strongest forces in the world of cards.

It has the top power, it is definitely the world’s top strength, but the power of the Knights that Zhao Fu condenses, but stronger than the top strength of the Knights Union.

This only shows the man in front of them, they can’t imagine how terrible it is.

Zhao Fu chuckled, “You are not wrong, these things I will tell you later, now I give these strengths, not just that you are my woman now, I also want to nurture you to become peerless powerhouses.”

Many knights smile on their faces.

Zhao Fu’s is not wrong. Having this kind of strength not only has various benefits, but they can become a peerless power in the future, which is equal to a great opportunity for them.

Elena said with a smile. “Um! We know that you are good to us, we will remember, and will not let you down.”

The Dark Knight said with a confident smile. “With this kind of terrible strength, even a waste will become a strong. We have this kind of strength and will definitely become the world’s top powerhouse.”

The Flame Knight looks at Zhao Fu. “Now our bodies are back, we will serve you well, you can destroy us.”

The holy light knight, a blushing red face on his face, and the picture of serving him under his head, although shameful, she now likes that feeling.

Zhao Fu refused and smiled. “No, now I still have something!”

Many knights have a disappointing expression on their faces.

Zhao Fu continued, “You can go to the Royal Palace later. Now I need the Knights Union to get some information, and I will nurture you to develop your own power, and I hope that you can develop with the Knights Union.”

Elena said with a smile, “Yes, the Knights Union is yours at this time, we will help you collect all the information you want.”

“But we will have some difficulties in developing our own power, because the management of the Knights Union is very strict, we may be recalled to the Knights Union at any time, and even abolished the current position.”

Zhao Fu has a look, “So strict?”

Elena nodded and said, “Um! Do you think I lied to you before? If we easily violate the rules of the Knights Union, we will be severely punished, so we will not help you.”

Zhao Fu thought, “Well, you can do it a little, or you can prepare to leave the Knights Union at any time.”

Elena replied with a smile. “Okay! Now you are our man, and give us such a strong strength. We must be yours in the future.”

Later, Zhao Fu left the Knights Union and returned to the Royal Palace.

Hilary looked at Zhao Fu for so long and came back now. She took a look at Zhao Fu. “How come back now?”

Zhao Fu said with a smile. “Some things have been delayed. Now that I have obtained the Knights’ Seal, it is not the usual Knight Print. Now you are standing in front of me. I will give my strength to you.”

Hilary didn’t think much, and her mind shifted to the Knights’ print. She understood that the Knight Print that Zhao Fu condensed was very powerful, and she always looked forward to it.

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