Now Zhao Fu controls the four most important people in the Locke country. The next thing is the lords. Because it is divided, it is not known how many lords and lords who have titles have reached tens of thousands.

The little lords of these lords did not care, and what Zhao Fu cares about is the big lords who have mastered the heavy forces.

Some of them support three princes, some remain neutral and wait for things to change.

Zhao Fu thought about whether they could bring them together and then control them all?

In this way, Zhao Fu can easily control Locke, and even do not use Daqin a force to reduce unnecessary casualties, and can lurk down and continue to understand the card world.

In the heart of the decision, Zhao Fu controls the order of the old king to convene all the big lords.

However, the result is that Zhao Fu is very surprised. Many big lords can’t come to Kingdom by something. Zhao Fu thought if it was exposed?

Zhao Fu thinks that the old king said that the Locke country is in a bad situation. It should be in this respect. The royal family is weak and can’t suppress the local lords. Those local lords dare not come.

If it is a general country, the king orders the order, the numerous lord must come, or the lord will be abolished directly, without the lord dare not come, this is the authority of the king.

The old king originally wanted to marry his daughter to Lei Mingguo, and to weaken the local lord by the suppression of the thundering country, but the result was destroyed by Zhao Fu, and it was so angry.

This is the drawback of the sub-sealing system. Zhao Fu thinks why not establish a centralized state, there is no need to worry about the danger of the local lord, but why most people choose to seal the system.

Zhao Fu thought about it, this is related to the thoughts of the people in the Kazakh world, who are loyal to who must obtain the territory, and also related to the Ka’s world rules.

Without controlling these big lords, Zhao Fu did not dare to declare Hillary as the king, otherwise this group might be able to rebel.

Now they can see their attitudes. The king summoned them, but they didn’t come. Did they think that the old king did not dare to marry them?

This is indeed the case. If the king does not dare to abolish a large number of lords, these lords will certainly be dissatisfied, and then there will be rebellion. If there are many people, the country is in danger of dying.

Zhao Fu thought about it, first controlled several big lords who were willing to come, and then ordered people to assemble Kingdom soldiers.

The major lords of the Locke State learned that the news had changed. They originally believed that the old king suddenly called them, and there was a possibility of major changes. Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for the king to summon all the big lords.

But they inquired about it and didn’t do anything. What purpose did the king call them? All parties have great suspicions, knowing that the lords of several heavy-handed soldiers will not go forward, nor will they pass.

Now that the king’s army is gathering, they are even more surprised. The old king feels a bit like trying to do it.

They naturally would not stand and be beaten, and they would soon be mobilized to prepare to fend off the Kingdom Army.

These are the ideas of some big lords. They have enough strength, so they have confidence, and some small lords are very scared because they have no ability to resist the Kingdom army.

The Kingdom is one of Kingdom’s most elite, and strength is much stronger than the rest of them.

Zhao Fu looked at the reaction of all parties, his face showed a smile, and he planned to pick out somesoldiers as the guards of the travel.

He has nothing to attack the meaning of the lords, because those lords add up, but they are much more than the king’s army, and they are in an unfavorable situation.

Since they didn’t dare to come, Zhao Fu planned to go over and used the patrol of the territory as an excuse. With only 3,000 people as guards, they should not be afraid.

Upon hearing the news, the lords of the parties sighed with relief. In fact, they did not want Locke’s chaos now, which is not good for them.

They add strength together stronger than the Kingdom army, but they are divided into the lords of the parties. There are also frictions and grudges between the two sides. If the Locke State is in chaos, they have no ability to unify, and the result is division.

The surrounding countries will not give up this opportunity, and will certainly annex the Locke country, when they have nothing.

Zhao Fu took the first to go to the Ferro family, the most powerful lord of the numerous lord. The ancestors of the Ferro family were once one of the founding fathers of the Locke State. They gained a large seal and have been developed over the centuries. The biggest lord of the Locke State is also the most threatening force.

The Kingdom team came to the territory of the Ferro family with a strong and majestic momentum.

At this time, the Patriarch of the Ferro family, waiting for the people in front of the castle, had a very general attitude and did not have such a respectful feeling, as if waiting for the old king in an equal capacity.

Patriarch is a majestic middle-aged man who stands there straight and looks very ambitious.

There are also three beautiful women standing next to each other, one is glamorous, with a long wavy wavy hair, wearing a red dress, a mature body, temperament, wearing a dark blue dress, wearing a white dress, temperament.

There are 5 or 6 young men and women standing next to them. The big ones are in their twenties and the young ones are three or four years old.

The other people around are basically important figures of the Ferro family, and there are guards.

Zhao Fu and the old king are sitting in a luxurious carriage.

The old king sat there as if he was sitting there, and Zhao Fu opened the carriage curtain and looked at the Ferro family.

The team slowly came to the castle, and Zhao Fu controlled the old king to get off the bus, and he was like a guard and followed him.

The Patriarch of the Ferro family showed a polite smile. “The Kings chose the Ferro family to believe in my Ferro family. I will take the king to play in my territory and appreciate the scenery of my territory.”

The old king is now controlled by Zhao Fu, but his consciousness is in the body, knowing the outside things, and now becomes some angry.

Because this Patriarch did not salute him, and the territory of the whole country should belong to the royal family, and the Ferro family had regarded the territory as its own thing and regarded him as a guest.

Zhao Fu ignored the old king’s anger and controlled the old king with a smile. “Um! This is my last visit, so choose the ones I believe the most.”

Ferro Patriarch said with a smile, “The king is now ready for a good banquet to welcome you, please go to the king.”

The old king nodded and walked inside the castle.

Zhao Fu followed him, and the strength of the distribution was very ordinary. No one cares about Zhao Fu’s existence, and Zhao Fu did not say anything.

Coming to the castle hall, there is a long table of several meters long, with a rich wine on it.

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