The old Water Dragon looks serious and also injects a more powerful strength into the Water Dragon gun. The Water Dragon gun emits a powerful strength.

As for Zhao Fu standing in the middle, there is nothing to do. In the face of these hollow wolves who are comparable to the powerful, Zhao Fu can’t do anything.

A emptiness wolf rushed over, and the tree spirit was mainly responsible for the defense, blocking the numerous empty wolves that had been thrown over. The hollow wolves slammed into the hood, biting with sharp teeth, and grasping with the wolf claws.


The old Water Dragon was responsible for the attack, constantly waving the dragon gun in his hand, and a terrible force hit it out, and flew out a hollow wolf.

After a while, the numerous void wolf was striking down, and the countless virtual air flow dissipated. The remaining few emptiness looked at Zhao Fu three people, and dared not turn around and ran away.

Then Zhao Fu walked forward, and for a while he was not attacked by the Nether Wolf, but the breath that came out was more and more dangerous and heavier.


A huge roaring sound, shaking all directions, a height of ten meters, the upper body is a void wolf, the lower body is a human monster, with the strength of Supreme Being, appearing in front of the Zhao Fu three.

Shuling and the old Water Dragon have a slightly changed face.

The old Water Dragon said, “I will try his strength first, you are responsible for protecting the adults, and there may be other monsters hidden nearby.”

Shuling replied, “Um! I know, then you are careful.”


At this time, the Werewolf half-human monster rushed over with a huge momentum. The old Water Dragon was not talking about anything. He held the Water Dragon gun and rushed directly to the monster.

Both are extremely fast, only three meters away in an instant.

The monster waved the wolf’s claws, with a tearing of the strength of the void, drawing five black arcs and grabbing the old Water Dragon.

The old Water Dragon pistol slammed out, a huge gunpower, rushing forward with the strength of the broken everything.


The two hit together, and a terrible shock wave instantly spread out, and the void collapsed directly. The picture was terrible.

The monster looked sly, waved another wolf claw, and grabbed the old Water Dragon fiercely.

The old Water Dragon blocked the rifle and blocked the claws of the monster.

At that moment, the old Water Dragon twisted his body and kicked it out with a kick. He made a huge blast, kicking the monster a hundred meters on one foot, the old Water Dragon as a dragon, and the strength of the body. Scary.


The monster’s painful roar, opened a huge wolf’s mouth, ejected a huge imaginary beam, with a terrible strength, shot at the old Water Dragon, and some distortions appeared in the void.

The old Water Dragon spurs a rifle, and a huge water makes a Water Dragon, with a huge Longwei rushing forward.


A huge sound sounded, and the two collided with numerous splashes and air currents.


The monster’s body appeared on the top of the old Water Dragon, and a sharp wolf claw with a strong strength caught the old Water Dragon from top to bottom.

The Old Water Dragon raised the head and looked at the monster. At that moment, countless waters floated around his body, forming a water hood that exudes a strong strength.


The terrible claw caught on the water cover and grabbed five deep paw prints, but the water cover quickly recovered, blocking the monster’s blow.

The monster’s face is fierce, twisting and kicking out with one leg, with an amazing power, and a strong wind.


A dull voice, the water cover was kicked open, turned into countless splashes, and the body of the old Water Dragon was kicked out a dozen meters.

The monster continued to rush to the old Water Dragon.

The old Water Dragon looked cold and waved a long gun in his hand. The numerous waters gathered around him and the rifle spurted forward.


A huge stream of water with a thousand miles of momentum, the monster that rushed past hit the long distance.


The monster screamed at the sky and gave off a more ferocious momentum. The madness rushed over to the old Water Dragon.

The old Water Dragon didn’t have any fear, and rushed over with a strong momentum.

Zhao Fu and Shuling looked at the side, and the terrible battles that the two opened. Each stroke exudes tremendous destructive power. It seems that the surrounding virtual voids and cracks will continue to increase.


A figure appeared in front of the defensive hood, waving his claws, and with a terrible strength, grabbed the defensive hood.


The powerful and hard defensive hood was shattered at that moment, and the tree spirit changed, and it was in front of Zhao Fu’s.

Sure enough, there are other monsters that have been hidden all around, and finally I can’t help but shoot.

The monster’s face showed a cruel smile, waving another paw, bringing out five sharp arcs and grabbing the tree.

Shuling clenched his fists, countless yellow light condensed, and punched hard with a punch.


a loud sound is emitted, the wolf claws and the fists collide, and a terrible shock wave is scattered at a time, and the void is shattered.

Although Zhao Fu was behind the tree, he was still affected by the shock wave and was knocked back four or five meters, but it was still not injured.

The monster looks fierce, opens a huge wolf mouth, and bites the tree to the past.

The tree spirit body hides to the side, moves a trick, the hand stretches out, a soft tree root sticks out from the palm of the hand, like a whip, the tree spirit holds the whip and pulls it hard.

Pā !

The whip was smashed on the monster’s body with a terrible strength, and the monster was pumped out, and there was a shallow wound on the body.

The monster screamed and fiercely attacked the tree.

Shuling waved the wooden root whip in his hand and hit the monster.

The two battled together, the strong fluctuations of one stock continued to spread, and the void was constantly fragmented.

This terrifying fluctuation, Zhao Fu has no way to resist, only the body is back. And Zhao Fu released the hood.

Now both Supreme Being are fighting monsters. There is no time to protect him. If there is a monster, you don’t have to be a Supreme Being monster. You only need one level monster to kill Zhao Fu.

At this point, Zhao Fu must be careful and always enter the strongest Ten Thousand Gods state.


The battlefield between the two sides is getting more and more fierce, and the terrible fluctuations that come out are even more scary. Zhao Fu can only retreat to a farther place, otherwise the terrible fluctuations can kill him.

Zhao Fu also carefully senses the surroundings and is wary of various dangers.

From the battle situation, Shuling and the old Water Dragon are a lot stronger. It is sooner or later to defeat two monsters.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the old Water Dragon shot like a lightning bolt through the chest of the monster. The monster made a scream and the body vanished into countless voids.

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