Now they don’t even know that Zhao Fu doesn’t have such a terrible identity at all. It’s just a small Kingdom owner who usually meets people who will respect them.

Zhao Fu looked at the five self-introductions and thought about it. “My name is Magic Night. As for my identity, I can’t say it.”

If you say Zhao Fu’s identity, don’t say that five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen will do it for him. Two Supreme Being will kill Zhao Fu first.

The five people were somewhat disappointed. They now want to know how terrible Zhao Fu’s identity is, but Zhao Fu is not willing to say that they can’t force Zhao Fu to say.

The cold-hearted young man thought about it and said, “You are also entering Xianmen! I don’t know how much you have to open Xianmen.”

The spirit of the people was shocked. Although they did not know the identity of Zhao Fu, they would be a bit disappointed, but the matter of Xianmen is also the thing they care most about. So a pair of booth eyes look at Zhao Fu, see how Zhao Fu answers.

Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, “No! I don’t have any interest in Xianmen, and I don’t want to enter Xianmen.”

Now Zhao Fu’s cultivation base is just Emperor Heaven Realm, more importantly, Zhao Fu and Daqin, and Daqin is the most important thing of Zhao Fu. There is nothing to compare. Zhao Fu can’t give up Daqin in order to enter the fairy world.

But other people don’t know about it. When they hear the words, they are terrifying, the number one of the peerless Heaven’s Chosen points. They are not interested in Xianmen.

Entering Xianmen, it is a step into the sky, directly into the fairy world, become a disciple of super-powerful, has unimaginable benefits, even if they are these Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen will be very excited.

But now the person in front of him said that he is not interested. If it is the average person, everyone will think it is a fool, or a self-righteous person.

Now Zhao Fu is such a terrible person to say that everyone still believes that he has no interest in Xianmen. They are more interested in Zhao Fu’s identity. What kind of terrible person is not interested in entering the fairy world?

The cold-hearted young man thought that since Zhao Fu was not interested in entering the fairy world, it would be easy to enter the fairy world. Perhaps it is possible for him to be a fairyland person. He couldn’t help but ask, “Is it a sage in the world?”

Zhao Fu made a mysterious smile, “This can’t be said!”

This is not in other words. I am from the fairy world. My identity is terrible. Are you afraid of it?

When everyone was shocked, the other party really came from the fairy world, why the other party was so terrible. Everything can be said now.

The cold young man showed a smile. “If you don’t want to say it, it doesn’t matter. I don’t know if you have time. I want to make a few moves with you and let me admire your strength.”

Zhao Fu doesn’t want to fight with others for no reason, but the other side is the peak of the situation, and isn’t he looking for abuse? Laughed and said, “Sorry! I am not interested.”

The cold young man was disappointed. He wanted to compare with Zhao Fu. He wanted to see how much he and Zhao Fu were apart, and wanted to understand how strong Zhao Fu was.

“I can also suppress the cultivation base to Emperor Heaven Realm. Please also try to compare with me. I really want to know how strong your strength is.” The cold youth did not give up watching Zhao Fu.

The other four Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen, also a pair of eyes looking at Zhao Fu, I am very much looking forward to, how strong Zhao Fu is, and what terrifying strength, they also want to fight with Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu a pair of eyes Looking at the cold young man, confidently said, “If you suppress the cultivation base to Emperor Heaven Realm, there is no need for a test, because you will lose.”

Now with the first generation Origin Bloodline and seven Emperor Star bleSS ing, Zhao Fu is confident that no matter what Emperor Heaven Realm will be defeated by him, he wants to win him only one, that is to suppress him with the cultivation base.

Everyone looked surprised and didn’t think that Zhao Fu said this kind of thing, it sounds arrogant.

Cold youth is one of the strongest people in the area, one of the most precious people. Does the person here dare to talk to him like this?

When I heard this, the cold youth did not get angry, but said with a smile, “I still want to give it a try, please give me a chance.”

Zhao Fu thought about it and said with a smile, “I will give you a chance.”

Extending a hand, all the strengths emerged from the hands, first seven light spots like stars, floating in front of the palms, emitting different light, a powerful light wrapped seven stars to form a ball of light .

One that transcends the world and is not bound by the law, makes Heaven and Earth finally, enough to alarm Immortal’s strength, slowly spread out, the void is distorted, and a huge pressure envelopes the Quartet.

Everyone only feels that the body sinks, the body seems to fall into the abyss, facing the endless darkness, the heart is filled with strong fear, the body is shaking, as if never felt such a strong strength.

“Awful terrible strength!” Everyone had a pair of booth eyes looking at the ball of light in Zhao Fu’s hand, and he exclaimed in his heart.

Five Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen’s face became extremely serious and felt a lot of pressure.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, “You use a same level of strength to break a ball of light, then you win.”

The cold young man nodded solemnly, reaching out a hand, a terrible strength rushing out, as if he could crush Heaven and Earth, all sentient beings feared, a small light man came out on the palm of his hand, and then countless rays wrapped Form a ball of light.

Zhao Fu throws his hand, the ball of light drifts forward, and the cold young reaching out also throws away, and the ball of light drifts forward.

There are seven different stars in a ball of light. One of the ball of light has a villain, and two people collide.

The little light man and the war Immortal were in general, with the world smashing into the sky, rushing to the seven stars, and the light man’s fist seemed to make Heaven and Earth annihilate and blast on the seven stars.

The seven stars were shocked, and they radiated a ray of light. One of them ruled out all the strength and came out against the terrifying strength.


Xiaoguang people screamed and uttered a more striking strength, rushing to the seven stars.

The seven stars radiate countless radiances, gather together seven beams, and shoot at the little light.


The seven beams are like the general light column, running through the small light person, and the small light is turned into countless spots to dissipate.

The cold young man sighed, and the other’s strength was stronger than him. He also recognized Zhao Fu in his heart and said, “You are really strong, I am not an opponent.”

The other four Saint Level Heaven’s Chosen, whose faces are also dim, are lost as the most ruthless young people, and they have no hope.

They feel that they have also been hit hard, they are extremely high above them, and they find that a person who is more terrible than them, without that heart will be comfortable,

However, the strength is not as good as others, and they cannot say that this is a fact, and they do not know why he is sacred.

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