Zhao Fu has no interest in entering Xianmen. His purpose is very simple. He is to enter the forbidden land to obtain treasures.

And there is the center of the crack, Immortal Qi is extremely rich and pure, if you can find a place where you can build the array, it is undoubtedly the best choice, even if you can’t find it there, it’s okay, you can finally come back here.

This time, the protagonist of Xianmen opened is not Zhao Fu. Now there are several people standing in front of Xianmen. That is the protagonist of this time.

They have men and women, exudes strength beyond Heaven and Earth, and with an extraordinary temperament, the surrounding Holy Son in front of them, like the stars do not dare to compete with the moon.

Zhao Fu sensed their strength and has surpassed the spiritual environment to reach the realm.

With Zhao Fu’s cultivation base now, you can defeat a virtual powerhouse at most. If the soul Zhao Fu is likely to hit, if the situation is normal, it will lose.

To know that after breaking through the path is Supreme Being.

These people can say that it is just a step away from Supreme Being. Some people are even stronger enough to rival Supreme Being. Although there is no one in Zhao Fu qualification, but his cultivation base is still too weak, there is no way to be strong with those. Compare.

Therefore, it is said that this time the protagonist is not Zhao Fu, because Zhao Fu will have to detour when they meet them, it is impossible to grab the first with them.

A little bit past, Xianmen slowly exudes a terrifying fairy, which is pressed into the void around him, and everyone feels a huge pressure.


Suddenly a huge rumbling sound rang, and Xianmen radiated countless brilliances. A white token, like a beam of light, shot with a strong strength.

Holy Son, near Xianmen, reached out and grabbed a huge stretch of excitement, grabbing a block of tokens, and no one dared to grab them.

Other tokens, such as a ray of light, cut through the void and flew around.

Everyone is also rushing to grab.

Some people rushed directly to the token, and some extended a hand to give out a strength to grab. Others would naturally not look at the token being robbed, but also rushed over, or directly.


A sound of explosions sounded, and the scene fell directly into the confession, and everyone was robbing the tokens that were shot.

As for the Holy Son who got the token, the direct use of the fairy door, turned into a ray of light into the fairy door disappeared.

The Hushou Youth looked and corrected others, and rushed to a piece of Xianmen, hoping to snatch the piece of Xianmen.

Zhao Fu stood still, the right eye’s cross-eyes swivel and the Six Paths of Samsara’s strength spread.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

The unbalanced rumbling sound rang, and four huge whirlpools appeared in the sky, emitting countless cold ghosts, making everyone horrified, and there was a trace of fear in their hearts.


The huge ghost hand stretched out from it, with a powerful force, directly grabbed four tokens, and then retracted into the vortex and disappeared.

Everyone reacted and didn’t know what was going on. Who were the four ghosts who used it?

However, they did not think much and continued to snatch other tokens.

After a while, the person who snatched the token directly used the token and turned it into a stream of light. The shot disappeared into Xianmen, and the rest of the people who did not snatch the token could only disappoint.

The young Hu Mou was injured because he had just snatched the token, and his face was dim and he wanted to leave.

Zhao Fu cried with a smile. “Wait! This thing is for you.” Then he threw him a thing wrapped in cloth.

The Hushou youth began to have some doubts. What was wrapped in the cloth, and then suddenly reacted, remembering that Zhao Fu had said that he would help him get a fairy door, and the heart jerked quickly.

First, I opened my eyes and found that there was no one. When I dared to open the corner of the cloth with care, a white token with a slight radiance appeared in front of my eyes.

“My God! It’s really a fairy door. When did he get the shot?”

Hushen’s youth was excited and shocked. Raised the head. Looking at Zhao Fu, I just wanted to thank Zhao Fu. Although I don’t know how he got the fairy door, the other person gave him such precious things. Great kindness.

However, the Hushou youth did not say anything. The Zhao Fu three used the Xianmen Order and turned into three streams of light.

Hu Zhuang youth looked at the back of Zhao Fu’s disappearance, and some lamented that he did not know that he had gone to the dog, and he even met such a powerful and mysterious person.

Zhao Fu Three people came to the depths of the forbidden land, only to feel the rich Immortal Qi blowing, surrounded by green mountains, flowers and trees exudes spirit light, revealing fresh vitality, feeling like coming to the fairyland.

However, the three people on the Zhao Fu Fu were careful to hide all the breath, because the atmosphere of many powerful creatures radiated around.

Forbidden land Although the treasure is numerous, there are also various powerful creatures. If you accidentally attract their attention, they may attack you directly. At that time, you can only choose to use the fairy door to escape.

It is difficult for individuals to escape, because the creatures in the depths of the forbidden land are the virtual creatures, the spiritual level organisms, the existence of some Supreme Being, and even the Immortal level.

The test of Xianmen, first of all, is to striking down a certain virtual creature, and then go to a specially set location to conduct a test.

Zhao Fu mainly looks for treasures, has no interest in these tests, and does not go to a special trial location to go directly outside the trial site.

Not long after, Zhao Fu had a harvest. First of all, it was found that a rotten giant wood grows a dozen or so one-meter-red red and black ganoderma lucidum, which gives off a faint medicinal fragrance and can refine the medicinal pill cultivated by World Realm.

Although Zhao Fu is already a strong Emperor Heaven Realm, World Realm’s cultivation of elixir does not make much difference to itself, but this Ganoderma lucidum is serious in the World Realm cultivator, which is an extremely difficult treasure.

But here and don’t want money, just a dozen or so, and it is still a few steps to find Zhao Fu, very easy.

In addition to these ganoderma lucidum, several cents are also found, which are carved like jade and emit a slight sensation, which can help One Heaven Realm cultivator to enhance the cultivation base. It is also a precious material for One Heaven Realm cultivator. .

Zhao Fu can’t help but smile, and you can have these gains when you walk around. This place is really a treasure.

Many materials Zhao Fu have not let go, Zhao Fu does not need these materials, but Great Qin Empire has just been upgraded to Kingdom, the foundation and the strong are not many, very much need these materials.

Keep going!

Zhao Fu Three people came to a fruit forest where a three-meter-high tree with tubular leaves and a dark yellow fruit tree trunk color and leaves.

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