Zhao Fu The three people came out safely.

Numerous powerful ghosts are horrified, and my heart is more certain. Zhao Fu is extremely terrifying, enough to scare the ghosts. Otherwise, the horrible ghosts from the fairy world will never let him go.

They are also somewhat grateful, but fortunately, they have not been to him before, or they will die very badly.

And they are still very curious, what is the identity of Zhao Fu? How can I let a slashing Immortal Level not dare to kill him?

Many powerful ghosts quickly catch up with Zhao Fu. Among them is the powerful ghost of Tauren. Although he has spoken with Zhao Fu in a very polite tone, he is still afraid of offending Zhao Fu, so he quickly catches up. Zhao Fu.

Other ghosts are also the same reason.

“This adult, you wait first, just because we are not right, specifically come to apologize.” Tauren’s monster caught up and cried.

Zhao Fu has now returned to normal, stopped, and looked at the numerous guest-friendly ghosts, which are very fierce ghosts, but also a bit of a smile, chuckled, “It doesn’t matter!”

Numerous ghosts looked back to normal Zhao Fu, people became friendly and friendly, and their hearts were relieved. If it was just the state, they still had to be careful.

And Zhao Fu returned to normal, the momentum and strength were not as terrible as before, but the numerous ghosts did not dare to have any small look at Zhao Fu.

“This is a little gift, but also the adults can accept it.” The numerous ghost took out a piece of treasure and looked at Zhao Fu and said with a smile.

Zhao Fu glanced at it. There were a lot of good things, and he waved all the treasures into the space.

Many ghosts see Zhao Fu’s gift, his face is more smiling, and his heart is relaxed.

Tauren’s monster asked with a smile and said, “I can ask you what identity is it? Let us admire these ghosts.”

Zhao Fu looked at this group of ghosts and understood their thoughts. Of course they would not tell them their identity. They chuckled. “Are you sure you want to know? My identity is the secret of heaven-shaking. Most people who know it die very badly. ”

This numerous monster scared to be honest immediately, did not dare to inquire about Zhao Fu identity, because at this time Zhao Fu said that he is horrible, they will believe.

Tauren’s ghost, continued to ask with a smile, “Would you ask the banned core to come out and what did you do to the adults?”

Zhao Fu said with a smile. “Nothing, he said that he would ask me to go to his house. I still have things to shirk.”

The ghosts are in vain, the identity of this person is really terrible, the ghosts are all polite, they naturally do not dare to get the mouth Zhao Fu.

Tauren’s ghostly smile said, “Since the adults have something, we don’t dare to disturb the adults. In the future, when the adults are free, they will sit down with us.”

This is absolutely only Zhao Fu alone, to put a terrible crisis, other people are afraid to step closer to the forbidden land, as a place to come, the key here is the numerous ghosts still look honoured.

The big reason for this is the ghost mode. If there are no other attributes, these ghosts and the Immortal may not be so close instinctively.

Ghost fairy mode is Zhao Fu’s second powerful mode, which combines Six Paths into Path of Samsara, and finally combines Immortal Mode, and finally forms a state with a strength of overwhelming ghosts.

Six Paths of Samsara is not part of Zhao Fu. It belongs to Heaven Awaken World. Zhao Fu is looking forward to the growth of the Three Realms. The nine reincarnations belong to Zhao Fu.

If the nine reincarnations merge, the power of the ghosts will be even more terrible, and should be no less than the Myriad Gods Power that Zhao Fu masters.

Zhao Fu smiled at the ghosts, and the numerous ghost left happily. Zhao Fu also left the forbidden place and went to the next forbidden place.

The next forbidden place is called the Forbidden City.

The forbidden Space-Time is in a state of extreme chaos, and it is almost impossible to survive other creatures, because as long as people enter, they are not smashed by space, or fall into the vortex of time and consume death.

Zhao Fu came to this forbidden place and carefully sensed it. The void here is indeed more recursive than the other two forbidden places.

Like the previous two places have not been found, this place is almost no more, but Zhao Fu is still in it, simply explore the periphery.

The void is more chaotic than the outside, and there are no creatures. There are always space cracks and time vortex raids, which is very dangerous.

Zhao Fu thought about it. This place has been simply explored. It is almost impossible to have a place to build a form, so Zhao Fu intends to give up here and not want to waste time here.

Next is the last forbidden place.

The last forbidden land was formed by the large crack of the fairy world, not only the area is several times that of other forbidden places, but also for a very long time. It is not clear when it was formed.

The Immortal Qi is the most concentrated here, and there are all kinds of heavenly treasures. Many people of the Saint Level force like to send people to enter here.

Of course, they are just people who are on the periphery of the forbidden city. They cannot go deep into the interior or core area of ​​the forbidden area.

Because in the numerous forbidden land, the danger of this forbidden land is larger than other forbidden places, especially inside or deepest, hiding the unimaginable danger, even if Immortal is in danger of being killed.

This is also the last hope of Zhao Fu. If you can’t find a place to build a formation, you can only find the unmanned Half Immortal world.

To find the unmanned Half Immortal world, this hope is extremely embarrassing, not only in its own scarcity, but also in the search for other large and small forces, and Zhao Fu does not know how much time it will take to find it.

Zhao Fu will look for a period of time. If he can’t find a share, he can only give up. After that, look at the way, it is impossible to get stuck here.

In addition to this matter, Zhao Fu has a lot to deal with.

For example, after dealing with this matter, it is to awaken the two Emperor Star, and must go to the Spirit Territory to solve the Six Desires Immortal Scripture cultivation technique.

Now there are two Supreme Emperor Stars left. As long as the awakening is completed, Zhao Fu has nine Emperor Stars, and the fate is perfect.

At that time, Zhao Fu will have stronger strength and bigger destiny, greet the upcoming catastrophe, and another big world.

Six desires cultivation techniques, in fact, Zhao Fu’s body has some faint changes, because it is not long before, the effect of the change is very weak, if you do not feel carefully, it can not be sensed, but it can become longer with time. The change will be bigger and bigger.

This thing Zhao Fu has been dragging, but it must be dealt with, Zhao Fu does not want to become a woman or a person who is not male or female.

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