“When I go to the fairyland, I will send all kinds of immortal medicines to help your mothers and you become immortals. Only when you become Immortal means eternal, you can not fear any threat and dominate everything.”

The people below replied in unison, “We know!”

The middle-aged man looked at the numerous children and relaxed his mind. Then he announced the punishment for the handsome young man. He lost his power as a heir and had to think for a decade to go out.

If you commit another crime, you will directly abolish the cultivation base and drive out the power. No one can communicate with it. This will be carried out by the elders.

The handsome young man’s face was pale, which was already the best result. He did not have any substantive punishment for him. He immediately said, “Thank you for the gentle punishment of my father, I will never commit it again.”

The middle-aged man also relaxed in his heart, and then thought of something, “How have you two mothers and aunts have not returned yet?”

The handsome young and the Qingxiu youth shook their heads without knowing it.

The middle-aged man thought that nothing should happen, and he continued to ask questions and continue to arrange various things after he flew to the fairy world.

“People! I still want.”

The white-dressed woman was entangled in Zhao Fu at this time, completely indulged in it, and continued to sit with Zhao Fu unspeakable things.

After half a day, the proud woman’s face was flushed and she cuddled in Zhao Fu’s arms. “You guys are really not afraid of death. If we know this thing, you will definitely die very badly.”

Zhao Fu said with a chuckle, “I said that I am not afraid, let alone you, I have enjoyed the real Immortal.”

Many women have no doubt about this, because they have deep communication with Zhao Fu, and understand how terrible Zhao Fu’s strength and blood is, Zhao Fu does not need to lie to them.

The white-dressed woman snuggled on the other side of Zhao Fu and said seriously, “What is your identity? And how do you deal with us now? Now our bodies are playing for you. If we go back, we will know for sure. I don’t want him to suffer for this. This time we are sorry for him,”

Zhao Fu chuckled. “Of course, go back with me. Don’t worry, I won’t treat you badly. As for my identity, I will tell you in the future.”

The silver robes are worried and said, “If I leave with you, in the future, I am worried about my son, so I can’t leave with you.”

The proud woman also has some worries and said, “This time I know that my son will do this, he will be severely punished. I am also worried about him and I don’t want to leave with you.”

The white-dressed woman sighed. “I don’t want to leave. I don’t want to be separated from the public. I have been in the power for so long, and I have deep feelings. But I really worry that Xianggong knows this.”

The proud proud woman said, “The public will soon rise to the fairy world. At that time, we will see the side of the difficult. We should be careful that there should be nothing. Big Sister, we should not go with this guy.”

Zhao Fu is somewhat dissatisfied. These three beautiful women don’t want to leave here. Is it resistant to Six Desires Demon Qi? After all, the three of them are Supreme Being, and the cultivation base will be restored soon.

It was also at this time that Zhao Fu dared to invade them, and when they saw such a terrible Supreme Being, they always bowed their heads.

Zhao Fu thought about it, and she had a lot of women who didn’t know. They didn’t want to leave with them, so they went with them. The mouth said, “Since you don’t want to leave with me, then I won’t force you. Wait until I have something to do. I have to leave first.”

The proud woman is angry. “How do you do this Chaos possesses our body? We don’t want to leave, there are things that are worried. If we don’t worry, we can leave with you. Can’t you understand us?”

Zhao Fu reluctantly, “What do you think of me?”

The proud woman said, “You guys are waiting here for a while, waiting for us to fly to the fairy world, we can accompany you every day, this is good?”

The silver robes and the white-dressed woman thought of the image that Zhao Fu invaded every day, and the face was flushed.

The white-dressed woman is a bit embarrassed to say, “Are we a little too sorry for this?”

The proud woman said with a joke, “Big Sister! Don’t say this, just you are under this guy, what you should know.”

The white-dressed woman looked shameful and didn’t say anything.

Zhao Fu said, “No! I don’t have the time to wait for you. I have an important thing to come to endless voids, and there are still many things to deal with.”

The three beautiful women’s faces are also difficult. They don’t want to leave, and they don’t want Zhao Fu to leave. Zhao Fu has a lot to leave.

Finally, Zhao Fu thought about it and promised that they would have time to accompany them here.

The three beautiful women thought about it and could only agree to it. Finally, the proud woman was riding in Zhao Fu’s body, and Zhao Fu finally satisfies them three.

The next day, the three beautiful women were completely indulged, leaving various traces in the ruins, and their faces were flushed, returning to their own power.

In order to avoid their mutual discovery and son discovery, after returning to the forces, they said that they had closed their doors for a few days, which made them feel strange in their husbands and sons.

The middle-aged man completely believed in his wife and did not think much, and he is now preparing for the ascendant world.

As for their two sons, they will not think about the relationship between their mother and Zhao Fu. This can only blame them. If they are not looking for Zhao Fu’s trouble, it will not happen.

Zhao Fu Feng Wuye and Lingji came to the second forbidden area.

As I said before, these small fairy cracks are formed between the peers of the peerless powers. The former banned land was because of the arm of a peerless strongman. The arm contained a terrible fairy fire, so the forbidden land was dominated by fairy fire.

This ghost field has heard that two strong people inadvertently opened up a fairyland, the countless fairy ghosts in the fairyland, and a few ghosts also ran to the lower bound.

In addition, there are countless ghosts attracted by the fairy ghosts, flooding into here, hiding to form such a terrible forbidden land.

Zhao Fu The three people stood in the void, and the area in front was covered with a gray ghost. The area didn’t know how big it was. It seemed to be boundless.

No hesitation, Zhao Fu went directly into it.

The first feeling is that it is cold and biting. In the ghost field, not only the ghost is spread around, but also a terrible coldness. This kind of coldness does not require the heat of the forbidden land to be weak, and it is also terrible.

Zhao Fu didn’t have much worry here, and Zhao Fu was more confident than the burning ground.

Because Zhao Fu has the ghostly Emperor Star, the Six Paths Demon Statue, and the nine Samsara Power created by himself. There must be more confidence than in the forbidden land.

For example, that kind of terrible cold, Zhao Fu can withstand without a hood.

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