Zhao Fu’s body continued to drift forward. The huge heat sizzled the powerful defensive hood. The defensive hood emitted a slight holy light, which resisted the terrible heat and slowly drifted forward.

As Zhao Fu’s body gets closer and closer, the temperature is getting higher and higher. When Zhao Fu enters the red wall, the huge temperature makes the crystal stone defensive hood melt some places.

Zhao Fu’s body constantly exudes divine power, keeping the hood unmelted.

After entering the red wall, the temperature reached a limit, the method could burn everything, and the defensive cover melted more and more.

Although Lingji stays in the hood, he can also feel the terrifying heat, which can easily make the world a scorched earth.

This will not work in this way, the defensive hood will be directly burned, and the huge temperature will burn their bodies.

Lingji wants to help, but her strength doesn’t make much difference. If she is in her territory in Human World, she can help, but it doesn’t work.

However, she does not need to worry that when the defensive cover melts more and more, Zhao Fu has seven bright lights behind the seven stars.

The seven huge Emperor Star’s Power spread out, infused with the crystal stone defensive hood, and the original defensive hood that was melted was infused with seven Emperor Star’s Power, emitting even more terrible strength and no longer melting.

Zhao Fu continues to drift forward.

After a long time, Zhao Fu and Lingji passed the red wall and came inside the forbidden area.

Zhao Fu both eyes At one close, a force of perception spreads.

The sound here is several times that of the periphery, but the temperature is even hotter and more dangerous.

The surrounding is still in a state of chaos and collapse, and it is still impossible to arrange the formation, and even the things in the Storage ring can not be taken out.

Zhao Fu stopped in the same place, opened his eyes and looked ahead, thinking about whether or not to move forward.

If you continue to advance the Praise, Zhao Fu’s strength will be very dangerous now, Zhao Fu is not a arrogant person, will not be advancing.

More importantly, although there are many Immortal Qis here, but the more chaotic and collapsed, it is impossible to construct the formation. If this is the case, then there is no need to move on. It can be determined that this is not suitable.

Thinking for a while, Zhao Fu is still determined to move forward, and now he is inside the forbidden land. If you don’t make a final decision, it will feel a little pity.

Keep going.

A huge tree appeared in front of Zhao Fu. This tree is like a phoenix tree, reaching a height of 10,000 meters. A thick and powerful root is plunged into the void. The trunk is very huge, the canopy is scattered like a cloud, and the leaves are scattered. Red is like fire.

The tree exudes a very large amount of heat, such as a huge flame, where the surrounding void is dyed reddish and there is no other color.

There is a very terrible feeling, standing in the distance, the body and the soul seem to be burned by it, and there is a sense of powerlessness.

What is even more shocking is that there is a huge phoenix phoenix lying on the fire phoenix tree.

This huge phoenix is ​​also nearly 10,000 meters tall. It is all in a fire, elegant in appearance, and has a feather like a fiery crystal stone. The feathers are long and full of flames. The crown feathers are covered with fire. The body exudes a very terrifying momentum, far more powerful than the phoenix tree.

It is also many times stronger than the general fire phoenix, because the fire on it is fresh, the blood is also the blood of the fairy-beast, but it is not pure enjoy the blood, but has a part of the blood of the fairy.

Now this fire phoenix lies on the top of the tree, with his eyes closed, as if he is asleep.

Zhao Fu stopped in the spot and looked at the huge fairy phoenix, thinking about going further.

The fire phoenix slowly opened the booth eyes, and a pair of fire eyes looked at Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu immediately felt a fire, and the temperature was rising rapidly around him.

Zhao Fu looks ice-cold, a pair of terrible eyes and a pair of fairy phoenixes.

The fairy phoenix faces Zhao Fu’s pair of terrifying. It is not the eyes that can be possessed by the mortal. It also has a few fears in the heart. The first thing to retreat is not to look at Zhao Fu, and to make a touching female voice. “Who are you? How? Break into my territory? There is also a dragon in your body, I really don’t like it.”

Zhao Fu doesn’t have any clear fluctuations, and the sound is like ice. “Just passing this place!”

Xian Huofeng was very dissatisfied with Zhao Fu’s ice-cold attitude and shouted. “I ask who you are? The smell of the dragon in your body, I don’t like it so you detour!”

Zhao Fu a pair of eyes ice-cold looked at the fairy phoenix, did not say anything, the body slowly drifted forward.

Xian Huofeng’s angry fan directly flew his wings and flew down from the huge fire-colored sycamore tree. He flew over to Zhao Fu. She understood that Zhao Fu was hard to be, so he would not be polite.


The fairy fire phoenix exudes a very strong strength, and there are countless red flames, and the wings are hard. The countless flames form a huge fireball, with a hot strength, flying toward Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu has no expression, and the body flies out of the energy cover, leaving Lingji in the hood, and there are terrible temperatures around him. It is difficult to resist Lingji’s current strength and also needs Zhao Fu’s defensive cover protection.

Zhao Fu, who flew out of the defensive hood, faced the fireball fired by the numerous, Zhao Fu emptied, and countless gods gathered together, condensing into a crystal transparent sword.


A sword rang, and Zhao Fu waved the sword in his hand. A huge arc with a terrible strength instantly smashed forward.


A huge fireball was smashed, a terrible wave of volatility spread, and countless flames.

Zhao Fu’s body flew out of countless four flames, came to the front of the fairy phoenix, a huge power into the sword, the crystal sword exudes a sly light.


The sword slashed with force, and a huge sword light took the strength of the destroying emptiness, and it was like a broken bamboo.


The fairy phoenix uttered a huge tweet, burning a myriad of flames, emitting a terrifying momentum, no fear, fiercely rushing to Zhao Fu.


A huge crash sounded, the fairy phoenix and the sword light collided together, the sword light and the fire were shining, and a terrible shock wave spread out in a flash, and the void was shattered, covering a radius of a kilometer.

The fairy phoenix retreats a dozen meters, and Zhao Fu’s body retreats a few steps.


The fairy phoenix fanned its wings with a huge momentum and continued to rush to Zhao Fu, and the two claws forced Zhao Fu to the past.

Zhao Fu’s body instantly disappeared in the same place, appeared on the top of the fairy phoenix, a sword went to the fairy phoenix.

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