Zhao Fu’s face changed, this is just outside the forbidden area, the fire lion is so powerful.

This is not the place where Emperor Heaven Realm should come, but Zhao Fu does not intend to give up, directly using the strongest strength.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and a commanding of Ten Thousand Gods, beyond the power of Heaven and Earth, broke out from the body of Zhao Fu, and the void would solidify at that moment, as if it had been imprisoned by divine power.

Zhao Fu’s hair shines, gradually becoming crystal-clear, and the eyebrows emerge from an ancient mirror. The original black cloak is also like a light-colored cloak that turns into a white holy cloak.

The fire lion had already rushed to the front of Zhao Fu, and opened the huge mouth and bit it into Zhao Fu. A heat wave swept through.


Zhao Fu stood still in the same place, and the eyebrows of the eyebrows produced a terrifying beam of light. The speed was extremely fast. It instantly penetrated the body of a huge fire lion and brought out a thin line of crystal. The body of the fire lion collapsed into countless flames. .

Lingji looked at Zhao Fu around him, his face was shocked, and for the first time saw Zhao Fu temporarily dominate the strength of the gods.

Zhao Fu has nothing to say, look ice-cold, enter this Ten Thousand Gods state, emotions seem to be stripped, breathless, illusory.

At this time, Zhao Fu body floated forward and Lingji followed.

Rooaaar ……

A loud roaring sound, the flames around it condensed, forming a huge Fire Beast, forming a herd, burning with fierce flames, rushing toward Zhao Fu with a huge strength.

Zhao Fu’s body stopped, a powerful strength injected into the eyebrows of the ancient mirror, a piece of god light lit up, a terrifying wave of exudation came out.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

A sound broke through the air, and I saw the little ancient mirror that shot thousands of rays, with the strength of the destroy world, and immediately shot at the front, and the void was torn at that moment.


Thousands of light with a terrible strength, instantly shot through the body of Fire Beast, a Fire Beast exploded, numerous flames splashed, and a stock spread.

The Fire Beast group was solved by Zhao Fu at that moment. The powerful Fire Beast did not have any resistance in front of Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu in this state was terrible.

Zhao Fu looks ice-cold and continues to drift forward.

There is a sea of ​​fire in front, the color is white, the flame is swaying, like a wave of waves, looks like a real ocean, exudes a more terrible heat.

The void around it has been blurred, just like a layer of water mist on the glass, forming an invisible resistance. Even if there is no fire, it is difficult for people to move forward, and the appointment is trapped in a mire.

There are already a few people standing in front of the white sea of ​​fire. They radiate the breath of the Holy Blood, and the strength is also very powerful. It should be the Holy Son of the Saint Level.

When Zhao Fu’s arrived, their faces changed instantly, and their eyes focused on Zhao Fu’s body. They felt the terrible power for the first time.

A strong and honest young man, whispered, “Who is he? How can he have such terrible power?”

The beautiful woman next to me shook her head. “I don’t know, I never saw him. It shouldn’t be someone near the Saint Level.”

Another young man in a robes said, “This person is absolutely not simple. We are all cultivation bases and Holy Sons, and we can feel tremendous pressure in front of this person.”

A handsome young man said, “Um! This person is really terrible. His mastery is stronger than the average Immortal Power. My personal feeling is even more terrible than I saw the Fairy scythe.”

There is also a girl with a pure temperament, a look of surprise, “no way! Scythe is Fairy Fairy, with Origin Bloodline, strength is not much more than the average Holy Son. With his identity, most Saint Level forces are afraid Jay, is it too exaggerating to compare him?”

Originally the youngest person who opened the mouth, his face was serious. “I also feel that he feels more terrible than Fairy’s sickle. You feel it carefully. He seems to transcend everything, not subject to any rules, ambiguous, illusory, untouchable. Touch, not perceive.”

Hearing the words, everyone felt it, and he was shocked. The beautiful woman said directly, “It is really, this person is really scarier than Fairy’s sickle.”

The handsome young man looked at Zhao Fu with dignity. “What is the identity of this person? Why come to this forbidden place? It is not a trivial matter to suddenly appear such a terrible person.”

The robe youth said seriously. “He is more terrible than Fairy. It must have come from a terrible place in the fairy world. How can there be such a terrible person in the lower interface? Look at him for the same purpose as us!”

“Although it is extremely dangerous as a forbidden place, there can be cracks in the fairy world, and Immortal Qi flowing out of it can breed very powerful treasures.”

“I also heard that two unknown and terrible powerhouses were fighting here to destroy Heaven and Earth. One of the strong men took off the arm of another strong man, and the arm formed the current forbidden land. ”

“If anyone can get that arm, then it has a terrible strength that is unimaginable. It is definitely a treasure, but no one has ever received it, even if Immortal can’t.”

The pure girl said, “I have heard of this legend, but the purpose of that person should not be that arm! His cultivation base is only Emperor Heaven Realm, it is impossible to get the arm.”

“I feel that he is just like our purpose. Come here and experience and get some precious treasures by the way.”

Beautiful woman chuckled, “Would we like to say hello in the past and see what identity is it?”

The honest young man shook his head. “I don’t think it’s okay! I am quite afraid of him. You look at him like you erase all your emotions. We are so mad and may be slaughtered by him.”

The handsome young man said, “Um! Now the state of this person is very terrifying, almost detached from everything, without emotion, and tends to sneak in Heaven Path.”

Zhao Fu’s body slowly floated over and Lingji followed.

The beautiful woman still wants to come over and talk to Zhao Fu and turn to look at the people around me. “You really don’t go? It’s hard to meet such a terrible person. If you can make some friends, you can have unimaginable benefits.” ”

“Don’t forget, our ultimate goal is to become Immortal to the fairy world. He is a terrible existence than Fairy in the fairy world. In the future, he may need his help in the fairy world. At this time, you don’t seize the opportunity, don’t regret Oh!”

It is said that a few people who originally did not want to go can’t help but feel heart.

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