“God of the gods! God of the gods! God of the gods! God of the gods…”

Now I personally feel the power of Zhao Fu, and the numerous people shouted with excitement. The voice is very loud and can be heard far away.

Zhao Fu chuckled, continued to turn into a stream of light and flew to one side.

These are just people from the original period. Zhao Fu doesn’t have much idea to communicate with them. It is a waste of time.

Although Zhao Fu also needs Population, it is far away from Heaven Awaken World. Zhao Fu can’t bring these people back to Daqin, and it is not too big to engulf these worlds without cultivation ability.

After Zhao Fu left, the tribe numerous people still squatted on the ground and called the gods. After a while, they got up, and there were people who painted them on the walls to record the arrival of the gods.

Zhao Fu just gave these people a little power. It was only a slight matter for Zhao Fu, and even Zhao Fu would forget it.

But Zhao Fu’s Myriad Gods Power is the perfect level of supreme power, even if it is very weak, but it still has a great influence on those who will not cultivate.

Their Constitution gained some reinforcement, and its vitality increased. There was a faint divine power in the blood.

This is very weak for the general practitioners, but for other people who cannot cultivate, it is a very huge advantage. With this, their tribes can play three others and live longer.

Now they don’t know these benefits. After that, they understand how great the gods they see, and give them such terrible strength. I am very grateful.

They called themselves the gods and gods, and they also honored Zhao Fu as the gods and built temples for generations.

In the future, they may also become the strongest race in the world, attack other tribes, become more powerful, and may even establish a country.

These may be things that will happen in the future for a long time. There is no need to continue to say more. They will meet Zhao Fu and they will be used as myths.

Zhao Fu continued to fly forward, watching the various things in the world, and finally staying above a huge lake.

The lake is large, tens of thousands of miles wide, the color of the water is blue, the lake is very calm, such as the mirror reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, surrounded by high and rolling mountains, the scenery is very beautiful.

However, there is a fatal danger hidden here. The bottom of the lake is a living creature of several hundred meters in size.

This world can’t be cultivated. In the face of such a big creature, there is no resistance at all. Only death, even if there is no idea of ​​resisting.

Of course, this is no danger to Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu can squeeze it out with one hand.

Zhao Fu glanced at it. The guy crawled at the bottom of the lake and was terrified. His body was shaking and he didn’t dare to make any moves. He was afraid that Zhao Fu would kill it, and it was once a terrifying existence.

A world that cannot be cultivated will have such a large creature. Zhao Fu is also a bit surprised, and it senses its existence, so come and see.

蟾蜍strength is not very strong for Zhao Fu, it seems to contain some Monster Race blood, there is nothing special except this.

Now that I have read this original world, Zhao Fu has some understanding and said with a smile, “Let’s leave!”

Later, Zhao Fu and Lingji left the unknown world.

Why become an unknown world? Because Zhao Fu doesn’t know what race this race is, it doesn’t know what kind of world it is.

In the endless void, there are not only a few races, but also a lot of races.

The eight races of Human Race, Mozu, Monster Race, Water Race, Spirit Race, Exotic Race, Protoss, and Ghosts are only among the eight more ethnic groups in the endless void, and the eight races are the same in the fairy world. a lot of.

Human belongs to a branch of Human Race. As such a big race, the benefits will be more than some small races. For destiny, the big destiny is sure that destiny will be very powerful and will not easily destroy the race. The small race is hard to say.


Half a day later, a huge roar sounded, and Zhao Fu smashed a huge star beast and took the star nucleus forward, and was about to leave with Lingji.


A teenager appeared in the sky. The boy was dressed in a white coat, his appearance was beautiful, his eyes were like a dragon, and although he looked very young, his eyes were full of vicissitudes, and he was exuding a Supreme Being level pressure.

After the boy appeared, a pair of eyes fell on Zhao Fu’s.

Zhao Fu has a tight heart and is careful. He doesn’t understand why a Supreme Being suddenly appears here, and he doesn’t know what race he is. Fortunately, he stays in the Xianyin token and can hide everything.

“I don’t know what the adults are doing?” Zhao Fu took Lingji with a respectful dedication.

In the face of this level of existence, Zhao Fu has no resistance at all, can only choose to be honest, and this one Supreme Being, feels stronger than the general Supreme Being.

Juvenile a pair of eyes, watching Zhao Fu said plainly, “I have passed this place to see your qualifications are good, are you willing to be my apprentice?”

Zhao Fu took a deep breath and thought that he wanted to accept himself as a disciple. There was nothing malicious.

However, Zhao Fu’s qualifications are not bad, but beyond Heaven and Earth, shaking the three worlds, and even sensational sensation.

Now Zhao Fu is hidden by Xian Xian, this big Qin just sees a little not simple, which is enough to show that Supreme Being not simple, because generally Supreme Being can not lose anything, but Xian Immortal is the peak figure of the Half Immortal Zhao Fu’s stuff.

Zhao Fu refused without much thought. Although he recognized a master of Supreme Being level, he could have a strong backing, but Zhao Fu’s secret too much does not want to leak out.

And Zhao Fu doesn’t know about Supreme Being, how can I just recognize a person and become a master.

Secondly, it is said that Master feels a little uncomfortable. From cultivation to the present, Zhao Fu is alone, and does not need any Master.

The teenager was a little surprised and looked at Zhao Fu. “Since you don’t want to, I don’t want to force you. This is my token. If you change your mind, you can go to the Black Tortoise Half Immortal community to find me.”

The teenager said, lost a piece of jade.

Zhao Fu’s expression was a glimpse. The reaching out caught Yupei. This piece of jade is blue, with several half-dragon and half-snake creatures engraved on it. The word Black Tortoise is written in the middle, giving off a slight treasure.

This jade is the kindness of Supreme Being. It is impossible for Zhao Fu to miss it. Otherwise, it will not give face, and it is looking for death.

However, this Supreme Being is really powerful. It comes from Supreme Being in the Half Immortal world. Zhao Fu feels that he can ask him about the Half Immortal world and the cracks in the fairy world. He may know what information.

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