These people, Zhao Fu, did not have an air council, and Daqin could not let them go unless they were willing to surrender to Daqin.

The news quickly spread to the Golden Claw family.

The Golden Claw family also set off huge fluctuations. Jintie is the successor of the next Patriarch. It is also the most powerful person in the Golden Claw family, and the most important person in the Golden Claw family.

Now I heard that he was defeated by a small Heaven Awaken force, and was arrested. The Golden Claw family did not hesitate any more, directly carrying a powerful force to Daqin, or the current Patriarch personally led the team.

This year’s Patriarch is the father of Jin Tie, named Jin Hu. He is a burly middle-aged man with a strength of Emperor Heaven Realm. It is terrible.


The Golden Claw army rushed to Daqin with a mighty momentum, shaking the Quartet, no one can resist, can attack countless forces.

Daqin learned of this news and first recalled the Soldiers who had gone out to avoid the attack of the Golden Claw army. Zhao Fu also sent a command to Daqin to make all Daqin ready.

The entire strength of the Golden Claw family is the 2nd Order force. This time, it has dispatched 30 billion yuan and attacked Daqin like an Inner Territory Kingdom. However, Daqin has no fear. It is weak and wants to stand up for the Qin Dynasty.

The parties did not dare to make any movements. A pair of booth eyes focused on the Golden Claw family, and carefully waited for how things developed.

More powers are sure to think about the Golden Claw force to destroy Daqin, but they don’t have much confidence in it, because Daqin’s feelings are unfathomable. Some people who are stronger than Emperor Heaven Realm may be able to withstand gold. claw.

A few hours later, with great momentum, the Golden Claw family came to Daqin.

The strongest of the Golden Claw family stood in the sky, giving off a powerful momentum, and the number of light Emperor Heaven Realm was six.

Jinhu exudes a powerful momentum, and direct cold voice screams, “I immediately released my golden master, Lord, or I will kill you in Daqin.”

Zhao Fu stood on the defensive wall and couldn’t help but laugh. “hahaha, this is what many people have said. Unfortunately, most people are dead. What are you saying so arrogantly? If you have not destroyed Daqin, you will not have face.”

There was a trace of anger on the face of Jin Hu, a pair of eyes glaring at Zhao Fu. “You are the Lord of Great Qin? I don’t want to talk nonsense, let my son go.”

Zhao Fu said with a smile, “If I don’t let it go? What about you?”

Jin Hu cried with a look of anger. “I said that it would not leave a living mouth in Daqin. You are irritating me and you will die very hard.”

Zhao Fu said with a provocative smile, “Then you are coming! See if you have the Golden Claw family ability to destroy Daqin, or the last Daqin to destroy your Golden Claw family.”

Jinhu’s heart was in the air and he wanted to order the attack.

The man next to him, a long-bearded old man, quickly advised, “Don’t rush to attack. The man is so confident and has no fear. Maybe there is something trapped, or wait.”

Another tall middle-aged man also said, “Um! That kid can easily beat the gold and iron, you can have the strength beyond the Emperor Heaven Realm, we know nothing about Daqin, if the attack is great loss.”

When Jin Hu heard this, he could only endure his anger and shouted, “How do you want to let my son go?”

Zhao Fu thought for a moment, “I haven’t thought about this yet. Your son will be taken care of in Daqin. You don’t have to worry, and I have a request. You can’t interfere in this area.”

Keeping his son in Daqin, Jinhu how is this poSS ible promised, refused. “My son is the Young Lord of the Golden Claw family. It is impossible to stay in your Daqin. As for the conditions of this area that does not interfere, I promise you. “”

Zhao Fu feels that things can be solved, and said with a smile, “Oh, okay! Your son will let me go, but you and I must sign a bloody year. Your golden claw family can’t attack Daqin, and you can’t interfere with anything here. And I have to promise Daqin one thing.”

Jin Hu angrily said, “You have too many conditions, I will not promise you.”

Zhao Fu said in disappointment, said with a smile, “Then you attack!”

Jin Hu was simply imposing by Zhao Fu. It is clear that this guy is even more arrogant than him. If it is not persuaded by others, he really wants to attack Daqin. It is obviously his power is stronger, but he is still so angry.

The old man said, “First ask what to answer. Other conditions are just some unimportant conditions. It is not a big deal to promise him.”

Jin Huyi nodded and said to Zhao Fu, “Where does the Golden Claw family promise you something?”

Zhao Fu said with a smile, “I haven’t thought of anything yet, maybe let you help Daqin attack what forces.”

This is to use the Golden Claw family as a hitter. When the tool is used, Jin Hu is angry and shouts, “No!”

Zhao Fu said with a grin, “Then you attack!”


The golden tiger rushed out of a terrifying momentum, and Heaven and Earth seemed to be unbearable. “You really thought I didn’t dare to attack. Now I will kill you or not.”

Feeling the terrible momentum, Zhao Fu’s mouth rose, showing a sneer.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and a more terrifying pressure broke out from Zhao Fu’s body, over Heaven and Earth, beyond everything, the world suddenly changed, sun and moon were dull, Feng Qiyun rushed.

Zhao Fu’s eyes with a pair of numerous eyes like the eyes of a peerless creature look at Jin Hu. “You can give it a try!”

This made the Jinhu people cool in the back, and there was a hint of fear in their hearts, which made the strength so strong.

Originally, the angry Golden Tiger also calmed down. Now he understands that it is not easy to attack Daqin. It is very likely that the Golden Claw family will be hit hard. This person is too terrible, and the Daqin forces may not be as easy as imagined.

Everyone on the side said, “Respond to his request! Don’t provoke this Daqin, or I will feel very upset. Of course, if he wants us to attack, but there is a condition that will not cause us a lot of damage, and We have the power to refuse.”

Jinhu thought carefully and said only, “Good! I promised you, but what you want us to do must not cause great losses to us. If there is a big loss, we also have the power to refuse.”

Zhao Fu took back the momentum and said with a smile, “Yes!”

Everyone in the Golden Claw family is relieved. The simple solution is the best. Now, in the face of the unknown strength of Daqin, they are also very afraid to kick the iron plate and make the Golden Claw family hit hard.

Then, Zhao Fu and the Golden Claw family signed a good blood deed, Zhao Fu’s blood is Origin Bloodline, they are hard to find things to break.

Zhao Fu also put the gold and iron, originally magnificent and powerful, and returned to his family with a bit of frustration.

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