Zhao Fu is actually a bit worried about this. After all, it is Alchemy World, not Heaven Awaken World. Any Alchemy force is an enemy. Daqin does not have the ability to host the entire Alchemy World.

Wang Ergou said with a serious look, “Most of the Alchemy family is discussing this matter now, and it is not certain that the assembly will destroy Daqin, but a small number of Alchemy families are clamoring to destroy Daqin.”

“There are also family and other Daqin’s next move. If Daqin continues to expand and threaten them, they will certainly gather together to attack Daqin.”

Now Daqin has swallowed up the territory of the two alliances, plus the original territory, probably about the size of a world.

In fact, the Alchemy World territory has no advantage except for the points that can be earned after the attack. Zhao Fu has little interest in this.

What Zhao Fu wants to do is to eliminate the conquest of the Alchemy family, not to expand the territory of Daqin.

The decision of the numerous Alchemy family in Daqin Qin, Daqin natural and other stable digestion will attack other Alchemy forces for a period of time, and the numerous family will also be assembled.

Now that Daqin’s reputation is so big, the strength of this time may be very large, which is very unfavorable for Daqin.

Zhao Fu didn’t want to be like this, thinking about ways to solve it, and then having a plan.

In fact, this plan has been used by Daqin. It is to use the ability of Daqin diplomacy. Send Envoy to the various Alchemy families to express that Daqin is not malicious. He hopes to live in peace as a friend.

Judging from the news, most of the forces are hesitant to think. Only a small number of Alchemy families are clamoring for Daqin.

Explain that most of the forces do not want to attack Daqin. This can be used well, so that they will not unite and divide them into pieces. When they are eliminated, they will become easier.

The Tushui Flower Alliance can also make use of it to let more Alchemy families understand that Daqin can be a friend of peace with Alchemy World and let the numerous Alchemy family believe in Daqin.

Zhao Fu said with a smile, “Ergou! You go back and tell Li Si about this, let him send more eloquent people, let them go to the various Alchemy families, and prepare more gifts, send them tomorrow. Earth and water forces.”

Wang Ergou understood Zhao Fu’s plan and showed a smile. He nodded and left the hall.

the next day.

The great Envoy of Daqin spread to the various Alchemy families, and in a sensation, the numerous Alchemy family looked blank.

“What is this Daqin? I really can’t figure out that Daqin will do this. Now my head is in chaos.”

“hahaha, Yes! I am also surprised that Daqin suddenly sent so many Envoys to our families, saying that Daqin is not malicious and can be friends with them.”

“I think Daqin is afraid of us, so I am soft to us. I feel that there is nothing in Daqin. It is not as terrible as in the rumors.”

“Yes! How strong is a little Heaven Awaken World? I dare to be arrogant in Alchemy World. Isn’t that looking for death? This Daqin is very wise, knowing that it is not our opponent.”

“Da Qin is so weak and afraid of death, I feel that we can unite together and take the opportunity to destroy it. How do you feel?”

“Actually, I don’t want to have a war with this Daqin. If we can get along with each other, then our family will not take the initiative to find things. This Daqin feels really bad.”

“Um, I feel so too. I haven’t heard that Heaven Awaken World forces can kill the Quartet in Alchemy World. It is understandable that several forces are defeated in his hands. So many people are defeated in his hands. This has already Explain the problem.”

“Yes! Now that the territory of Daqin is another world, ridiculous. Some people believe that he is weak and can be soft to me. I think Daqin must have his purpose in doing this. It will never be so simple.”

“Now is the key to how we choose? Is it accepting Great Qin’s kindness or rejection? My family is far away, you want to fight with Daqin, I have no interest, I choose to accept Great Qin’s kindness.”

“I heard that Great Qin’s does not attack friendly forces. Do you think that the Tushui Alliance is not good? They both attended the celebration party, and I feel that Daqin can believe.”


I don’t want to find things, I don’t want to war, there are quite a few families that are neutral, so Zhao Fu’s plan is relatively successful.

These families hosted the Daqin world, saying that as long as Daqin would not attack them, they could be friends with Daqin and they would not attack Daqin.

In addition to most of the reasons and the family of Daqin, there are also a small number of hatreds of the Great Qin’s Alchemy family. These Alchemy families directly drive away the Daqin Envoy, and some even more abominable will kill the Daqin Envoy.

They gave Daqin a reason to attack them. Since you are not willing to be friends with Daqin, you will also gather Great Qin’s kindness, which can only be used as an enemy.

The key point is that the most fundamental purpose of Zhao Fu is to destroy the Alchemy family. Daqin needs to get rid of them to get a lot of Alchemy points. Now only a little points can be exchanged for Path Seeking Stone, just kill some of the Alchemy family.

Now that Daqin has destroyed two alliances, it needs to digest and stabilize for some time, so I am not in a hurry to attack these Alchemy families.

During this period of time, Daqin can continue to send people to those families who are willing to make friends with Daqin. They can also invite them to Daqin. The two sides will promote some relations and let them believe in Daqin.

This invisible can resolve many enemies. As long as these families do not participate, those who do not accept Daqin’s kindness and dare to scream, Daqin will kill them one by one.

Losing the help of those other families, they are distributed in different directions, there is no strength to resist the Great Qin’s forces, Daqin can easily reach out and pinch them.

This method can be used all the time. As long as there is no encounter with the same level of Daqin, most of the families without Daqin’s might choose to make a good match with Daqin.

Zhao Fu feels that the Alchemy scores obtained this way are faster, there is no pressure, they can be easily solved, and they are harder to attack each other than now, and they are worried that other families will attack much better.

The Tushuihua Alliance also has some strange things that Daqin has made to all parties. Although it is not clear what the purpose of Daqin is, it is obviously very beneficial to them. They do not have to worry about Daqin attacking them. They can rest assured.

In the face of the various gifts sent by Daqin, I understand that Daqin is willing to have a better relationship with them. They will certainly not refuse, and will also send some gifts.

The relationship between the two sides has become very good, really like two good friends.

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