On the other side of the battlefield, Wang Hao has summoned War God’s Fury, and now War God’s Fury’s last damage caused by the battle with Fengshen has been roughly repaired, and it is floating in the air and emitting a huge momentum.

Below is the 3 billion Daqin army led by Wang Hao, such as the black ocean, exudes an ice-cold chill, making the surrounding an ice-cold and repressed.

The two sides did not say anything to fight directly!

The 10,000 war Sacred Beast behind the Golden Union Wall, part of the gun barrel aimed at War God’s Fury in the sky, part of which was aligned with the Daqin Soldiers below.

Bang bang bang ……

A white beam of light was shot with a huge strength, and the whole sky was brightened. The terrifying waves covered the sky, and the countless creatures underneath were erected with a kind of hair, and there was a fear in the heart.

The upper War God’s Fury directly opened the huge defensive hood, blocking the front of the numerous Daqinsoldiers, and numerous Daqin Soldiers also radiated a strong atmosphere, forming a defensive hood.


A loud sound was emitted, countless beams hit the War God’s Fury defensive hood, and a defensive hood formed by the shooting army. A huge explosion occurred, a wave of terrifying spread and the ground shattered in an instant. crack.

War God’s Fury suffered the most attacks, and now there are many cracks in the defensive hood. There are also some cracks in the hood formed by the lower Soldiers, but there are not many casualties.

The Golden House Patriarch is a cold middle-aged man who sees the first wave of the strongest attack without causing much damage and his face becomes serious.

If they can’t resist it, they can only rely on the other two alliances to support, or attack Daqin to force Daqin to retreat.

He didn’t know the idea, and the water forest alliance numerous Patriarch also had it.

The war between the team of Daqin and the Alliance and the war of the other team were simultaneously carried out. At this time they also knew that another alliance had been broken by Daqin.

Now it is the turn of Great Qin’s War God’s Fury to open the attack. A huge gun barrel is facing the front wall, and no small gun barrel is aimed at the wall.

Bang bang bang ……

A huge beam of light with a terrifying strength, very fast, as if the sky is exploding and generally shot to the wall, feeling that everything can be destroyed.


Numerous small gun barrels shot a single light bomb, emitting a strong strength, which was shot on the wall and gave a terrible feeling.

The Alliance side directly activates a great formation, and numerous Alchemy Power gathers to form a huge circular metal shield in front of the city wall, giving off a strong atmosphere.


A loud explosion rang through the square, and a wave of terrifying waves spread, forming a huge storm blowing around.

The huge metal shield on the side was also smashed by the numerous beam, and numerous fragments crashed around, not against the wave of War God’s Fury.

This wave of attacks is a full blow to War God’s Fury. Not only is the huge gun barrel of the numerous shot, but there are also countless small gun barrels that shoot out the light bombs. The Gold League still underestimates the strength of War God’s Fury.

However, most of the strength was blocked by the metal shield and did not suffer much damage.

“Kill Ah!”

Breaking the defense of the Golden League, Wang Hao also immediately ordered the general attack, and numerous Daqin Soldiers shouted loudly and rushed forward with a huge fierce momentum.

On the side of the Golden League, one of the Soldiers went to the front and forced the metal spears in their hands to project out. A metal spear shot into the void with a strong strength, and Alchemy emerged one by one.

Xi奴 xi奴 xi奴 ……

A loud sound broke through the air, and numerous spears with sharp edges shot from Alchemy formation, and the Daqinsoldiers that came out below the heavy rain shot in the past.

The Daqin army rushing past immediately released countless Alchemy Power, and those Alchemy Power gathered in the forefront, forming a huge bronze shield.

Clang clang clang ……

A metal spear with a powerful strength, shot on the huge bronze shield, made a sound of metal collision, countless sparks.

The huge bronze shield blocked countless spears, but there were only numerous holes. The Daqin Soldiers smashed this huge bronze shield, and they rushed to the Alchemy wall.

The alliance numerous Alchemy Sacred Beast directly directed all the gun barrels to the rushing Daqinsoldiers, and a powerful beam of strong beams shot at the Daqinsoldiers.

War God’s Fury also quickly moved to the front of the army, re-expanding the huge defensive hood to resist the attack.


A loud noise was heard, and terrifying’s destructive power continued to spread. This time War God’s Fury’s defensive hood was directly smashed, and the Daqin Soldiers condensed the shield and was also shattered.

At this time, Daqin Soldiers also rushed to the front of the city wall and officially launched an attack on the city wall.

Xi奴 xi奴 xi奴 ……

A single arrow shoots from the bottom to the wall, draws an arc in the middle of the air, and makes countless broken sounds.

War God’s Fury also directed the entire gun barrel to the numerous Alliance Soldiers below.

Numerous Alliance Soldiers were scared to launch defenses at once, and each one was hugely activated anyway, forming a huge metal shield at a time.


Numerous beams of light were shot with a terrible strength. The huge metal shield on the side was not penetrated by the beam for a long time. The beam shot on the wall and exploded. The Alliance Soldiers flew out, blood splashed and screamed. Constantly.

At this time, Wang Hao ordered a man to quit a huge Dragon Piercing Ballista, which gave off a huge sigh of relief. He was driven by a 100-meter-long arrow with a Mosaic Pearl.

Bang bang bang ……

A huge arrow is turned into a stream of light, which is extremely fast and cuts through the sky. It is like a broken bamboo, with a terrifying strength falling on the wall, and those Alchemy Sacred Beast.

Some arrows explode with countless flames, fiercely spreading around, burning the numerous coalition solitiers, and some arrows burst into a huge chill, sealing one of the Soldiers.

Some arrows emit countless thunders, with a terrible strength penetrating an Alchemy Sacred Beast, and some arrows burst into numerous sharp winds, cutting an Alchemy Sacred Beast.

With this wave of attacks, the loss of the Alliance Soldiers is not small, the screams are constantly ringing, and there is some confusion on the walls.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and War God’s Fury exudes a huge War of War, pressed against countless Alliance Soldiers. Countless Soldiers only feel the body sinking, the movements are not so flexible, and the strength is weakened.

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