Ling Feng had no surprises about this attitude. He said with a smile. “You guys, I think you understand Great Qin’s thoughts, so I don’t want to be friends with Daqin, but adults can be wrong.”

Numerous Patriarch had some accidents and did not expect Ling Feng to answer this way.

Flower House Patriarch said with a smile. “You know that we guessed the Great Qin’s idea and wouldn’t be friends with Daqin. Then you said that we were wrong.”

Ling Fei confidently raised the chest and raised the head. He smiled and said, “The first mistake is that you think that you can resist Daqin, but you can’t resist Daqin at all, and you are destined to be destroyed by Daqin.”

Flower House Patriarch is a bit unhappy. “You Great Qin’s tone is quite big, I know that you are strong in Daqin, and the strength should reach 8 billion! There are also fortresses floating in the sky, but you think we are Alchemy Clan. Good bullying, can’t you beat Daqin?”

“And if you have a strong strength, Daqin has already attacked us. Why do you still want to divide us? Are you not doing it many times?”

The heads of Alchemy nodded and the flower house Patriarch was right.

The water house Patriarch has a very cold voice. “I also know who gave you the great Qin’s courage. I dare to say this? Our three-party alliance has added up to 19 billion, and the number of Alchemy Sacred Beast has reached 30,000-6.”

“If it is not taboo to you, Daqin, we have already attacked you. Now it should be your Daqin.”

“The last place is Alchemy World. It’s not where you can be.” Don’t think that defeating several Alchemy families is invincible. The power of Alchemy World is not what you think of Heaven Awaken World.”

When I heard such unkindness and even a bit of humiliation, Ling Feng laughed and gave off a hegemonic power that Daqin should have.

The heads of Alchemy are facing the embarrassment, and there are some doubts in their hearts. They say nothing wrong, how is this attitude of Daqin Envoy.

In particular, the overbearing of strong laughter made them feel a little uncomfortable.

The Shui family directly angrily said, “What are you laughing at? Is it wrong for me?”

Ling Feng’s sharp eyes looked at Patriarch, the top waterman, and said with a strong tone of voice. “Not only is it wrong, but it’s a big mistake. It’s shortsighted. I don’t know the true strength of Daqin. It’s not Daqin’s arrogance, but you really Not a Great Qin’s opponent.”

The water house Patriarch said with an unbelief, “Oh? Then you talk about how powerful Daqin is?”

Other Patriarch also looked at Ling Feng. They did not know what kind of power Daqin was. There was no information about the power of Daqin. They were also very curious about what kind of power Daqin was.

Now I can listen to him and talk about what kind of power Daqin is. So I have some understanding of Daqin.

Ling Feng said with a proud smile, “Da Qin Ancient Stem Domain is the most powerful force in the border, such as a fierce terrifying dragon disk lying there, every force must be afraid of it, we are famous after the earthquake. Ancient Stem’s Heaven’s Chosen, can’t describe his greatness and horror in any language.”

“Maybe you think that I am bragging about Daqin. Now I can tell you the true strength of Daqin. Now Daqin territory covers 17 worlds, the total population reaches 800 billion, and the soliters reach 70 billion.”

“Not only that, Daqin has countless terrible fierce beasts, powerful holy light Envoy, and all kinds of terrible abilities. Even you have mastered the method of controlling Alchemy Sacred Beast, so you can now control Alchemy Sacred Beast.”

When I heard Ling Feng’s words, the parties in Patriarch were shocked. Is Daqin really so powerful? More than 80 billion Population? The field reaches seventeen worlds? Even the Alchemy Sacred Beast, the biggest advantage of the Alchemy family, was mastered by Daqin?

Now their three forces are added together, that is, the size of a world, and Daqin directly has seventeen worlds, 16 more than them.

Their numerous family population is added together, but it is only a few billion. Daqin has more than 880 billion more than them.

Finally, Alchemy Sacred Beast, Alchemy Sacred Beast is their weapon against Heaven Awaken World. Now that Daqin is mastered, they have no advantage. How can Daqin master this ability?

Although some don’t believe it, but Daqin Alchemy Power has mastered it, and there is nothing strange about mastering Alchemy Sacred Beast.

If Daqin really has this strength, how could they be Great Qin’s opponent? It is almost possible to be crushed by Daqin.

Now they are also a little scared in their hearts, but Daqin has this strength why not directly crush them, how to run over and hand them over, they have some doubts.

Tujia Patriarch started talking, “How do we believe what you said?”

Ling Feng confidently said with a smile, “You can send people to follow me to Heaven Awaken World now, or you can go to Daqin in person to see if I have a little fake.”

I heard that Ling Feng said this, and Alchemy Patriarch also had some beliefs, but if you are careful, they still plan to see how strong Great Qin’s is.

Tujia Patriarch said with a smile, “Since Daqin is so friendly, let’s visit Daqin! We are going to talk about the good things.”

Ling Feng saw things done, a smile on his face, “No problem!”

Then Alchemy parties Patriarch sent a confidant to follow the Ling Feng to Daqin, the number reached more than 30, the Tujia Patriarch is also very courageous, even joined in.

Other Patriarchs don’t have this courage. If Daqin is telling lies, those people are sure to die in Daqin, so they just send a close letter to view, instead of checking it themselves, and they can’t do anything as the head of the family.

They followed Ling Feng first to Daqin’s residence in Alchemy World. They couldn’t help but be nervous and expecting. I was curious about what kind of power Daqin was. I wondered what kind of world Heaven Awaken World is.

They have Alchemy World in their lives, and they have never seen another world.

At the gate of the city stood a team wearing black armor, holding black weapons, looking ice-cold, exudes a strong dark atmosphere, surrounded by a chill, instinctively a little scared.

Tujia Patriarch and everyone saw the power of these Daqinsoldiers, and the heart is also higher for Daqin. The power of the ordinary is impossible to have such powerful Soldiers.

Daqinsoldiers at the gate of the city stopped Ling Feng according to the usual practice and asked about the identity of everyone in Lingfeng.

Ling Feng smiled and took out a token, sodiers respected the ceremony and stopped blocking the wind.

Then everyone followed Ling Feng to the interior of Qin.

Alchemy followed the wind and followed the way, watching the interior of Qin, watching the Alchemy soldiers, and the huge Sacred Beast, they were shocked.

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