Some blue eyeball defensive hoods were shattered, blue eyeballs exploded directly, turned into countless blue spots to dissipate, and some of the dragons in the sky were shot down and slammed on the ground.

After the blue eyeball is crushed, each form is activated at a time, and a new blue eyeball emerges.

Alchemy Sacred Beast shot countless beams to cut through the sky, shot the blue eyeballs in one shot, and the numerous blue eyeballs shot a huge blue beam of light on the Alchemy Sacred Beast and smashed the body of Alchemy Sacred Beast. .

Daqin Soldiers also fiercely rushed to the city wall to start siege. A ladder was placed on the wall. Daqin Soldiers climbed the ladder and quickly climbed to the wall. A flying lock was hung on the wall. Daqin ran fast along the rope. Climb up.

Some Daqinsoldiers used strength to strike a gap on the wall, using these small mouths to climb the wall and climb up quickly.

The Monster Horn Empire dropped huge stones and trees down, and the Daqin Soldiers fell down. Some of them underneed corrosive liquids, causing the Daqin Soldiers to corrode and fall from the walls.

Numerous Monster Horn archers also shot a single arrow, shooting through the ascension of a large Qinsoldiers, blood splashing, a scream.

On the side of Daqin, counterattacks were also launched. A single arrow shot on the wall and shot Monster Horn soldiers.

There was also a wooden barrel with fire oil thrown upwards. These barrels exploded on the upper wall and exploded. Some Monster Horn soldiers were blown out.

The battle was very intense, the blood splashed, the screams continued, and an individual was dying. Heaven and Earth seemed to be stained with blood, and a smothered world shook the battle, shaking all directions.

On the right, Feng Shensha felt the terrible fluctuations in front, and looked serious. He understood that Daqin and Monster Horn were launching a peaceful-shaking, earth-shattering battle, and immediately ordered the army to speed up the teleportation.

The Fengshen army did not have much battle with Daqin. It has been developing steadily and rapidly. Its strength is stronger than that of Monster Horn Empire. The number of ordinary Fengshen army is 40 billion, and there are more than 3 billion 3rd Order Fengshen army.

This time, Feng Shensha directly led the 30 billion army to support the Monster Horn Empire, and made a good plan. The Monster Horn Empire dragged Daqin on the front, and the Fengshen army attacked Daqin from the side and fought for Daqin.


The Fengshen army, which is undergoing rapid teleportation, has stopped, and soon there will be a generale who will sue, “Someone started the isolation and broke our teleportation formation!”

Feng Shensha also sensed what, a pair of beautiful eyes looked forward.

A team wearing black armor, holding black weapons, looking ice-cold, and the powerful dark and killing Daqinsoldiers appeared, the number is also very large, more than 15 billion, like a black ocean.

The Fengshen army immediately formed a defensive formation, looking at the Daqin Soldiers in front of them with a serious look, ready to fight.

Feng Shensha came to the front of the Fengshen army and had some doubts in his heart. “How many troops did Daqin use to attack the Monster Horn Empire, or how many troops there were, and the number of troops sent to intercept the Fengshen army reached 15 billion.”

Arthur Tina rode a white horse with a long white horn, standing in front of the Daqin army, looking serious, a pair of eyes looking at Feng Shensha in the sky.

Feng Shensha showed a confident smile. “Do you think these forces can withstand the Fengshen army? It is too small to watch the Fengshen army.”

Arthur Tina replied earnestly. “You think wrong. Now Daqin’s most important opponent is your Wind God Empire.”

Feng Shensha is a bit surprised. “You pay so much attention to the Wind God Empire, but you have sent 15 billion troops to intercept the Fengshen army. Do you think you can resist the Fengshen army, or what other backhands?”

Arthur Tina knows her character, is dragging Wind God Empire, and now Feng Shensha is willing to communicate with her, she will naturally refuse, and replied, “I will not say this, you can guess.”

Feng Shensha chuckled, “I don’t want to guess, I don’t want to waste time. Finally, I am saying that I like you very much. It is better to go back to Wind God Empire with me. I can abolish my queen and appoint you as the queen to control with me. Wind God Empire.”

Arthur Tina replied with a positive look at Feng Shensha. “That’s impossible, and I’m not interested in women!”

Fengshen said with a smile. “There is no way. Now I can only destroy you, and then bring you back to the palace. The whole army listens to me and orders the attack!”


Feng Shensha issued an order, and countless Fengshen army rushed forward, emitting strong winds, forming a huge cyan wind, which can destroy all the things in front of it.

Arthur Tina’s face is serious, shouts, “arrange the formation !”

The Daqin Shield went to the forefront, arranged the shields in a row to form a shield wall, the second row was the Spearmen holding a black pike, the Aeolus army that had pointed the pointed out, and the third row was the longbow. Archer.

I saw that Archer had pulled the longbow apart, and an arrowhead with a rune on the bow gave off a dangerous atmosphere.

Xiū xiū xiū ……

A sound broke through the air, and a single arrow turned into a stream of light, with a sharp strength, the speed quickly shot forward, as if you could shoot everything through.

Feng Shensha changed his face and immediately let the Fengshen army resist. This is the Great Qin’s Rune Arrow. Daqin used it many times. Feng Shensha understood the scaryness of this arrow.

A cyan wind of light emerged from the body of the Soldiers, forming a huge cyan wind shield, emitting a gust of wind blowing around.


A sharp arrow cut through the sky, shot on the cyan wind shield, the blue wind shield was shot through, into the body of a goddess soleriers, blood splashing, screams constantly.

However, a large part of the rune arrow is blocked, so the casualties are not very large.

Feng Shensha chilled his face and continued to let the army rush forward, and let the army open the attack.

I saw a pair of goddess sodiers in front of them, injecting a wind into the hands of the weapon, and slamming it.

Shuā shuā shuā ……

A blue wind blade shot at Daqin, the speed is very fast, the number is divided, and each wind blade is sharp.

The Daqin Shields injects a powerful strength into the shield, and numerous shields emit black light, forming a huge black wall that exudes a strong strength.


A wind blade hit the black light wall, and a sound was heard. The wind blade turned into countless cyan spots, and the black light wall cracked a crack.

Feng Shensha went on to attack and only broke the Great Qin’s defense with a wave of attacks. At that time, the Fengshen army also rushed to Great Qin’s.

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