Later, Zhao Fu began to build the formation of the teleportation back. The process was more careful, worried that it would destroy the seal and release the terrible monster.

The result was that Zhao Fu was too worried. This seal was extremely powerful and was not affected by Zhao Fu. This Zhao Fu was also relieved.

The formation is built to a size of a kilometer and is located at the very center of the platform. The core of the teleportation formation is the entrance to the seal.

The reason for this is that Zhao Fu is mainly worried about who will destroy the teleportation formation, and the teleportation formation is placed here. If anyone destroys the formation, it is very likely that the seal will be directly touched, and six gods will appear, striking down to touch the seal.

Another reason is that Zhao Fu wants to borrow this platform and pull a lot of power to enter Earth World.

The platform is not looking like the ordinary, it is certainly a powerful treasure, otherwise it will not exist in the market for so long, and just the terrifying monsters have caused no damage to the platform.

Therefore, Zhao Fu thought that borrowing this platform to bring a lot of power to the Earth World, it is also very complete, there is no need to worry about the damage.

Now that the teleportation formation is completed, Zhao Fu’s purpose is also completed. I am going to the formation center Zhao Fu is trying to return to Earth World through this form.

“and many more!”

Standing at the center of the formation of Zhao Fu, only listening to a voice in the mind, is a hint of thought into the body of Zhao Fu’s.

Zhao Fu smiled and looked at the seal space under his feet. The monster was talking to himself. Because it was a direct communication, Zhao Fu could not understand his words, but he also understood his consciousness.

Zhao Fu knew that he was a smart creature when the monster yelled before, so he was not too surprised.

Now Zhao Fu is just a little accidental. This monster should hate himself very much. How can he suddenly call himself, and the tone is not so angry.

Zhao Fu thought about it and smiled and asked, “Is there anything?”

The monster said in the mind of Zhao Fu, “I can give you anything you want, and let me out when you are strong.”

Now the monster is holding on to the anger, and seriously talking to Zhao Fu. He has been sealed here for a long time. If there is a crack, he still has a little hope of slowly breaking the seal.

Zhao Fu this bastard, directly fill the crack, and built a teleportation formation here, in the future it is difficult to crack a crack in the seal, this kid will certainly be easy to fill.

In this way, he really can’t escape from his life. I hope that it can be said to be extinct by Zhao Fu. I thought that I could only compromise, and I couldn’t resist this anger and communicate with Zhao Fu.

Now that the bastard is weak, even if he is allowed to destroy the seal, he can’t break the seal, but this kid has seven Emperor Star bleSS ing, which makes him a little shocked, just met a monster.

At the speed of his growth, it is estimated that it will not be used for decades, it will become a terrible existence, and it should be possible to break the seal and release him.

At this time, he only has this choice, or he is sealed to death.

Zhao Fu can’t help but reveal a smile. This monster is the existence of the Immortal class. There must be a lot of precious treasures. If you can get it, it will be of great help to Daqin.

And Zhao Fu must wait until he has the ability to resist the monsters, then he will be released, otherwise he will get the big benefits, and he will not let him out now.

“What good can you give me now?” Zhao Fu said to the monster with a smile.

This made the monster suddenly pick up, because he was being sealed, something could not be taken out, and he had a lot of things damaged, even if it was only a small part.

The monster thought for a moment, “I can teach you a powerful Immortal legacy, and all kinds of terrible secrets. How do you see it?”

Zhao Fu showed a disappointing expression, what powerful Immortal legacy, and terrible secrets. Zhao Fu is not lacking, and there are many, but there is no time to develop.

“Just these legacy and mystery? Nothing else?” Zhao Fu asked.

The monster looked at Zhao Fu, who was disappointed. Some of my heart was not emboldened. “Now I am sealed here. I can only teleportation to give you some Immortal legacy and mystery. If you put me in the future, I will give you what you want. all.”

Zhao Fu thought about the existence of the Immortal class after the monster. After all, it might have something to do with it, so he said, “That’s okay! Give me all the things you will master now.”

The monster breathed a sigh of relief and said, “We will first sign a soul contract so that you don’t let me go after you get something, or I hurt you in the future.”

Zhao Fu nodded and felt more fair.

However, Zhao Fu still has no intention. Although the soul contract is signed by the soul, there is still the possibility of breaking.

Both sides control part of the soul strength to fly out, and then merge together to stipulate the content of the contract. The soul strength is divided into two parts and flies into the body of both sides.

The monster teleports to the Zhao Fu’s mind, and the Zhao Fu head feels severe pain, like a lot of things poured into the head.

After a short while, Zhao Fu felt the pain weakened, and there was a lot of information in his mind. After reading it, Zhao Fu was still disappointed and disappointed. “Do you have these things?”

The mystery and legacy given by the monster are powerful, but far beyond the expectations of Zhao Fu.

When I heard Zhao Fu’s, the monster also had a small Xuan. “Now I am in the state of being sealed. The really powerful legacy and mystery can’t be given to you in this way. I have to wait for me to come out.”

Zhao Fu is also somewhat helpless, feeling that the Immortal level is too poor to have anything.

Finally, I thought about it. It is not bad to know some information from it. I asked, “What kind of creature are you? And who is sealing you here?”

The monster said, “I was born in the retreat in the market, and was sealed here by a mysterious fairy.”

Zhao Fu Some accidents, this monster was originally a creature in the market. It should be very clear about the things in the market. As for him, he was sealed by a mysterious immortal, which is estimated to be Immortal.

Immortal is still beyond Zhao Fu’s inaccessibility, so it’s too early to understand the Immortal level, so Zhao Fu didn’t ask too much about it.

“Since you are a returning creature, what kind of place should you know about the market?” Zhao Fu asked curiously.

The monster replied, “You think wrong, even if I am a returning creature, I can’t understand all the information about the market. I can only say a little information that I know.”

Zhao Fu nodded and said, “There is information you know there!”

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