The key Half Immortal world is really rare and hard to find. If it’s easy, everyone has the Half Immortal world.

After finding the Half Immortal world, it is necessary to introduce Immortal Qi from the Half Immortal world into the Three Realms, which will cause great damage to the Half Immortal world, so no force will allow Daqin to do so.

This thing can only be placed there first.

Zhao Fu has searched for information on the following interface. Zhao Fu is really curious and interested in this interface, because I have never heard of it. It feels terrible too.

The information on the lower interface is less than the information on the fairyland. Heaven Awaken World becomes the place to return to the market.

Not only is everything in the world, but the destination of the world itself is there.

There is a real reincarnation of Great Path, full of endless silence, no time, no end, nothing.

Some strong people have retired after simply exploring, and dare not go deep into the exploration, and some people who dare to explore in depth have never returned.

Immortal is rumored not to be involved there, because it will also be the final destination of Immortal.

The return to the market is terrifying, and there are very few people going there, so there is very little information about it.

Going to the market is easier than going to the fairyland. You only need a form that breaks the interface to do it.

Of course, this form of breaking the interface must be very advanced. The general forming can’t be done, but it’s hard to find Zhao Fu. Just a short time Zhao Fu will find this kind of form.

Now that the formation Zhao Fu is found, but there may be unknown dangers inside, even if the powerful Immortal may fall into it, Zhao Fu is a little hesitant.

After careful consideration, Zhao Fu decided to go, because the Three Realms have just formed, and they need the strength of the market, and the sooner the better.

Zhao Fu also warned himself in his heart, don’t have any curiosity, and don’t have to explore, just arrange the teleportation to the form there.

Simply prepare, Zhao Fu and Lingji come to the deepest reincarnation space of Earth World, and can also be a place for reincarnation.

The current nine-return crystal disc has been a little bigger than before. It has been repeated for hundreds of times. As the number of reincarnations increases, the reincarnation will become larger and larger, and the Samsara Power has become stronger and stronger.

The return to the market must be deepest in the interface to open, in other places, such as the gods, Heaven Awaken World, and even the shadow of the surface can not be opened.

Zhao Fu portrayed a kilometer-sized formation in an empty place in the reincarnation, surrounded by crystal stones. The formation is very complicated, and the mysterious, exudes a huge momentum.

The formation is well arranged and Zhao Fu is about to walk into it.

Lingji said with some concern, “Zhao Fu, you have to be careful, it is really terrible, it is the end of all death.”

Zhao Fu turned to look at her and said with a smile. “I know, so I will come back when I arrange the formation. You don’t have to worry.”

Lingji nodded lightly.

Then Zhao Fu came to the formation center, and the formation was activated, emitting a lot of light, and a huge strength exuded.

The light in the center of formation is the strongest, but they are not shot, but condensed on the surface of the ground, like a circular light.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the stencil was shot under the ground with a terrifying strength, as if everything was running through the ground, and a powerful wave of waves spread.

Zhao Fu’s body also disappeared in the moment at the moment, followed by the continuous fallings of the beam, feeling like falling off the cliff, it is a little scary.

The time lasted for an hour, and Zhao Fu only listened to bang sound, and Zhao Fu’s body fell into a space.

This space is dim, the light is very weak, there is nothing around, there is no sky, no land, no flowers, trees, mountains and rivers.

What is even more surprising is that there is no law in this place, there is no time to flow, there is no sound, and even space fluctuations do not exist. It feels like nothing.

Zhao Fu also understands why the interface seems to be an interface, like an endless abyss.

First of all, it has no space attribute, so there is no interface of various attributes, giving people the feeling of endless abyss, because this space does not know how deep, Zhao Fu is now in the void, the bottom 100 meters is dark, nothing can be seen.

Zhao Fu frowned, everything was different from what he thought, originally Zhao Fu thought that teleportation came here, building a back form, and the two forms were connected.

In the construction of a traction formation, the introduction of the strength of the retreat into Earth World, the construction of Earth World’s law of all things, speeding up the transformation of Earth World.

But now everything is empty, space is not there, Zhao Fu is there to build form? To build a form, you must find a base point.

Zhao Fu looked at the dead and there was no sound, giving him a creepy feeling.

Just warned myself, lay the formation and go, don’t have any curiosity, don’t explore, but now Zhao Fu has no way, only to explore first, hoping to find the base point, build the form and go straight back.

Zhao Fu flew forward and there was nothing. Zhao Fu continued to fly forward, or nothing.

After a few days of time, Zhao Fu frowned and stayed in the void, and there was nothing around him.

At the speed of the current Zhao Fu flight, you can fly dozens of worlds in a few days, but you still can’t see anything. Is there really nothing in the market? Everything is nothing?

Zhao Fu thought about it and decided to look for it. If he couldn’t find it, Zhao Fu could only go back.

The method of flying forward is not good. Zhao Fu looks at the endless darkness below and decides to fly down to see if he can meet something.

I saw that Zhao Fu’s body continued to fall rapidly. The time lasted for a few days. Zhao Fu’s body ran out of sweat and his face was a little tired. There was nothing around him. Not only did he have no end to the end, but there was no end to his death.

Zhao Fu is going to look at it, but I can’t go back.

Time passed for a long time, Zhao Fu faintly looked at something in front of him, suddenly a hi, so long after finally met a thing, and immediately flew forward.

The things ahead are getting clearer and clearer and are a big platform.

This platform has a large kilometer, a hexagonal shape, floating in the air, the ground is covered with white bones, and six corners with six stone pillars. The platform feels like an unknown terrible.

Zhao Fu flew to the front of the platform and his face became serious. The platform could be very dangerous. Do you want to go up? If you can’t go up, you can’t find anything else, and the formation can’t be built.

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