Everyone understands that Zhao Fu is angry, naturally it is impossible to say those words, but they are grateful to say, “Thank you Daqin can give us Sage Stone, now we are Great Qin’s friends, in the future Daqin can find them. “”

Suddenly, someone couldn’t help but ask, “I don’t know if this Sage Stone Daqin is for sale, I am willing to buy it at a high price.”

This person is thinking that he can’t research the way to make Sage Stone. He wants to buy Sage Stone. At that time, they also have Sage Stone, which has a stronger strength.

When I heard this, everyone felt that this Sage Stone was a good thing, and I also said, “I am willing to buy it at a high level!”

Zhao Fu’s anger disappeared and a smile appeared on his face. “There are Great Qin’s friends. If you want to buy Sage Stone, I can sell a certain amount of Sage Stone at the right price. If the relationship with Daqin is good enough, free of charge. There is no problem with the gift.”

This is obviously a matter of drawing people’s hearts. As long as the relationship is good, you can get the free Sage Stone. Doesn’t you want to have a better relationship with Daqin?

“hahaha, now Daqin is my brother, everyone can testify, as long as there is something I am the first to arrive, it will not be slow for a minute.”

“I am also willing to be a friend of Great Qin’s, as long as Daqin wants anything, I can give it.”

“I liked Daqin from the very beginning. Now I finally came to Daqin and saw the Emperor of the Great Qin. I now like Daqin more. Daqin can definitely be my best friend.”

“I don’t want to say anything else. Daqin treats his friends very well. He is loyal to the loyalty. Daqin, this friend, I have decided. What is there in Daqin in the future, you can come directly to me.”

“Um Um! I don’t admire anyone else. The most admired is Daqin. This time it seems that there is no wrong choice. It is much better than going to the other two Kingdoms.”


Zhao Fu smiled and looked at the people below, and his purpose was reached.

There are several main reasons for doing Zhao Fu’s now.

The first is to make good contacts with the various parties and strengthen the Great Qin’s momentum. Although it is uncertain that Daqin is in danger, they will come over and help, but there are so many people and Daqin as friends, and the general forces want to provoke Daqin, but they should consider it.

In the future When dealing with the Alliance Monster Horn and Fengshen, this may play a lot of roles, affecting the other party’s decision.

The second is also to eliminate the hostility of all parties. Now there are a lot of Great Qin’s opponents. There is no need to continue to increase their opponents. This is not good for Great Qin’s development.

When using Alchemy Power and War Sacred Beast, Zhao Fu also thought that it would cause a sensation, which is nothing to be surprised.

Now all parties are being suppressed by Alchemy World. Who suddenly has the same ability as Alchemy Clan is not shocked.

After all parties know that Daqin possesses this kind of ability, it will definitely be heart-warming and want to get it. Now Daqin has upgraded Kingdom, and its strength is also very strong. Otherwise, a group of people have already come and snatched.

Zhao Fu gave them some Sage Stone, which is to weaken their envy of the idea of ​​wanting to snatch, thus reducing hostility, reducing opponents, and paying some Sage Stone is still worth it.

The last point is that this Sage Stone is not simply for them, it is a problematic Sage Stone.

It can’t be said that there is a problem with Sage Stone. There is no problem with these Sage Stones, and there is no prohibition, but it is made by Daqin. The power of time contained in it is the power of Daqin’s exclusive time.

No one else can use Sage Stone to sense anything, but Daqin has a way to control Sage Stone to control the user.

Zhao Fu is not worried that it will find Sage Stone problematic, because the Sage Stone given is not a problem at all, so you can’t find it if you check it out.

If Daqin really moves on Sage Stone, it is possible to detect the strength of all parties now, which will directly anger the parties and will cause Daqin to fall into an unfavorable situation.

So even if these Sage Stones are given to each other, the result is that there is not much loss to Daqin, but it will be more beneficial. In the future, using Sage Stone to deal with each other will have a great effect.

This insidious means, which was used before Daqin, was the use of Evil Refusing Pill, which instantly caused Orc City to lose its resistance. Daqin easily captured Orc City.

However, with the improvement of strength, Evil Refusing has become useless, it is easy to be discovered, Daqin is not in use, Evil Refusing has also withdrawn from the stage of history.

Finally, Zhao Fu will not give too much to the other party. If things come too easy and too simple, they will certainly be suspicious. I heard that all parties now say that they are friends with Daqin and brothers.

Zhao Fu also ordered a new Storage ring to be handed over to the parties. He said with a smile, “Since everyone is a brother, Daqin is a brother, then I will not be stingy. Every Storage ring is equipped with three.” 100,000 Sage Stone, now for everyone.”

“If in the future everyone is willing to help Daqin, how much Sage Stone wants, and can give the war Sacred Beast”


Zhao Fu’s words caused a sigh of relief, and everyone’s face was full of excitement and excitement.

Now 300,000 Sage Stone can make 300,000 Alchemy soldiers. Although this is only a small part of the force, they have at least Alchemy soldiers and hopes to resist Alchemy Clan.

More importantly, in the future and Daqin deal with the relationship, how much Sage Stone is, and his mother’s battle Sacred Beast sent, the fool will not be happy and excited.

The parties could not help but praise Zhao Fu, to ensure that they must be Daqin’s best friend, the most reliable brother, the picture is very lively, it seems that it is really a good friend and a good brother.

Zhao Fu is not so stupid, and easily believe in this group of people.

At the same time, some people have some doubts, such as Shishu Ge and Yin Ruoshi. It is faintly felt that the Great Qin’s purpose is not simple. Is such an important Sage Stone really given to the other party in vain? Finally, can you send the war Sacred Beast?

Although they have doubts in their hearts, they don’t say it directly. They plan to bring Sage Stone back to the top strong to see if they can see Sage Stone’s problems and whether they can find the most important Sage Stone manufacturing method.

After the party lasted for a while, the parties excitedly left Daqin and told the parties about the news.

The news also spread.

As long as I go to Daqin, there is Sage Stone. Daqin is so friendly. Daqin is my friend and brother. I heard that the relationship with Daqin is very good. There is also the battle Sacred Beast. Sage Stone collects all kinds of treasures.

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