At this time, Daqin also received the news that two worlds were destroyed, but did not make any action.

Although Daqin has a large Alchemy soldiers and a terrifying Alchemy Sacred Beast, the alliance is composed of more than 30 worlds. The huge force is not so easy to deal with. Even if Daqin is attacked, the effect is not very obvious.

On the other side, Daqin also has a variety of things to deal with because he has just become a Kingdom. He has to build a variety of things, so he will develop stably for a while.

When Daqin stabilized and seized the opportunity to deal with the alliance, that was when Daqin was shot.

Now that Great Qin’s is strong, only Daqin first started, and the courage of the alliance is not to dare to fight against Daqin first.

The guards at the forefront of the coalition army were relieved. This time they gathered countlesssoldiers and made various defensive measures to resist Daqin.

Can do so many defensive measures and have such a large solitiers, they still do not have much confidence, now Daqin gives them the feeling that it is too terrifying, who knows whether there is no hidden strength.

Daqin did not attack them best, and they did not want to fight with Daqin at this time.

Then, they soon received news that the two worlds were destroyed, and they all showed a smile. The next step was to divide the two worlds.

Although the two worlds are also members of the alliance, these people sell the two worlds, but who will not be able to withstand the benefits.

The Monster Horn army of the pig head world has already taken control of the world. The bodies of the pig heads are everywhere. The blood splatters are everywhere, and a strong bloody smell spreads, making people feel sick.

Yao Ming sat on the throne of a palace. Some of the pig heads below were afraid of lying on the ground. Some were dragged out and killed, and the body was cut into several pieces. The blood flowed to the ground.

There are also some duo-headed women who are being invaded by many Monster Horn generals on the ground. Some pig-headed women are afraid of death, and some pig-headed people are crying for mercy.

There is no beauty in the picture, the Monster Horn general, the woman with the pig head, and the things being done, giving a feeling of hell.

Feng Shensha, who is also sitting on the throne of the main hall, reveals a smile and looks at the rock and stone people lying next to him.

I ordered some handsome men to be towed out and cut off the things under them. I planned to wait for the training and continue to train them into male dogs. Feng Shensha always liked this thing.

Now holding a few silver chains in his hand, a few handsome men are not wearing clothes, kneeling on the floor, sticking out their tongues and kneeling there like a dog.

These are all trained male dogs, not only like dogs, but also like dogs, and Feng Shensha trains them so that their strengths are not weak, but they are still strong.

boom! boom!

Two huge rumbling sounds sounded at the same time, the two worlds of destiny gathered together, quickly rushing to Monster Horn and Fengshen, the two forces of Monster Horn and Fengshen quickly absorbed destiny and began to inject into the two worlds. Destiny.

Both destiny blended into one another, and the Tubaren World and the Rock World officially became the territory of the Monster Horn Empire and Wind God Empire.

boom! boom!

Two rumbling sounds rang, Monster Horn and Fengshen two Empire’s huge destiny, like the ocean, with a terrible strength into the Legacy Stone of two worlds.

A purple Legacy Stone, emitting a myriad of purple rays, a purple beam with a strong strength rushing into the sky, forming a purple beam of light, and the sky is then dyed purple.


a rumbling sound, a high tens of meters, resembling a human figure, with long hairs, and a purple one-horned monster on the head, with a huge momentum in the sky.

This is the Monster Horn King of the Monster Horn Empire and the look of the Monster Horn Empire.


Monster Horn Wang Yangtian made a loud roar and shattered the square. A huge silver ball of light exudes a powerful power of Kingdom, emerges from the sky, and then slowly descends.

Finally, the ball of light falls into the legacy hall and merges into Legacy Stone. A purple wave of light spreads out and covers the entire Monster Horn Empire. The entire Monster Horn Empire is changing.

A cyan Legacy Stone exudes countless cyan rays, a blue beam of light rushing into the sky with a violent wind, forming a cyan beam of light, the sky is then dyed cyan, a gust of wind blows away, blowing countless gravel And fallen leaves.

A 10,000-meter-long, slender figure with elegant movements appears in the sky. This green bird has a cyan fry, two claws like sapphire, only one vertical eye on the head, and the eyelids are also cyan. A strong wind.


The blue bird screamed for nine days, and a silver-white ball of light that radiated a huge strength emerged from the sky, then slowly fell from the sky and merged into the Legacy Stone.

A wave of cyan waves spread out, covering the entire Wind God Empire, and everything in the Wind God Empire exudes a slight gleam, and everything is changing.

A hundred circles in the world, I heard these two huge rumbling sounds, and I felt the shock of the two huge Kingdoms.

That direction what’s the matter? There are actually three forces in the day to become Kingdom, which is terrible! Is Kingdom really so easy to upgrade?

A domain is about a thousand worlds, and there are usually only a dozen Kingdoms. It is the power of Kingdom. It means strong, big destiny, strong legacy, and various opportunities.

These forces are certainly few, otherwise Kingdom will not be so few, and will not be the strongest force in a domain.

But what did you find what’s the matter? After running out of Three Kingdom, they are not shocked, so they are very curious about what you are doing, sending people to inquire about the news and understand what is going on there.

The news quickly spread to several nearby domains, and the forces in those few domains were equally astonished. They did not expect that a Three Kingdom force could suddenly appear in a region, and they could never see it again.

They are also very concerned about this matter, so they have sent countless people to check it out.

At the same time, they also feel a little pressure. The original Ancient Stem Domain has twenty-one Kingdom-level forces. This is already a little more than the general domain. Now there are three more. The Ancient Stem Domain is stronger than them. In the future, it may be Ancient Stem Domain is suppressed.

This will be very unfavorable for them. If you can use any means to weaken their power, several domains will not mind.

The Ancient Stem Domain’s Inner Territory has not been as shocked as other people. They know what’s going on there, knowing that the two forces of Monster Horn and Fengshen have nine worlds, and that they can become Kingdom in one step.

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