Now the top of Daqin has been covered by dark clouds, giving off a huge sense of oppression. Nine huge black dragons swim in the sky, revealing a scale and a claw, mysterious and terrible.

Áooooo ……

The nine sound dragons suddenly sounded, and the nine black dragons were overlaid in the nine spheres of the clouds. They gave a huge roar in the sky, and they broke through the sky as if they were introducing some terrifying.


A huge rumbling sound rang, the sky shook, and a huge silver-white ball of light fell from the sky, emitting countless silver and white light, and a very powerful Kingdom force.

This is the core of Kingdom. The existence of Kingdom is very different from that of ordinary countries. Generally, Nobledom, Marquisdom and Dukedom are too weak, but becoming Kingdom is the real powerful force of Heaven Awaken World, and will also receive special care from Heaven Awaken World’s.

It should be said that it is recognized by the world. The status of destiny strength will be different from those of Nobledom, Dukedom and Marquisdom.

The Kingdom core in the sky was gently dropped down into the Legacy Stone.


A huge rumbling sound At a time, Legacy Stone radiated countless black lights, shining through the entire Heaven and Earth, and the black light waves spread out with strong strength, covering all areas of Daqin.

Countless people have clearly sensed the changes in themselves and around them. Their bodies emit a slight black light, and the ground and other things emit a slight black light, all of which are undergoing a transformation.

The time lasts for a while, the powerful black light wave stops, the earth seems to become more vital, and the plants are more lush and tall.

The people also feel that their strength is stronger, the Constitution has become better than before, and some injuries have disappeared.

In addition to these, the destiny that the numerous people can’t sense is also more and more stable than before.

Now they are both Kingdom-class people, subject to some Kingdom attribute bleSS ing, so there will be such changes.

Also belong to the people, Kingdom people are more honorable and more powerful than other Marquisdom, Nobledom, Dukedom people, this is the foundation of Kingdom.

Looking back to the Daqin Legacy Hall, nine black dragons have emerged around the Legacy Stone. The nine black dragons are only one foot long, but they seem to have life around them, surrounded by Legacy Stone.

Nine black dragons are entities manifested by destiny, which shows that Nation of Great Qin is more stable and powerful, and has mastered various abilities.

“Hint! Congratulations on upgrading your country to Kingdom.”

“Hint! Congratulations to Great Qin Empire for upgrading to Kingdom and getting Kingdom’s attributes bleSS ing.”

“Hint! The Great Qin Town is the instrument of the Kingdom of Kingdom.”

“Hint! Dashen Destiny Armament becomes Kingdom Destiny Armament.”

“Hint! Daqin blood vessels have been strengthened.”

“Hint! Congratulations to Great Qin’s National Games for its transformation and the formation of the Kowloon National Games.”

“Hint! You get the beast of the town.”

“Hint! You get the Kingdom guardian.”

“Hint! You get the power of Kingdom.”

“Hint! You get the Kingdom field.”


Now Zhao Fu is still in the forest world, standing in the sky, one hand is still playing in the Sen sound clothes, Sen Yin is weak in the arms of Zhao Fu, his face is red and panting, let Zhao Fu bully .

Upon hearing this sound, Zhao Fu couldn’t help but reveal a smile, feeling that upgrading to Kingdom is not the same as before.

Zhao Fu started to check the tips. Some of the previous ones don’t need to be seen. It’s just a simple congratulation. The later towns and Destiny Armament were upgraded to Kingdom level. Some changes have taken place and there is a stronger strength than before.

Then the blood of Daqin, as said before, no matter what blood, such as family blood, strong blood, or legacy blood, as long as you join Daqin can be called Daqin blood, influenced by Nation of Great Qin.

Now the blood of Daqin is improved. Not only is the strength of these blood vessels improved, they are also more integrated with Daqin, and they have a part of Daqin attribute.

Therefore, it is possible to distinguish between different people, such as Fish Scale Clan. The Fish Scale Clan on Daqin side can be called Daqin Fish Scale Clan. Because it has Great Qin’s attribute, it is not a reputation for Daqin.

Others who do not join Great Qin’s Fish Scale Clan cannot become Daqin Fish Scale Clan because there is no Great Qin’s attribute.

In addition to ethnicity and family, Zhang Family was a very strong family before, but after joining Daqin, with Daqin attribute, Zhang Family can be called Daqin Zhang Family.

Also used to be a force, named Taoism, after joining Daqin, there is Daqin attribute, and naturally it will be called Daqin Taoist.

These forces have the same fate. They integrate into the entire collective of Daqin, and they will also have great benefits for Daqin. They can strengthen the stability of destiny and enhance the vitality of the country.

The sooner you join Great Qin’s forces or the higher the integration of race and Daqin, the stronger the Daqin attribute.

Initially joined the Great Qin’s people, those who were when Daqin was only Small Town Small City, and now have the blood, which can be called the pure Daqin blood.

After reading the blood information, Zhao Fu was curious to see the Kowloon National Games.

This is nothing special, that is, the national transport is materialized, stronger and stronger than before, and when necessary, it also emits terrifying attack power, which consumes a large amount of destiny.

The last few Zhao Fu are very interested, the first town of the country, Zhao Fu, to view the information, not to give you a powerful creature as a beast of the town, but to give you a way to cultivate the behemoth.

Nothing wrong is the way to cultivate the behemoth. It is a reward after the power is upgraded to Kingdom. Even if you have not obtained this method before, you can get it directly now.

However, as long as the upgrade has to send, this method seems to be somewhat ordinary, basic Kingdom has, there is not much advantage.

This method first needs to find a nest or a powerful creature, let their blood and Daqin be bound together, and then part of the strength from the Daqin Legacy Stone.

The creatures that blend into the strength need to continue to be cultivated, because they absorb the strength of Legacy Stone, their volume will become larger and larger, and the strength will be stronger and stronger.

As a result, the behemoth will be cultivated.

The method is very simple. The strength of these behemoths depends on whether the country is strong and the stronger the country, the stronger the beasts will be.

Of course, if a big country is strong, it will not bother to use this method to cultivate, they have a stronger means.

Zhao Fu doesn’t pay much attention to this method at this time. Daqin himself has mastered several methods of cultivation, and the effect is better than this method.

However, Zhao Fu did not give up this method, and intends to cultivate some, in the future may have any effect.

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