After Zhao Fu and numerous ministers negotiated, they decided to change the plan for original peaceful development, adopt the strategy of attacking the world, and develop Daqin as soon as possible.

Daqin’s now Heavenly Country Protection has only been over for a few months, and Zhao Fu wants to lift Heavenly Country Protection and then attack the outside world.

Myriad Gods Temple continues to conquer the constant enhancement of the gods, Myriad Gods Temple is where the biggest power, no one is an opponent.

Coupled with the Ten Thousand Gods attribute of Myriad Gods Temple, it also attracts many gods to join.

Earth World Yellow Spring Country is also developing rapidly, constantly attacking other forces, and is the strongest force in the region.

Alchemy World and Chaos World didn’t have any problems, especially the originally arrogant Alchemy World was beaten by Daqin and became very honest.

It is not Daqin who is worried about them now, but they are worried that Daqin is building various defensive buildings.

At this time, only the side of Mortal World has no ending, and Daqin and they have the greatest grievances. It can be said that hatred has been long.

They always wanted to destroy Daqin, and Daqin wanted to destroy them.

In addition, Daqin needs to develop rapidly, so Zhao Fu decided to end Heavenly Country Protection ahead of time.

It鈥檚 just a pity that Heavenly Country Protection is still a few months old, but it can withstand the numerous junctions that Zhao Fu has finally got.

After making the decision, the Daqin force began to assemble, and the momentum was like a torrent of everything.

I have always wanted to attack the Great Qin’s Fiery Flame Country and the Monster Horn army.

The terrifying fluctuations that have just emerged from the Three Realms have caused countless people to fall into the ice water, trembled fiercely, and feared desperation.

Daqin has been hiding in the enchantment for a long time, and no movements have been emitted. But now suddenly, such terrifying fluctuations are emitted. What are Daqin doing these days?

It must be a terrible thing, everyone has this kind of intuition.

The aliens are more aware of the current Great Qin’s terrifying, and now the Daqin and the previous Daqin have changed dramatically.

The original destiny phase is like the nine black dragons that are fierce and fierce, which is very scary and daunting.

Now Daqin is like a giant ball. Although it is not as fierce and terrible as before, it gives a very terrifying sense of oppression, just like a grain of sand in the vast ocean. It is powerless.

This strength is dozens of times stronger than the nine black dragons, and it seems to be breeding for extreme existence.

The numerous aliens hurriedly persuaded the lords of the parties: adults! Daqin suddenly changed, and the destiny phase is an extreme phase. Although we don’t know what happened, it is certain that there is a heaven-shaking change in Daqin.

Now that we have come back, if the whole army is over, the Daqin phase is no match, and it is time to go back and wait for things to change.

This time Monster Horn Empire and Fiery Flame Kingdom brought a lot of lords to attack Daqin.

The lords of the parties knew that Great Qin’s was terrible, and they felt that Daqin had such terrifying fluctuations. Now, listening to the different words, he was also scared.

“I don’t think we should participate in this matter anymore! Daqin is not something we can afford, or go back and wait.”

“Um Um! Don’t listen to Monster Horn Empire and Fiery Flame Kingdom, don’t be tempted by them, and their things are solved by them.”

“Yes! Let them attack each other! Consumption each other, I don’t dare to stay here anyway, if you don’t leave, then I will go.”

“I have to go, if you stop me, I have to go, it is scary to listen to the extreme destiny.”

“You think so beautiful. Do you think that you will not attack if you escaped Daqin? It is not a problem that they consume each other, but whether Monster Horn can withstand Great Qin’s problems.”

“Right! Daqin that wolf ambition is known to all, and the two of them can’t resist Daqin, and the next one is us.”

“What should we do? If you don’t go, you will die, you will die, you will be entangled!”

“I think you are scared! What is terrible in Daqin? If Daqin is terrible, why is it that the two forces are forced to shrink?”

“There is nothing wrong with this. Now that Daqin has not appeared, he will be scared. Do you still have the courage?”

“A group of cowards, afraid of a fart, even if it is dead, Laozi must stand and die, and don’t take advantage of life.”

“I don’t care, you are dead, it’s a good thing, I choose to go, no one should stop me.”

“I have also left. Even if Daqin defeats two forces, it will take a while for us to attack. I am afraid of death.”

“Rely! You roll and roll, don’t confuse the army. I will see how terrible Da Qin is. When we divide Daqin, don’t run like a dog.”


The forces of the parties are now divided into two factions. One party chooses to stay and one party chooses to leave.

Yao Ming and Li Baiqing know the news and look ugly.

In order to win over so many people, they have paid a lot of price, have promised what to ask, have promised to cede the land, and have given precious treasures…

After paying so much, they just want to see if they can break the enchantment and destroy Daqin.

Now their lifelong pursuit is to destroy Daqin, and all the goal is to destroy Daqin.

However, now Daqin has such terrifying fluctuations, so that they have no confidence, and with so many people leaving, they are even less confident.

What are they going to do next? They are hesitant about themselves.

At this time, a man holding a staff, thin and thin, painted with some pigments seriously said: Now the phase of Great Qin’s destiny is indeed the ultimate phase, I first saw such a terrifying destiny phase.

But now everything doesn’t understand, things don’t have to be decided first, and this enchantment is very strong, and it can last for a few months, Daqin will not come out so early.

During this period of time, the two adults should think about how to deal with Daqin, and have already inquired about what happened to Daqin.

Monster Horn and Li Baiqing nodded, and Daqin had not yet come out. For a while, they didn’t have to be self-defeating.

And what’s important is that it’s just the terrifying of destiny. It doesn’t mean how much Daqin’s strength has improved. They may have a big advantage.

If they can kill Daqin and absorb this kind of extreme gas, then they will also have this destiny phase.

Now they have another reason to destroy Great Qin’s.

I don’t know what Daqin’s the matter can always cause Heaven and Earth to change. Every time it is different, there are more opportunities for thieves.

Although they don’t want to admit it, they really admire Zhao Fu, their biggest and most hated enemy.

Then they also made a decision, did not return, did not attack, build a defensive wall outside the Daqin, first look at what happened.

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