I saw nine palm sized circles distributed in nine positions on the bloody round dish, forming a circle, emitting different colors as shimmer, and a thin line extending from one circle, intersecting, blending, and changing.

Eventually a formation consisting of nine rings was formed.


At that moment, a huge Samsara Power broke out, forming a ray of light wave with a powerful momentum to spread out, giving a huge rumbling sound.

Numerous colored lights emerged from it, shining on the square, illuminating the entire reincarnation space, and a huge reincarnation was pressed into the space, making the space seem to solidify.

Originally, the blood color of the bloody disc began to recede, and the blood-colored water wafers became transparent and colorless. There was a formation consisting of nine different color rings, emitting a powerful Samsara Power.

This form is naturally a reincarnation of the formation.

Zhao Fu understands why the cycle of wanting Alchemy’s blood is supposed to be a nine-round reincarnation to build a powerful reincarnation.

With the reincarnation of formation, the nine reincarnations form an integral, stronger than the separate nine reincarnations, and still stable.

The current cycle is the real reincarnation.

When the time passed, the light from the reincarnation dissipated, and there was no previous pressure. It just floated quietly in the air.

Zhao Fu and Lingji looked at the reincarnation that eventually had an attribute, and they all showed a smile.

The reincarnation is now built, and there are nine reincarnations, but the reincarnation is still weak in itself. Although the Daqin people can now reincarnate, the number is limited.

At this time, the reincarnation has just been built. It is only one meter in size. It can reincarnate a thousand people at most, and it is impossible for more people to reincarnate. If more people want to reincarnate, they must develop reincarnation.

This cycle is now also integrated with the Three Realms. It is not necessary to cultivate it alone. As long as the Three Realms are getting stronger and stronger, the cycle is getting stronger and stronger.

There are also more and more people who are reincarnation with the wheel, and can also enhance the strength of the reincarnation, helping the reincarnation to understand the reincarnation of the Great Path.

Reincarnation is now also crucial to the Three Realms. In the future, we will master the reincarnation of all the creatures in the Three Realms, so there can be no more things.

This reincarnation space is at the deepest point of Earth World, but there is still the possibility that someone will break in and harm the reincarnation. Zhao Fu thinks if he can breed Six Paths Demon Statue like the Six Paths of Samsara. .

The Six Paths Demon Statue’s strength, Zhao Fu, is very clear, and now the body is also sealed with Six Paths Demon Statue, which can not only guard the reincarnation, but also participate in combat if necessary.

Zhao Fu decided to cultivate nine ghosts when he thought about it.

As for how to cultivate, Zhao Fu also has a method, because I know the avatar of Six Paths Demon Statue, I know some information.

The Six Paths Demon Statue is something that was born out of Six Paths. Six Paths are just six different worlds just as Zhao Fu has just entered into different rings.

After a long period of growth, the six worlds will develop their own consciousness, which can be regarded as the consciousness of the Six Paths Demon Statue, and also in other words. The consciousness of the Six Paths Demon Statue is the consciousness of the six worlds.

It is not enough to have consciousness. Based on the world of six worlds, a body is born, so that consciousness and body are there. As long as they are merged together, they will become Six Paths Demon Statue.

For this reason, Six Paths Demon Statue can mobilize the endless Samsara Power, with the ability to destroy the heaven and exterminate the earth, no one dares to provoke such a presence, even if Immortal does not dare.

Now Zhao Fu only needs to cultivate nine Golems according to the method of cultivating Six Paths Demon Statue.

Of course, it is impossible to cultivate now, because the reincarnation has just been built, and the nine worlds have not been formed. How can it be possible to create one’s own consciousness, and now there are still possibilities for the nine rounds of reincarnation.

Don’t forget, Zhao Fu and two Emperor Stars are not awakened. Since Emperor Star can be used to create Path of Samsara with blood, the two Emperor Stars can naturally create two Path of Samsara at a time.

At that time, it was the eleven reincarnations. This is the final form of Path of Samsara.

The nine statues that have been cultivated, Zhao Fu also wants to wipe out the wisdom like the Six Paths Demon Statue, and let them have wisdom. They are the powerful existence born from Heaven and Earth, and they are born with the law of all things. Origin strength.

With the power of Six Paths of Samsara, they will also become very powerful, with a strength that destroys everything.

The most important thing is that their consciousness is pure evil or kind, good kind can be controlled, if it is pure evil killing distortion is difficult to control, plus their terrifying strength, very likely backlash.

These six guys are backlash, and even if the awareness of Heaven Awaken World is hit hard, be careful.

Of course, retaining wisdom also has great benefits. They can comprehend stronger strengths and grow into more terrifying existences.

Now Zhao Fu is thinking hard for a while, and there is a way to keep the wisdom of Six Paths Demon Statue and avoid them backlash as much as possible.

Zhao Fu’s method is to split his own soul out of nine. Now that the nine reincarnations of the world have not just formed, Zhao Fu can use his own soul to cultivate the world consciousness.

In this way, the nine magic statues are equal to Zhao Fu’s nine self-conscious avatars, and Zhao Fu can completely control them.

Later, Zhao Fu stood in his place and closed his eyes and began to split his soul.

The process is very painful. Zhao Fu’s current soul forms a yin and yang soul fire. Under the control of Zhao Fu Zhao Fu’s, a black and white light group splits and then floats out from Zhao Fu’s eyebrows. There are nine black and white two. Light group.

Zhao Fu opened his eyes and reached out to control nine black and white light groups. He flew into the nine rings and merged with the ring.

Now that everything has been solved, the next step is to cultivate nine reincarnations, to make it strong, to become the general existence of Six Paths of Samsara, to master the reincarnation of all the life of Heaven Awaken World.

The reincarnation has been built, and there are nine attributes. It is also very beneficial to Zhao Fu. The reincarnation is combined with Zhao Fu. Zhao Fu can now be the master of reincarnation and truly master the ability of reincarnation.

Zhao Fu can also send a dead person directly into the reincarnation and let him reincarnate.

Void’s ancestors spent countless rare materials on the reincarnation of Sendai, and they have the ability to reincarnate and can only be used three times, but Zhao Fu can be used indefinitely.

Only he wants to be a Daqin citizen in advance, so his name will be recorded in the Three Realms, and Zhao Fu can use the Samsara Power of the Three Realms to reincarnate him in the Three Realms.

And Zhao Fu also owns nine Samsara Power, which are Disaster Road, Human Emperor Road, Ghost Spring Road, Demon Road, Demon Flower Road, Different King Road, God’s Day Mirror Road, Eight Days Forbidden Road, Alchemy Road.

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