A few hours later, Zhao Yu people came to a mountain.

Zhao Wei sensed the inside of the mountain, it seems that there is fluctuation of the entrance of the Land of Legacy, the location is still very hidden, if the average person is not aware of it.

Now Zhao Wei is mainly because the body is integrated into Sea GoddeSS, which has a strong sense of the Land of Legacy entrance.

Zhao Wei took out a Disaster Dragon Sword, and a huge strength was injected into it. The Disaster Dragon Sword emitted countless waters and automatically flew away from Zhao Fu’s palm, turning into a huge Water Dragon, with a strong strength to strike forward. past.


A loud sound sounded, and the Water Dragon crashed into the mountains and knocked out a big hole. The mountains shook and countless stones rolled down.

Zhao Wei showed a smile and took people into your big hole.

Going along the hole and moving into a large space, there is nothing, only a gray-white ball of light in the air, giving off a strong gravity.

When Zhao Yi was close, the ball of light exudes a strong gravity, pressing on everyone’s body, like a mountain pressed against the body, the ground is sinking.

However, this is not very difficult for everyone in Zhao Wei, it is easier to hold the powerful gravity and fly into the gray ball of light.

The legacy space is a hill, much more, with almost no other terrain, and there is a tall platform in the middle with a short young man wearing a armor and holding a hammer, giving off an amazing mountain. Qiu Zhili.

This should be a hill Lord God.

Zhao Wei can’t wait to integrate all the power of Lord God, so she didn’t waste time and turned directly into a stream of light.


a rumbling sound sounded, the Lord God stone statue radiated a strong gray light, the surrounding ground violently vibrated, and a huge hill, Giant, climbed out of it, giving off an amazing momentum.

After the appearance of the hill Giant, with a huge strength to Zhao Yu rushed over, Zhao Yan’s expression did not change, holding the Disaster Dragon Sword, a sword of the sword swayed out, took out a word light, will be one by one The hills of Giant fly out.

One by one, Giant was flying out of the coffin, and his body was broken into countless stones without any movement.

The entire hill is solved by Giant, and Zhao Wei came to the stone statue in front of the hill.

Lord God, looking down at the hill, looked at Zhao Wei, and then showed a smile, his eyebrows glowed with gray light, and the power of a hill spread.


A huge rumbling sound rang, and the eyebrows shot a gray-white beam. With a huge momentum, it fell on Zhao Fu’s body. The force of the huge hills was injected into Zhao’s body. Zhao Wei closed the booth eyes and continued to absorb the power of the hills.

Bang bang bang ……

A rumbling sound continually rang, and the power of the Lord God of the hills continued to be integrated into the body of Zhao Fu’s. Zhao Wei also absorbed this strength.

Finally, the stone statue slowly disappeared to the full legacy.


A huge rumbling sound rang, the gray-white ball of light, bursting out of a powerful hill, giving off a strong gray-light ray, with a strong momentum, turned into a sky.


A huge sound came out, and a gray-white sphere exploded. A powerful light wave spread like a broken bamboo. A terrible hill power shrouded the sky, and everyone felt a sense of oppression.

The huge one in the sky has twenty-four round formations, one of which exudes a gray-white glow, like a circle filled with grayish white.

There are still three circles that don’t shine.

The people in the secret world looked at the huge formation in the sky and felt the time was urgent.

There are also three Lord God Land of Legacy that do not give legacy. But with the ability of that person, the remaining three Lord God legacy will be quickly acquired, and the final test of the gods will be opened soon.

A few people in the sky are faintly expecting, because at that time it was time to decide Lord of Gods. At that time, all the strong players will show up, all the puzzles will be solved, and the battle will become the most intense.

On the other side, Zhao opened the booth eyes, revealing a smile, absorbing the power of the hill god, and Myriad Gods Power became stronger again.

Because the gods will start soon after the final stage of the test, the battle between the ordinary people will become more intense, and they will use the last time to harvest some treasures.

There are only one chance. Once they miss it, they will not be there in the future. It will not be useful for nine years, because everyone can only participate in the test of the gods, even the peerless Heaven’s Chosen is no exception.

At this time, three people are fighting in a relic, three men and one woman.

Both male heads have horns, one is strong, but the face is ugly, one tall and handsome, and his strength is much stronger than the last man.

The ugly man is called the sheep chapter, the handsome man is called the sheep, both of them are sheep, and don’t look at them as an ugly and handsome one. In fact, they are still brothers, the sheep chapter is the brother, and the sheep is the younger brother.

The last woman, also has a pair of horns on the head, a long white hair, beautiful face, graceful, temperament and temperament.

Her name is Yang Jiao and she is the wife of Yang Wang.

Now the three are striking down. A group of silver-white armor, with horns on their heads, emits solitiers who are not weak.


a rumbling sound sounded, a tall man like a general, holding a big knife, rushing with a strong momentum.

The sheep looked up and said, “He gave it to me, and Gejiao and you both solved the remainingsoldiers.”

Speaking of the sheep looking at a long gun, rushing over to the general, the two quickly fought together.

“Be careful, be careful!”

Yang Jiao cares about the screamed, then charmingly glanced at the sheep chapter next to him, letting the sheep chapter tremble, his face was a little excited.

The solitiers around them were killed, their expressions were quickly hidden, and they continued to striking down these sodiers, and those soliters were striking down in less than a minute.

The battle between the sheep and the general of the sheep also entered a critical moment, and the sheepman took out a huge knife and flew out the sheep.

The sheep chapter shouted immediately, “I will help you!”

Then the sheep chapter joined the battle, two people attacked the sheep general together, the one of the sheep generals slowly lost some, the sheep looked for a chance, a shot running through his chest, successfully striking down the sheep general.

The sheep looked relieved and finally killed the other party. The next step was to get the treasure. He heard his wife say that there is a very powerful treasure here. If he gets him, he will have great help and he will not know what the treasure is. Look like.

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