“Really powerful, that Demon God Kerr can definitely compete with the general Emperor Star advocates. If there is no god domain killing, then he is the second strongest in the realm of the gods. Now he has seen him and is not satisfied?”

“Um! is really too strong, and it seems that Demon God Kerr hasn’t used all of its power. It just uses one of the strongest means to defeat Killing, and I don’t know how much Demon God Kerr’s real strength is terrifying.”

“I feel that Demon God Kerr is not a Little Xi. I am looking forward to being Lord of Gods. I am very much looking forward to his awakening of Emperor Star. If he has Emperor Star, then he may become the first powerhouse in the world. Bit.”

“The killing power of killing is also very terrible, stronger than other peerless Heaven’s Chosen, ranking fourth is also deserved, but Demon God Kerr is even more terrible, defeated in such a person is not shameful.”

“That kind of Myriad Gods Power is terrible. It seems like a supreme force. It is above the power of God. Just after Demon God Kerr showed it, Heaven and Earth are eclipsed, so I want to have that kind of strength.”

“This is the exclusive strength of Demon God Kerr. It is the strength of his fusion of Ten Thousand Gods. How can ordinary people have it? You still don’t have to dream.”

“It seems that the slayer has the ability to devour the power of God. It also incorporates a lot of divine power. I don’t know if he has this kind of Myriad Gods Power. It seems that he has never seen him fight.”

“It’s ridiculous, what the slayer is, and now it’s compared to Demon God Kerr.”

“Yes! Now everyone can see the strength of Demon God Kerr. He definitely has the strength to challenge the owner of Emperor Star. Don’t say a godsaver, even ten gods are not as good as Demon God Kerr.”

“Um! Although the sorcerer has the ability to blend divine power, but it feels like the Demon God Kerr, now Demon God Kerr has the supreme power of Myriad Gods Power, and the god of strength?”

“Hey! Don’t do this, let’s look at Demon God Kerr and look forward to his challenge to the Emperor Star owner. I think it’s exciting.”


There are countless faces outside the secret world with a smile on the face. The battle between Demon God and Demon God Kerr is too shocking and exciting. The blood is flowing fast and the heart is beating.

The scene is also very lively, people around are talking about this, Demon God Kerr’s popularity is extremely high,

Everyone is a little envious of everyone watching Demon God Emperor, this Demon God Kerr is not the one they grew up from childhood.

It was only those who discovered them in the Outer Territory of God. It only took ten years to make him a terrifying person. How could they not have such good luck to meet people like Kerr.

At this time they really want to go to the outer world of Outer Territory for a few laps, and they understand that Kerr has great potential, even if this time is not Lord of Gods, did not wake up the Protoss Emperor Star, but give him a little time, he will do it.

At that time, Demon God Emperor had an Emperor Star owner, which made it too envious, but it was the Protoss Supreme Emperor Star.

Demon God Emperor also showed a proud smile. In the face of the envious eyes of everyone, Demon God Kerr’s performance also surprised them. It turns out that they fully support Demon God Kerr.

His eyes are turning back to the secret.

Kerr dissipated the strength of his body, and his appearance returned to its original appearance. A pair of eyes stared at the fainting of the past and killed him. He wanted to dig out the godhead of the killing, and his Myriad Gods Power would be strengthened.

The terrible power behind the killing is not so good, Kerr can only give up, it is not worthwhile to offend a terrifying force for such a killing god.

Finally, Demon God Kerr turns into a stream of light and disappears into the horizon, continuing to search for the Great God beast and remains, and enhancing Myriad Gods Power.

As the gods became shorter and shorter, Demon God Kerr felt an inexplicable heart. Although he didn’t know why, the instinct drove him to become stronger as soon as possible, otherwise there was no way to resist what happened next.

Now the fourth-ranked killer is also defeated in Kerr’s hands. The top ten Heaven’s Chosen is left with Kerr, and the three people are likely to get Lord of Gods. Others have no possibility.

The three of them are now being watched by countless people, and they are also discussing who can get Lord of Gods.

On the other hand, Zhao Yi found the entrance of a Lord God Land of Legacy at a time. It was a blue ball of light in the sky, which exudes a huge power, surrounded by numerous white clouds.

Because this place is very conspicuous, many people have come together and want to enter the Land of Legacy.

However, once someone approaches, the white clouds surrounding the blue ball of light will change into a big bird, making a fierce attack on the nearby people.

Zhao Wei naturally did not care, with the many women flying forward.

This time, Zhao Wei was not as good as before, and there was no test. A big bird consisting of only white clouds, with fierce strength, rushed over to Zhao.

Zhao Wei directly released a huge dragon mask, wrapped all the people in it, letting countless birds attack, and could not break the defense. Now Zhao Fu’s strength is so powerful, which attracts everyone to envy.

Later, Zhao Yu everyone flew into the blue ball of light and came to a space.

Here the sky is dark blue, the ground is lush, the mountains are majestic, the picture is ordinary, nothing special, but there is a statue standing in the sky, a statue of a woman.

The statue is high in kilometers, with a long hair, beautiful appearance, graceful, wearing a palace skirt, temperament and ethereal, exudes a huge god-like power, surrounded by numerous white clouds, seemingly awkward.

This should be the god of the sky.

Zhao Wei took out a sword and took a strong strength and rushed forward.


The stone statue directly emits a terrifying power, and the white clouds around her begin to change, forming a huge phoenix composed of white clouds, emitting a powerful pressure.


A huge roar rang, the phoenix made up of a white cloud, swaying its wings, with an amazing momentum, rushed over to Zhao, as if to eat Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei stood in the same place, with a disdainful smile on his face, raised the sword in his hand, and a huge strength poured into it. The sword radiated a strong light.


A sword slash out, that huge sword light with an amazing strength, directly squatting in the head of the Baiyun phoenix, the white phoenix was split in half, turned into countless white fog to dissipate.

Zhao Wei striking down that white cloud phoenix, flew directly to the front of the stone statue, waiting for her to give the legacy of the sky Lord God.

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