
Gotham couldn’t help but cursed, now God Qianhua and Luna are two peerless Heaven’s Chosen are his women, how can he revenge now?

Is this something to endure?

Thinking of the scene where my wife was just being played and enjoying it, the anger in the heart of the hook could not be eliminated, but there was nothing I could do, because even if he tried hard to beat the peerless Heaven’s Chosen, he could only cursed a dog and a man.

Looking to the other side, a mountain full of white flowers, killing the huge formation in the sky, now only six rounds did not emit light, he felt that when he arrived, he left.


A painful scream rang, a 10,000-meter-high, dark-haired hair, a single-horned head, a pair of blood-red eyes of the konjac being penetrated by a huge stream of light, numerous blood splatters, a konjac chest appeared a very Big hole.

But the konjac’s vitality is still not dead, and a person appears in front of him, his face with a cruel smile, stretches out a hand, turns into a magical catch by the magic, catches a devil 猿 body, will The gods in the body of the konjac were taken out.

This person is naturally a powerful terrifying Demon God Kerr.

After taking out the godhead, Kerr directly integrated the one-foot-tall black godhead into the body, closing his eyes and absorbing the strength of the godhead.

The remnant of the gods, no resistance is directly swallowed, just like meeting a black hole.

And the konjac that was taken out of the godhead, twitched on the ground, and died in the same place.

A stream of blood is falling here, and the blood is scattered and there is a figure of killing.

Looking at Demon God Kerr, he said, “There is a victory between us.”

The top ten Heaven’s Chosen ranks fourth and Kerr is third. For such a ranking, killing is somewhat uncomfortable. Although he doesn’t care so much about ranking, why do people think he is weaker than Kerr?

Kerr overbeared and smiled. “Yes, I want to solve your troubles early and then challenge the two Emperor Star owners.”

Killing ice-cold said, “You are so confident that you will win?”

Kerr laughed. “That’s for sure. I am going to be the owner of Ten Thousand Gods in the future. My name will ring the whole world. How can it be lost in your hands?”


Killing the expression ice-cold Looking at Kerr, holding out a hand and grabbing, a bloody sword appeared in the hands of the killing, a powerful murderous aura emerged from the body, “then look at it!”

Kerr had a smile on his face, grabbed a hand and grabbed it. A black iron fork engraved with countless magic lines appeared in his hands, and a huge magical force spread out.

Killing first started attacking Demon God Kerr, and the body instantly disappeared in the same place. In the next moment, it appeared in Kerr. A sword waved a sharp bloody sword light and smashed it to Kerr.

Kerr had a confident smile on his face, and a wave of iron in his hand gave a black arc.


The iron fork and the sword collided together, and the sound of steel intertwined sounded, and countless sparks broke out, and a strong wind spread.

The body that killed the Ming disappeared in the same place, appeared on Kerr’s side, and a sword brought out a bloody sword light. He smashed into Kerr’s head. Kerr didn’t turn his body, waved the iron fork in his hand, and killed it in one stop. one strike.

In the next second, the body of the killing disappeared instantly in the same place, appeared behind Kerr, raised the blood sword in his hand, radiating a bloody light, and rushed to Kerr with a strong strength.

Kerr turned to the iron fork in his hand, once again blocked the attack of killing the Ming, a pair of eyes looked at the killing, with a scornful smile on his face.


In the heart of the anger, a huge bloody aura broke out from the body, and then received an invisible strength control, and instantly slammed into the Kerr with a fierce strength.

Kerr’s face changed slightly and immediately smashed out of the hood, but was hit by the bloody aura, but he was not injured, and the black defensive cover only showed some slight cracks.


But the next second, the murder of the huge bloody aura appeared in front of him, a sword with a huge blood color sword light smashed on the black energy cover, the energy cover broke, and Kerr was also smashed out.

Kerr flew for more than a dozen meters to stop the body, but did not get hurt, but the look became serious, the strength of the killing is still very terrifying, he still does not have any idea.

Killing a hand-held sword with a huge bloody aura continues to rush to Kerr.


This time, Kerr was not willing to show weakness. A huge magical spirit emerged from the body and rushed to the killing.

The speed of the two is very fast, and the distance between them is only two meters.

Killing a huge strength into the sword in his hand, the sword of countless blood entangled, an amazing sword force exudes, and then forcefully waved, ferociously rushed to Kerr.

Kerr also injected a powerful magic into the iron fork, only to see that one iron fork exudes a myriad of magic, Kerr forced the iron fork, the iron fork with a terrible strength to kill the past.


A huge explosion sounded, and the sword and the iron fork slammed together. A black blood wave spread out and the ground shattered in an instant.

The two men were forced to retreat a few meters.

Killing at the next moment, the body leaned forward, rushed to Kerr once, and came to Kerr. The blood sword in his hand took the bloody sword qi and stabbed Kerr.

Kerr hid next to him, escaped the sword, and waved his iron fork, with an amazing strength, to the abdomen of the killing.

The killing has been unable to dodge, and the body’s bloody aura formed a fog shield at that moment.


The bloody fog shield is stronger than imagined, and the iron fork hit with a powerful strength is blocked by the fog shield.

Kerr’s face glimpsed, and a sneer appeared on the face of the killing. A sword waved to Kerr and brought out a sharp bloody sword light. Kerr leaned back and escaped the attack.

Killing with a bloody atmosphere, continued to rush to Kerr.

Kerr’s face was a little angry. Now he’s really angry, sticking out a hand, a huge magical rush, forming a big demon big hand, with a huge momentum to catch the Ming,


A crisp sword rang, killing a strong strength and injecting the sword into the hand. With a wave of force, a huge and fierce bloody sword smashed out, and the demon that was caught was opened and turned into countless demons. Gas dissipates.


At the moment when the magic gas dissipated, Kerr’s body appeared in front of the killing, the iron fork in his hand, with a huge strength, stabbed the killing.

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