Even if Lei Tianming is like this, Lunar New Year did not look at the Lei Tianba brothers.

Shen Qianhua dissipated all the strengths and said with a smile on the moon. “You just called me so kindly, I wanted you to call me that very early.”

The moon is white and the god is looking at you. “I am looking at you as a woman who is also a husband. I have said that, I have said that I am not interested in women, and there is a relationship, you should not.”

Shen Qianhua said with a smile of the moon, “I still like you, rest assured that we all belong to the guy’s woman, will not care about this matter, when we will serve him together.”

The face of the moon was reddish, and he broke away from the embrace of Shen Qianhua and found it flying to Zhao.

Shen Qianhua followed with a smile, and now there are both men and women. This kind of day feels good.

When Lei Tianba heard the two people serving Zhao Fu’s words together, he couldn’t help but admire him. He wanted to conquer these two women and let them surrender under him. What a glorious thing, they are the peerless world of the gods. beauty.

Lei Tianming thought of the woman who was so holy in the moon, and she was very painful in the eyes of Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei left the place directly with the crowd and continued to search for Lord God Land of Legacy.

Lei Tianba and Lei Tianming also left the place. Now that Lei Tianba’s face is dim, he is defeated in the hands of others. It is impossible to become Lord of Gods. Everything loses its meaning and becomes somewhat boring.

A few hours later, Zhao Wei sensed something and flew to the side. When the three sisters also sensed something, they followed Zhao Wei and flew to one side.

Others are a bit strange, not sure what Zhao Yan is sensing.

After a while, everyone came to a light curtain. This a ray of light curtain has 12 colors, falling from the sky and covering a place in front. Because of the light curtain, it does not live clearly. .

Zhao Wei looked at this a ray of light and felt a powerful force of time. This kind of time is very special, not the same as the time of the three y, but another time. Power.

Because of the special reason, Zhao Wei took the crowd to come and see, maybe there will be any unexpected gains.

Now this a ray of light screen needs time to open, which is not difficult for Zhao Wei, not only has three time GoddeSS, he also has time power.

In front of the light curtain, Zhao Yu stretched out a hand and pressed it on the light curtain. The power of time came out, and the light curtains of the 12 colors appeared a wave of waves, and then a large round hole appeared.

Zhao Wei showed a smile and walked into it. Others followed Zhao Wei.

After entering it, everyone found that they came to a large building. It seemed to be a big city. It looked very old, some places collapsed, and some places grew weeds and looked desolate.

The power of that time spread everywhere, and Zhao asked when he turned his head. “What time is it that you feel this?”

When the y opening said, “This kind of time force is like a kind of time, but it is different from the time of the ordinary year. I am not sure what kind of time it is.”

Original time, minute, second, month, week is a unit of time, but God of Time, which was born in that period of time, can also be called the god of the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods.

Since they have become gods, they naturally have their own time power, so they can also be divided into the power of time, the power of time, the power of time, the power of week.

The strongest of these is the power of the year, because the year is already the largest unit of time, with the strongest time.

Zhao Wei thought that when y as a time GoddeSS should know this kind of strength, the result is somewhat disappointing.

At the same time, Zhao Wei is also very curious. What kind of strength is this strength, and what is special, even when y does not know.

Zhao Wei took the person to move on and look at the center of the city.


A group of goats rushed over to the crowd with a huge momentum. This group of goats is only 5 or 6 meters long. The wool on the body is green, the two corners are like jade, and the four hooves can step on the void. The power of that time.

In the face of these rushing goats, Zhao Wei took out a sword and waved a powerful black sword light to the group of goats.

And something unexpected happened, these goats will also have the power of time, emitting a lot of green light, the horrible sword light of the past, slowly reduced, and finally disappeared, did not attack the goat.

Zhao Wei was a little surprised. The force of a time was injected into the sword in his hand, and he once smashed into the group of goats.

This time, the green light emitted by the goats was incapable of resisting the sword light. I saw that some of the goats in front were smashed into halves. After the goats were opened, they turned into countless green spots and floated toward the center of the city.

There are still a lot of goats left, and others are also taking shots and starting to striking down these goats.

Because of the power of time, the general strength has no effect on the goat, except for some strength that can break the time, so other women do not perform well, and there are no goats that are striking down too much.

When the three sisters were God of Time, they performed very well.

I saw that they reached out a hand, and the power of time came out, forming a wheel of time to appear around their palms. Each time the wheel of time constantly absorbed the strength and fired a beam of light.

Countless shots of the beam are very fast, just across the air, passing a goat’s body through into a myriad of green spots, drifting toward the center of the city.

The people solved this group of goats and everyone continued to move forward.

In less than a moment, another group of animals with a huge momentum, rushed to Zhao Yi.

This is a group of cows. These cows are the same size as the previous goats. They are 5 or 6 meters in size. The cowhide is black. A pair of horns, like steel, exudes a strong momentum and a time of breath. .

There is also the number of this group of cattle, almost the same as the previous group of goats, no more and no less.

Zhao Wei looked at the group of rushing cattle, did not say anything, directly began to striking down this group of cattle.

And this group of cows will also turn into countless black spots, drifting to the center of the city.

It seems that I want to know this thing clearly. It is definitely necessary to go to the center of the city. Zhao Wei did not waste time to carry on with everyone.

Because these two attacks, although it is a little troublesome to deal with, there is no danger, and everyone has not brought fear.

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